Questionable Content

Dude's excited about being upgraded from a fucking bench-top appliance and this bitch ruins it for him. Are we really meant to sympathize with this woe is me crap?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, because the creator is shit.

We don't like it here, and we already saw that they don't like it on QC forums. What more is there to discuss?


He's ruining mai waifu with this shit.

Remember kids, you can only be happy about your triumphs if no one is lesser than you.

Never mind that May is a CRIMINAL (and a willing one) who deserves what she is going through.

May, after all, was a robot who willingly committed crime rather than a poor person who was hungry and robbed a store to eat.

As far as I can tell, there is no legitimate reason for a robot to actually commit crime.

>Why do I get the feeling this is heading down Sinfest Road?

They're starting to wake up in the forums


She got slammed for wanting to bear arms.

You know what I don't get, right?

Why doesn't May just ask Hannelore for a new frame?

Hannelore's kind of a pushover.

I spose cause then she wouldn't have an excuse to act like a high and mighty cunt.

Because as soon as she hears about it, sympathizes, and agrees to do it, The Man will bust down the door and inform Hannelore that terrible things will happen to her if she helps out an ex-con that the Human Patriarchy has decided to intentionally oppress.

...then Winslow, who is basically a slave, isn't the one she should be mad at, she should be mad at Hannelore for not using her privilege to help May.

But May won't apologize to Winslow even though he's a slave, basically.

> posting from the airport in paris! THE FUTURE

Your 10K Patreon donations at work folks.


This whole week has been 'A Very Special Episode' levels of shit

>Less than 100 words per comic
>can't run the script through a spellcheck.
I know this guy worked for like five years before he found the money train, but I still hate this guy.

I don't know what's more likely, that he makes these typos for the Patreon upload for them to catch and correct before it goes live, or that he makes enough that some of them go live anyway.

May also became an unintentional SJW.

She berates Winslow for his new body, unaware that he opted to pay back Hammers, which she declined.

When Momo tells May a nearly exact situation, May pretty much says "your cool, at least you understand the plight of the AnthroPC."

Christ, the next page better be Hannelore laying down a verbal smackdown on May.

I seriously doubt that. When it's pointed out that he pretty much called out his fan base for being hypocrites subtly, all Hell is gonna break loose.

Androids and cyborgs are people too~

There's that word again on this shitfest of a storyarc, did his tumblrbux from patreon take a dive or does he need extra cash for something?


I despair every time I look upon what's become of QC. It was never awesome, but it was at least entertaining. Did he make this reference on purpose?


It might have! He used to have the dollar amount on here, but now it just has the number of subscribers:

He's going to mutilate his hand again. Calling it now.

Handocaust part 2, in T minus 48:00:00.

Well more importantly the situation is different when it's her friend in the same boat as Winslow, she's willing to overlook things.

They're going to take our jobs and/or our women!

I've noticed a lot of cartoonists do that on their Patreons. Might be a new feature, or a thing where creators got tired of people giving them shit for making $X a month on lame work, or not doing anything at all on their projects.

I thought it was a patreon wide thing to (by default) hide how much cash was coming in in favor of only showing patrons?

>it's okay to be a dick and express your feelings as aggressively as you want as long as you're lesser than the target of your aggression in at least one aspect, the comic

Also it's totally okay to consider that, unlike yourself, Winslow is a law abiding citizen.


Or they don't want the IRS to know the exact amount.

"Yeah, I got 5K in donations. Yeah......."

ah yes, now shitty webcomics artists can now engage in tax evasion to better make comics insulting rich white people who dodge taxes

I don't know shit about QC, just from what I read passing over the catalog.

So is the story just this generally cancerous? Because it seems like this dude is happy and wants to share it with his friend, too happy for a moment to consider how she might feel (something by absolute accident and would never do on purpose) and she goes off on a tangent about it, villainfies the dude, and now the dude is seeking redemption while she gets a pass? And continues lecturing on it?

What the fuck?

Also apparently she was an asshole that committed excessive crimes for... wanting to be a jet? If I remember that post correctly.

Have I got it straight so far?

JJ pretty much is trying to appear Socially Aware, but ends up falling in his face. Like your typical SJW.

But he's a meek male robot and she's a strong female robot.

Check your privilege, cis shitlord.

BRB, reporting this to the IRS.

>ai bitch hates her job as a bank ai and illegally uploaded herself into a fighter jet

>got caught and is serving community service in a shitty government provided robot body

>blonde chick buys her ai ipod a new robot body after years of being an immobile square

>he is happy and excited to show his friends


Yeah this is sounding like steaming dog shit. Thanks for the heads up!

I thought Patreon already reported to the IRS as a matter of not being accused of abetting tax evasion?

Is he using a phone to look stuff up? Why does he need a device? He is the device!

>Is he using a phone to look stuff up?
No, that's the poorly drawn drinking cup.

thankfully, no, it's tea because... well it's still retarded, now AI bots can have hallucinations through smell. He's huffing tea

>Questionable Content is horrible
Well no shit Sherlock

>ai bitch hates her job as a bank ai and illegally uploaded herself into a fighter jet
She stole 750 million dollars and got caught before she could buy the jet, I don't think there has been any indication of remorse either.

>companion device
>wants to fuck off and do other things


How did she get paroled again?

Stealing more than like ten million upgrades it to a super felony rather than just a regular felony.

Basically, as a robot, she probably should have been forcibly reprogrammed.

AI gets way too much leeway in this reality. Basically people in this world buy iPads who will randomly decide they want to do more than whatever it is you bought them to do and so far no one stops them from doing that.

she was made to be a banking AI and got busted for taking money to be what she really wanted to be.

Shouldn't she have just used her eternal life to save up enough money to be what she wanted to be?

It's been retconned to where both the AI and the human have to be screened before they get paired up, and it's a companionship program they both have to sign up for. If you want a dumb computer or a dumb appliance you can still get those.

She's still the only case of an AI not getting to be what they want to be. Still doesn't make much sense.

you think the AI built into devices get paid?

characters have said that most AIs are happy being what they were made for. so they must be programming them at the factory to be content with being a toaster.

So when people tell me to check my privilege, they are just jealous at my good fortune and want me to feel bad about because their life is shit?

Man, if only they told me that rather then telling me to educate myself, when I asked what privilege is.

>Posting about his financial and ability to travel privilege

What a fucking shitlord.

so you answering these two posts just brings up a hypothetical scenario that of course will never be addressed. Is AI screening mandatory or only for consumer use? Is it illegal to force an AI to operate as something against it's will? Did she ever admitted to the bank of her wishes?
Jeph is putting all this half-baked AI shit lately because he wanted an easy to draw wacky side character back when he drew like a kindergartner and now can use it for more virtue signalling but doesn't take a fucking minute to wonder how just throwing shit out might not make a lick of sense

I gotta stop browsing the threads

I check the site for the next page and realize I already read it so I'm reliant on patreon leaks

W-w-wait, so Jeph 'Tumblr was right' Jacques is basically legitimizing slavery of a race that he has said are as sentient as humans (since the fictional 'Singularity' has occurred in his setting)?, good thing the robots aren't black...oh wait bubbles is black.

Yeah it hasn't been explored that much.

Like, did May have any chance of being a fighter jet? Did she apply and fail aptitude but pass for banking despite it being obvious she'd hate it? And once she's stuck as a banking AI is she getting a salary or just doing it because "it's what she's supposed to do?" Like, I doubt a toaster with an AI who loves toasting (which is a pretty dumb concept, but that's what Jeph put forth as an example) is getting paid for that. So was May basically stuck doing a job in an almost communist style job assignment where her only remuneration was the inherent pleasure of doing it? Cause that could be fucked up. Doesn't excuse her stealing money, but it's not a great situation, especially if she wasn't even getting money to possibly go out on her own at some point.

And it's not really clear if people are programming AI to behave certain ways. They definitely worked towards making the first one, but since then I dunno how they get made. Also the singularity happened, so AI could be handling all that stuff without much human input at this point.

I think for all rights and purposes, what an AI ends up being into is as up to chance as what people end up being into.

That's essentially the thrust of most of it.

The more cancerous syndrome of people who believe in privilege is a lack of agency. Confronting that you NO MATTER HOW BAD YOUR LIFE IS can be doing things to make your life better is the hardest thing for most young adults, and the idea of privilege is often used as a 'I can't do it, I can't compete with these people and their privilege'.

Considering that they can go to prison in a very liberal comic, and have a concept of money, they obviously are compensated somehow.

Surprisingly Reddit was the last to turn. The forum was critical before it, though it was mostly new posters who were critical. One of the mods threatened, as usual, but they're now walking it back after chilling discussion, probably because they're realizing how boring things are with 5 people with 20,000 posts who all think the same.

No, you can tell he's still doing well even without the Patreon totals because the $10,000 tier, the bonus comic, is still fulfilled.

>Is he using a phone to look stuff up?
>No, that's the poorly drawn drinking cup.
Somehow that makes even less sense.

Doesn't he still have to provide alimony to his ex-wife?

Do not read Questionable Content.

Not on the Patreon, that was after the divorce. She's still the bookkeeper, to my knowledge. Don't know how wise it is to have an ex-wife directly handling the money.

Criminally foolish, if only because if she's loyal, then you run the risk of putting he or yourself into a tax burden situation, especially if she resides somewhere different than you work.

If she's disloyal, then, your ex-wife money is a bit like stabbing yourself and waiting for her to die.

He's in Nova Scotia and she remains in Northampton, Massachusetts, to my knowledge.

>stabbing yourself
You mean yet again, right?

>giving money across national lines
I hope they both have good tax personnel.
You forget about one thing, and trust me, Canada and America will get their tax money, one way or the other...probably after ten years of letting it gather interest.

This might be a huge assumption, but I'm assuming Jeph or his ex-wife knows what a foreign tax credit is. But, yeah, with hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line I do hope an illustrator and the entry level chick who used to fulfill orders on his web store aren't doing their own taxes for an international business. They can't be that dumb, right?

>nova scotia
so Jeph really is suicidal. why else would he move to such a dreary shit hole?

That's where his e-girlfriend lives.

Part of the problem is he's still an American citizen right? So he has to pay taxes there. Does he own a home in Canada? He'd be paying twice on some things I think.

I thought he moved to Canuckstan to get Free GRS?

as if. he had to travel back to america to get surgery on his ear. because the Canadian socailist healthcare system is shit unless you have an emergency or a long term illness.

He's an American citizen, he'd have no coverage in Canada.

Things can be slow here, but most everything is covered other than dental, eyesight and cosmetic, and your prescriptions aren't covered either.

That's what foreign tax credits are for, so you don't pay twice. You do end up paying somewhat more, unless state taxes would be prohibitive, but it's not double.

He's not a citizen so he doesn't have access to that. Kinda surprising, though, given how "progressive" Canada is.

but drugs are significantly cheaper in canada because you don't have a protectionist market like the USA.

jeph won't pay on the first $80,000 of his income. if his employer or business isn't american.

Is he even legally living in Canada though? Or just living there with someone and maintaining a US address?

Pretty sure it's still registered in Massachusetts.

Jeph has a visa, had a separate residence, but is now living with his Canadian fiance.

May's whining about working to keep her head from falling off makes even less sense than the privilege bitching. The only actual problem she had was the defective arm, which has been working fine ever since she got it fixed (as a gift from a friend just like Winslow's new body, funnily enough) months ago. The only other problems are minor annoyances like one foot being slightly bigger or missing luxuries like genitals, and the only "maintenance" we've seen her paying for was a cosmetic face swap to match colors and rent that can be negotiated if it was draining all her income, which it clearly isn't if she's able to save up for a helmet.

Her situation isn't perfect but by all indications her body isn't actually falling apart and a new body isn't out of reach. Hell, she's arguably better off than Winslow was. He was completely dependent on his owner, with a fucking ipod body that would probably have more trouble finding a job than she did.

Her face fell off, that's why she had to get the non-matching cover in the first place.

Her face didn't fall off, it got sliced off when a sword fell on it. That one is on Dale/Marigold.

An aug and a black family as neighbors, how unlucky.

I used to like QC a long time ago. But around the same time the art really improved noticably, the main character Martin really stopped being a character at all and turned into a vehicle for all the female characters.

I'm not sure what happened to JJ at this time, but all the male characters seemed to disappear and only more female characters surrounded Martin. Martin was exactly everything each character needed him to be to further their character development, then disappeared from their scenes so they could be independent womenz. Poor Faye now looks like a typical SJW cow and the term privileged is thrown around like some kind of serious issue.

Lets not for get the the creator is fucked in the head and not in the picasso/van gogh kind of way just an idiot who would fuck up his own hand to get attention kind of way.

It is a tragedy in some respects, but I think more so that people actually put in this much money for so much bullshit.

Man I'm so done with this shitty comic. I had to endure Marten suddenly turning homosexual, fat lesbian robodykes, Elliot turning homosexual when it was established he wanted Brun. Now I'm being lectured on privilege by a criminal? Enough is enough man... I can already see that he'll be shooting for a robo dyke relationship with Momo and May

>Poor Faye now looks like a typical SJW cow

Sadly, she's not even a SJW in it's descriptive term. I mean, if she heard May's rants, SHE would have ripped off the replacement face and give May a verbal beatdown

>I can already see that he'll be shooting for a robo dyke relationship with Momo and May

We actually wanted Faye/Bubbles, the FANDOM wanted Faye/Bubbles, and Jeph is too chickenshit to do it.

It's still too soon. I remember months and months of these threads screaming 'IT'S TRAPPENING' before it happened

>implying he chickened out
He's just dragging that shit out like he does with everything.

Is this a metaphor for passable transgenders?

>Her situation isn't perfect but by all indications her body isn't actually falling apart and a new body isn't out of reach.
There are no indications that her body is not falling apart, either. The arm malfunctioned with normal use, nothing crazy, which doesn't speak well of the state of the overall hardware. And she couldn't get it worked out through proper channels because it was an old chassis that was out of warranty, which implies that it's old and dated hardware.

And if she's having to save up for a helmet (a decent full coverage motorcycle helmet can run $150, which would be more than enough head protection for moose handjobs), then a new body is almost certainly waaaay out of reach. At least, a humanoid body that can substitute for a human in the work force (and that May would be willing to use; she's previously declined using Momo's old moe-blob body).

Dale put that one right back on her; he kept the sword in his room. She was only in there to snag some of his lube. Though if it was placed in such a way that May could trip and fall on it, then it's probably a good thing that it happened to her before it happened to one of her fleshbag roommates.

No. It's about someone being a bit inconsiderate toward someone who was sensitive to the subject, and rather than learning that he should just pay a little more attention to the feelings of his sorta-kinda friends, he instead gets brainwashed into feeling that he should feel bad and over-privileged for having a rich sugar-momma, and thus he needs to provide tribute to society sufficiently and routinely enough to balance it out.

The AIs will take your boring library and/or coffee shop jobs.

>tfw black robot

Nah, she's got a point. Imagine if you knew a guy who just happened to be friends with some filthy rich fuck. So you're at your shitty minimum wage job, barely scraping by in a run down, leaky, drafty apartment you have to share with two other people in the bad side of town, when he drives up and invites you to a housewarming party at the mansion his friend just bought him. Your first reaction probably wouldn't be "good for you".

In fact, this guy doesn't even have a job. Every single need of his is paid for by his friend, the billionaire heiress. I don't know about you, but I might just tell him where he can stick that shiny new mansion of his if he came by my crappy job to brag about it.

The comic's established that robo-bodies are high-end items, and a decent one isn't something that everyone can afford. They haven't explicitly stated that May's using a bottom shelf one, but we can at least assume from her shitty job and position as an ex-convict.

The comic hasn't done a great job showing May's specific situation regarding not having a top of the line body, but I don't think it's a major leap to assuming hers is the equivalent of the 24 year old car my parents gave me when I graduated college: It runs, but not well, and it's only worth about 1/50th of a new one.

May's body has no skin except her face.

Clinton's hand incident has shown that have no skin causes extra wear and tear on robotics.

Wasn't bragging. He was just showing everyone "Hey, I'm no longer just a household appliance anymore." May is in her shitty job because of her own shitty choices. Now, I understand if she still wasn't thrilled for her friend, but she's acting as though she was personally attacked when she wishes he would "fucking think". In her mind, she was not being bitter. She's just retaliating against abuse.