Was this CGI?

Was this CGI?

Yeah they had to cg Matt LeBlanc when he would go out for dinner


no, it's JOEY

Friends is trash. No show ever did more to bring degeneracy into mainstream normie goyim lives. In the relatively innocent 90's you had introduced:

The breaking down of traditional relationships and marriage: "Hey, I slept with you, and you and you, and here's my new boyfriend... but let's all hang out like a big happy group! That's what cool people do!"

Normalization of gay relationships and gay adoption.

Race mixing.

etc. etc.

This is how the "long march" of leftism works... normalization of something that was then quite radical, that two decades later, looks quaint. Hence all this recent non-stop shilling of a 20 year old show.

they were able to get this performance form him by putting a hot meal on the table. he was staring at the hot meal

How's school champ?


>Hank Azaria is jewish

wtf I hate the Simpsons now!

was his first hot meal a cgi?

Those Jews sure are a talented bunch

was it cgi?

Was this practical effects?

based russ


Dr. Ramore i'm CGI


Yep. They're slowly doing the same thing now with trannies and pedophilia. Bestiality too if you're Canadian. Just take a look at /gif/. It's not stop incest and tranny threads being pushed by Israeli bots.

No it was CIA

go back to your containment board

The 70s and 80s were way more degenerate, People indulged in sex and drugs way more back then.

>"The breaking down of traditional relationships and marriage: "Hey, I slept with you, and you and you, and here's my new boyfriend... but let's all hang out like a big happy group! That's what cool people do!""

This is actually what normal people do.