Were the Resident Evil films bad?

Were the Resident Evil films bad?

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Objectively dumb but good as guilty plea


the cgi ones are better than the live action

I don't think they are bad, considering the content.

I enjoyed every single one of those silly little films. They're stupid, but entertaining.

I'd argue no. They're not high art, but they found a sizable audience that enjoys these movies and they cater to them well.

He was a big guy

youtube.com/watch?v=8yM5H_xavts I think the opening scene to Retribution is pretty dope.

Yes, but they're fun bad. Just like the games

They also have the best music during the credits.

the first two are great

third film is just okay

the rest are trash

It's like you want someone to post the whole final shoot out

Absolute shit, both the live action and CGI ones.

Yes but I love them.

Mila Jovovich is 8 million times the stronk womyn actor jlaw could ever hope to be, but she is never casted because she is attractive.

>tfw we never get a live action adaption of Resident Evil 4

The first wasn't bad, just mediocre. They rest are trash but entertaining, part of the hivemind here.

I enjoyed them.

I'll allow it.

>6 movies, billion dollar female led franchise
>sjw or mras didn't gave a shit about it
no, they're kino

The first one is great
Second is shit
Third is neat for the setting and that it mainly takes place during the day
The one where they're in the give 2.0 is a good videogame movie with the different levels and screen accurate characters
Rest are shit

It's just the right amount of "ok" and "fuck it" to be real. It's not what I want, but I'd love for a studio to waste the money and time to make it happen. We can still go back to the game to enjoy a 9/10 at worst game, while experiencing and, at worst, ignoring this potential movie from ever existed,

Fuck that's really good

but they're entertaining and sometimes that's enough

well anything with best girl would be good

Same problem as Pyramid Head in the movie. I just can't believe this dude can pick up and run with that kind of weapon. He's too small and the axe looks weightless. Pic related on the other hand, I can.

how did they get the rights to Astaroth, anyway?

That’s unironically a great cast

The first movie was worth making and it was pretty decent, albeit it completely missed the feel from the original game / reason the series was beloved from the first place. The series got worse with each sequel, straying into a very rewatchable guilty pleasure experience until the final two films. The second to last movie could possibly avoid the heaviest criticism, but both it and the last film were easily the weakest and laziest films created from the film series. The games up through 4, no matter which versions, are still a better experience overall compared to the movies.

come on man those movies are also pants on head retarded
>everything on Vendetta
>that one where Leon's last stand against a Tyrant was almost with a fucking knife

Definitive rankings:

1 > 3 > power gap > 2 >>>> 6 >> 4 >>>>>> 5

What about this guy


remember when Resident Evil was about zombies?

I thought the first one was pretty decent. It definitely felt like Resident Evil. They could have easily made a mainline videogame entry in the RE series based on it. Replacing OC Donut Steel Alice with Jill of course. I would love an RE game that takes place entirely in a huge underground Umbrella research facility. Why the fuck didn't they ever do that?

The laser room scene in the first is all you need.


>I would love an RE game that takes place entirely in a huge underground Umbrella research facility. Why the fuck didn't they ever do that?

Video games need level variety so the player doesn't get bored, also people usually dislike the laboratory sections.

>tfw when 30 second ad is better than whole film franchise AND original japanese CGI movies.
>because Romero


I don't remember this advertisement, but I do know I bought the N64 expansion pack / RAM upgrade to specifically play RE2. The first two games will never be surpassed. RE4 is fantastic, but the first two are the reason anyone actually cares. Everything since then has been an added bonus / detraction.

oh fuck you underage son of bitch. And also the first RE movie is legit good.

zombie panic maps (and zombie master IIRC) were recreated the hive, fun as hell

That's only because they are often too attractive looking.
However mechanical areas always do well.
In the case of Silent Hill for example.
Hospitals do well, see Parasite Eve.

They're masterpieces of vulgar auteurism

>Were the Resident Evil films bad?

wow I never knew the exppack ugraded RE2 graphics.
romero movies are pretty shit

wtf am i seeing lol TDKR animated?

well put

kek terrible

I believe it raised the resolution to 640x480, but it didn't require it. The game box highlighted it, so my brother and I got my parents to purchase it for Christmas that year. We still bought / played the games that required it, so it was a win / win.

This, it was lazy film-making.

Why attempt making new dynamic content when you can just replay the exact same shit across several movies.

The Resident Evil series that has followed since the 1st film is one of the greatest indirect negative statement against modern movie audiences.

That a series of shitty movies like this one cannot only survive, but thrive.

What is really crazy is re2 onward are actually a pure result of listening to a bunch of underage fanboys shitposting about how re1 wasn't like the games enough. So they start doing literal recreations of scenes from the games (starting with nemesis's opening cinematic) combined with a bit of fanfiction and this basic ass tasteless fan pandering becomes an incredibly successful franchise.

Truly a respectably terrible way to stumble into box office success. There's no way to recreate the actual feel of RE with a movie, much like trying to create Silent Hill as a movie. Those two original (Remake / HDremake included) are video games that transcend what film could achieve to do beyond a mini series. It's not worth approaching except from a passion project that isn't aimed at a franchise / making money. We're all fucked because no studio will finance it. The games are still the best versions we'll ever see, and we're probably better off for it.

How could a miniseries do it? The real horror/suspense elements in RE come from the gameplay mechanics if you strip that away into film you are left with just a zombie movie (which is why I think RE1 movie is actually good now).

i can't even call them movies. they were... "visual representations of an idiot's dream."

The second to last film had them getting ready in washington dc, the last stronghold of the military. The last one started after that had been wiped out and alice was the only one left, they didn't show the battle or anything and it was very jarring, now did I completely blank part of the film or is it really edited that way?

I don't have an argument, but I'd like to see someone try to make a mini series of RE1 and 2. I agree that the games + the first movie are the best we've seen so far, with the games being the absolute best.

The first Silent Hill movie was a huge let down, but aspects of it captured the atmosphere and feel. I don't think there's a studio or company out there that can really do it justice; however, the potential is there.

1 was great. the last one was shit.

1 as "good" as it could've been
2 let's just remake the game cutscenes with OC Donut Steel Alice
3 fuck the games we Zombie Mad Max now
4 fun retarded shit, worth it just for Wesker ham alone
5 literally filler simply because they wanted to do another trilogy
6 fuck the games, hell, fuck the previous 5 movies let's retcon 90% of them

The first one was pretty good

I think the word you're looking for is "brilliant"

reminder, this is how Jill dies off-screen between Retribution and Final Chapter

>Del Taco
>no Doug Jones
con qué propósito


Daily reminder Anderson is a hack who has to rip off other hacks like Snyder.

Yeah like Bollywood "brilliant"

Post what you consider to be three great movies

>cgi Resident Evil


It was edited by a guy named Doobie. No lie.

I want to fuck Hannigan and Ada at the same time


So bad they were good
More like
1 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 6 > 4 with 5 being my favorite guilty pleasure

the novelization of the last movie

completely awful
so slightly better than MCU

First one no. I really liked how the intro of the film sets you up, introduces you to a bunch of people so you think they will be the protagonists, then kills them all. Also love the sountrack, esp the opening scene with Jason Issacs narrating.

Didn't much care for the rest of them.

It was borderline experimental.

They're entertaining and inventive
But they're fucking retarded
They're like the scifi horror version of Fast/Furious

2 > 1 > POWERGAP > 3 > 5 > 6 > 4

Dude,the hospital part was so good. the boss was a little lackluster though.

I feel that the REmake surpassed 1 at least, even if it was a redo, it was just so fucking amazing.

Unironically the best movies ever made. They're quintessential guilty pleasure movies

But that's just how the T-1000 killed the security guard in T2.


yes, all of them, but the first one had a GOAT score and OK execution (comparatively)

literally perfect

Not just bad, awful.

Maybe the first two, but Vendetta is the worst RE movie period.


Who was the BEST Resident Evil girl though?


2 and 5

the movies are shit
the soundtracks on the other hand are kino

Naw its:


Jill of course

Not if they're drinking that much coffee.

RE was never good

Book of eli had a similar scene with just one cut. Holy hell

The lab is saved for the end as it answers all the questions. Having a game just take place in a lab would get boring quick, you have to pace your shit out.