What is his face trying to convey?

what is his face trying to convey?

>can I get her to 300? ohhho baby


>Im marrying her for her money

"This probably isn't going to be worth the money."

>if she doesnt stop brapping right now im going to vomit

Which one is 'he'?

>I'm gonna need a therapist if i have to see or smell that chunky ass again.

"no more vibrators!"

Is that David Schwimmer, but with down syndrome?

10 bucks this guy has a period fetish.

>"...Nobody knows the horrors i've seen"

The Jewish wedding ceremony ends with a famous bang. Stomping on a glass is one of the best-known features of Jewish weddings. Traditionally, the groom did the deed; today the couple often share the honor/pleasure, smashing one or two napkin-wrapped glasses.

Few Jewish symbols have a single explanation, and this one is downright kaleidoscopic. The custom dates back to the writing of the Talmud :

Mar bar Rabina made a marriage feast for his son. He observed that the rabbis present were very gay. So he seized an expensive goblet worth 400 zuzim and broke it before them. Thus he made them sober. (Berakhot 5:2 )

In other words, where there is rejoicing, there should be trembling!

>whole shtick is muh vagina and how many dicks she can get
>am i wrong for marrying a whore? no, it is everyone else who is judgemental and prude
Maybe white people don't deserve to live after all.

>when your rapist forces you to marry her due to her uncle who's a senator

>if only you knew how bad things really are

This is the face of a broken man.

>He observed that the rabbis present were very gay. So he seized an expensive goblet worth 400 zuzim and broke it before them. Thus he made them sober.

>Cum Eating Cuckolds

It’s a smart move honestly

>eventually they’ll divorce and she’ll have to pay alimony
>he’ll be rich and rolling in pussy

Only for the price of a few years with her. Might not be worth it though

>what is his face trying to convey?

>I fucking told her I was only a chef to get her to leave me alone.

She's a liberal Jewish celebrity. She'll claim he marriage raped her and come out completely clean

>If the Rabbi sees me with this pig, I'm finished.