The music video for the song featured early computer animation illustrating the lyrics...

>The music video for the song featured early computer animation illustrating the lyrics. The video was one of the first uses of computer-animated human characters and was considered ground-breaking at the time of its release.

Does it still hold up?

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Both the song and video.

RIP they didn't get their MTV.

>Does it still hold up?
Sure, the song is legitimately pretty good and while it's dated as hell the animation gives it a cool sort of vintage charm. I like it.

As a piece of high quality animation? No, people can pop out better animated stuff in a few days with Source Film-maker

It's a pretty great music video though, and the low quality actually helps keep it distinct and memorable. The crappiness of the animation matches the mundane work of the character singing, compared to them guys on the MTV

The sentiment of the song hasn't died out, and has probably grown stronger. Replace rock and roll with being a youtube celebrity, or a startup company creator and it only gets a little more relevant.

That little Clampett got his own ce-ment pond. That little Clampett? He's a million-aire.

Looka' them yo-yos.

both characters look pretty stylized for the era. those exact same models could still work today, wonder if they still have them.

>the album version is 8 minutes long

you have a strange way of sitting down on your chair, surprised user

Most of the lyrics came from Mark Knopfler overhearing a guy in a TV store and just noting down his ramblings to a co-worker whilst one of his own songs was playing on MTV. So it's pretty grounded in real people's sentiment.

This is Sal now. Feel old yet?

>tfw listening to the rest of Dire Strait's discography

So which little faggot were they singing about anyway?

"See the little faggot with the earring and the make up?"
"That little faggot got his own jet airplane"
"That little faggot he's a millionaire"

It was made in an era when the animators could not actually see their work. They just entered in some numbers for the models to move on an x y z plane. Sent them to Los Angeles and in three weeks got the video mailed to them so see where they fucked up and what they got right.

the song is about a conversation the guy who wrote the song overheard between some blue collar workers

Honestly, these are the only lyrics that I actually know. The damn Weird Al version

Elton John

Mötley Crüe

Meant to respond to that woops

Some of the Nickelodeon bumpers were some of the earliest CGI animations too

In the 80's it is damn impossible to tell. Every singer had $800 permed hair, pink tights, bare midriffs, loads of fluorescent makeup, glitter, and designer boots.


I remember being told it was Boy George... or was it George Michael? who the fuck knows

both in retrospect

Me. I'm very short for my age and I'm a guy.

I love that Knopfler's condition for letting Weird Al parody that song was Mark being allowed to play on it.

Post Berserk in Sup Forums

I was ready to sleep, but after entering this thread I've decided to listen Alchemy yet another time

I like the """controversial""" lyrics.