Is your local cinema handing out kfc at the black panther premiere?

Is your local cinema handing out kfc at the black panther premiere?

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where's the violent gang rape, shootings, robbing, and kfc /poltv/ said would happen?

>They showing out for Black Panther

Up*. They're showing "up."

>dey showins out da for dis Black Panther

I can't wait to not see this in the theater.

Why are blacks such savages?

>implying you wouldn't eat some of that chicken too


>yo dis movie be about ma peoples!!
>dey gots a drum up in dis muthafucka!

for me it's the 2pac cosplay that's been the highlight of black twitter

This is one of the most obnoxious movie premieres I've ever seen.

Disgusting savages

Jesus Christ.
I thought we were just memeing and having a laugh at the media.

Is the prophecy coming true?

naw man naw


blacks are raising the stakes for Indian movie goers.

Why did they all show up for Black Panther?
There's been other movies about blacks up until now.


Why are blacks so tribalistic? Are they only interested in movies were the majority of the cast is black?

>Why did black people show up to a movie that makes them look like brilliant kings and queens with the greatest tech on earth and one of the greatest civilizations on the planet

That guys got 2 plates of chicken right there

It's the WE WUZ KANGZ meme in real life. It's literally a movie about kings in africa.

It's not out in wide release yet.

whites are the same

Why are whites so tribalistic? Are they only interested in movies were the majority of the cast is white?

Most black people legitmately hate white people and are black supremacists. If anyone tells you different they're naive for lying.


Holyshit that is crazy shit

Every single race is like this, to be fair. Some just hide their supremacist tendencies better than others. White people just feel the most guilty about it.

and there they go, already invalidating all the positive ideas and goodwill that the bp movie was trying to foster for them around the world. nice going chimps

that's nice but if it was white people putting on that act for star wars or lotr i would throw a brick and tell them to shut the fuck up

that's just brown pixels mate, you cant tell what it is

I liek baked beans

Haunted theatre

Did one of the patrons bring the drums?

100% true, fuck niggers!

is this the afro version of a soyboy?

That happens after the"film"

>kinoplex stories now have to include zulu tribesmen
the lore grows

whites are the least tribalistic race by far. not saying that's a good thing. perhaps you meant tri-ballistic my melanated friend?

my wife's son on the right

Be careful, sir. The drum is heavy.

I was there man.
Um, ooga booga,where da white women at?

Nah he's just a neckbeard.

>the replies to that tweet
>all those dark black people chimping out because the quadroon is making fun of them and telling her she's not allowed to claim her 25% of black blood anymore because she made fun of a shitty superhero movie and the absurd reaction to it

It's like we're all living in a Sup Forums shitpost come to life.

black people hate white people because white people are still incredibly prejudice against blacks

In the tumultuous times we presently find ourselves in, in the wake of Black Lives Matter and the rise of cultured diversity, it is important to be respectful of black culture and show that we are supportive of them and allow them to take the lead.

I thought the beans was from the can of green beans

here's the warm-up

All people are tribalistic. It's hardwired into our biology. We're more apt to feel empathy and relate to those most genetically like us. It's why multi-racial societies never work.

black people hate white people because we bred them like farm animals and regret nothing

sir, can you please make way for the drum ensemble
also you need to buy a ticket for one of the spiritual tribesmen as part of our monthly "pay reparations" program

The fact that someone can say this and completely miss the irony of their own statement is troublesome to me.

>Go exclusively to see movies at Movie Tavern.

>Lay back in a cozy electric recliner.

>Waiters bring you food and drinks at the press of a button.

>No niggers because they cannot afford it.

Sure thing, little buddy

God I wish there was a way to kill all niggers in this world.

>>kinoplex stories now have to include zulu tribesmen

Looks like he’s doing a shitty cosplay of the dad from Coming to America

Its free, as in costs them nothing

Why does this not work for me? Do I need to allow ads or some shit?

>tfw no literally negros around me so i won't get to feel the jungle music before the showing

>blacks are prejudiced against whites because whites are prejudiced against blacks
>whites are prejudiced against blacks because blacks commit violent crime at a sub-human level, act like entitled children and are generally terrible ''''''people''''', and also because blacks are prejudiced against whites
hmm, i wonder who's in the wrong here.

>we bred them like farm animals
>the jews and muslims ran the slave industry
>less than 2% of white people owned slaves

Fuck niggers what about all the others or are they not diverse enough. Diversity today only means Niggers and that's the sad truth. T. Chink

how are you even getting mad at this, this shit is hilarious

Just wait for all the videos of white girls blowing black dudes at screenings of this movie to be put on pornhub.

Would they even let white people participate?

can't believe they did this during the movie

Holy fuck, looking at black panther posts on twitter right now is hilarious. These people actually think this is a civil right movement

fuck no, that's just a wh*Toid larping

This just can't be real, I thought people were memeing...

Excuse me, the KFC dispenser in the washroom broke again

>go to local kinoplex
>watch black panther
>final fight about to start
>theater erupts in laughter and chimp noises
>start *dabbing*
>black dude pats my shoulder and says "U AIGHT WHITE BOI"
>hear "he cute" from one the girls

>showing up with plates of stinky food

I'm fucking howling as a Yuro. Is it all true? All the memes?

Will they be singing and dancing in the isles during the movie? Doing the whole "OH LAWDY DON'T GOH IN DEAH!" shouting at the screens? Dear god help.

“Showing out” is negro speak for acting a fool.

fights already going down

Usually, I expect people to behave like civilized human beings before and while watching a movie. They're just disrespectful.

Part of me wants to believe they're just having fun but I've just seen too much shit online and in the media that makes it clear that they're taking this shit seriously.

It’s like watching white people doing flash mobs.

fuck i regret not buying a ticket
being in one live would've been true nig kino

I used to do that as a kid with my mom when we as a family went to the theare, I would bring chicken breast and mashed potatos while my bro brought steak and seasons/sauce. My mom got mad but the theater had no problem with it

After white people are gone, they'll go for the lightskins next. Already happened in Haiti.


>be white person
>live in dirt poor trailer park
>can't afford to eat
>everyone hates you because you're poor AND your skin is white

>be black person
>live in dirt poor section 8 housing
>can't afford to eat
>everyone loves you because you're a poor oppressed minority and you deserve everything in the world and white people need to shut up because they're privileged
Are people actually surprised that more white people are getting fed up with BLM and turning to white nationalism?

Did you miss the part about no regrets?

>black people can't even sit together in one location without fighting each other

so he was a ghost the whole time?

Found the straightedge mormon

Maybe i will venture down to my local kinoplex and check the spectacle.

>that's nice but if it was white people putting on that act for star wars or lotr i would throw a brick and tell them to shut the fuck up

Imagine white people showing up to LotR to "celebrate our rich heritage" and bringing out bagpipes to set the mood. It's so fucking ridiculous the fact people accept this as "their way" just shows how we treat blacks like children.

This is fucking insane.

fucking pathetic. even refer to yourself as a chink.

still not surprising in the slightest

Robert is.

What amazes me about all of this is how American blacks have put aside their usual hatred and contempt of their indigenous African brethren for this.

>be a studio jew
>release movie for white people
>they can't agree if they like it
>most stay home and wait for a free rip
>lose a bunch of money
>release movie for black people
>they love it
>many go see it in theaters
>make a bunch of money

are you able to comprehend what you read?


I wasn’t there. I didn’t farm niggers.
No ragrets.

I'm going to the kinoplex right now to be part of the riots, whos with me?

it was jews
every single slave ship company was owned by jews
98% of slaves were owned by jews