No.1: mods

No.1: mods
No.7: Sup Forums
No.8: /tg/
No.9: /vr/
No.10: Sup Forums
No.11:Sup Forums
No.12: /biz/

>tfw I can't match up the men to their numbers but I can instantly remember who was who when described as boards
>they didn't even have fucking names but they're infinitely more relate-able and deep than half the mary sues that have entire novels dedicated to their backstories in modern cinema
Goddamn this movie was truly kino
WAAAAY underrated IMO

It's universally recognised as a classic and kino

Haven't heard anyone talk about it outside of school

that's how embedded it is

which I have no problem with

This flick is not just kino its KINO himself

Aw shit, I see
I just wish someone would make a really in-depth analysis of it like they do with something like Kane

they have, it's pretty cornerstone m'dude

single room, one scene really

film students study how you can make work out of these conditions as well as acting

but you can also make:

-political studies on it
-game theory, unfortunately

This kino was the absolute best argument for quality>quantity
They managed to make one of the most engaging and thought-provoking films of all time which spends 90% of its screentime in one fucking room, whereas all this capeshit and soyboy crap comes out with a million different vistas and big budget effects that can't hold a candle to it.
A puddle that's as deep as an ocean is always better than an ocean that's as deep as a puddle

>game theory, unfortunately
I feel you
I always felt Ground Zeroes was a better MGSV than Phantom Pain for similar reasons as described for films

>Ground Zeroes was a better MGSV than Phantom Pain

oops, I'm afraid I lost you

bump for stix

>TFW I saw this movie with an old man dying of cancer
>he knew every word by heart and saw the movie for the first time when he was a kid

The kid was definitely full 56% faec. Should have had him killed and thus clean up the community just a bit.

Just Wait a minute there

school shootings solved

I don't remember which one's numbers

why is 2 fit? I even saw people on the net thinking if he was gay.
why is 5 soc?
I would expect you to say 8 is reddit or tumblr

Pardon my Sup Forums but if you're looking to get a liberal tolerant of alternate views this is the perfect gateway. Hook em in with the "won't anyone think of the poor minority kids" shtick and reel them in with the true "if there's even a shadow of a doubt it can't conclusively be called true" message

your Sup Forums is pardoned, it's warranted

the movie is correct in the reasonable doubt

you, thinking that it "lures" you in liberal ideas, are only proving that what you're trylu opposing is democracy itself. The movie was released in a difficult era (mccarthyism). It only presents a stance of loyalty to the institutions of your country.

>why is 2 fit?

seriously man?

>why is 5 soc

different social backgrounds

Anyone here seen the Friedkin adaptation? Really good and underrated as fuck

the modern one? me, I like both

Jack Lemmon plays Davis, right?

Yeah, from 97. With George C. Scott and Gandolfini too

>George C. Scott

I wanted to write "the general from dr. strangelove"

The guy in the original, number 3, is the father of Ed Beagley Jr.

In this version juror #10 manages to turn everybody else racist
