Did he do anything wrong?

Did he do anything wrong?

I didn't understand the plot. So did that bald dude with the fucked up eye have his family killed all because Frank punched him?

Yeah, he took the role.

Yeah he catered to the /k/ crowd with that trigger discipline.

well, killing is always wrong, user

Name a better guy for Punisher than Bernthal.

Hard mode: no Tom Hardy

he fucked literal trash bitch lori
he betrayed his best friend
killed ppl
has no manners
It's a savage

Was it kino?

Thomas jane

Thomas Jane was the best Punisher.

Ray Stevenson.

Honestly, if we could Ray Stevenson as The Punisher, with the Thomas Jane movie outfit, in the Dolph Lundgren setting with ninjas and shit, that would be the ideal Punisher movie.
I like Bernthal but he's the odd one out.

show had too much drama and shitty sideplots and not enough punishing

also doesn't it kind of kill the whole idea of the character when his own actions were partially responsible for his family getting killed?

Ray Stevenson or Jane, but with better writer and director.

Too old.

FBI certanly did, let a mass murderer go after showing him on tv and telling everyone that he's alive.

It just seemed cliche as fuck. Protagonist starts out as silent and keeps to himself. Has flashbacks of his family. Is tormented over them being murdered.

Like, The Punisher is a fairly popular Marvel character and has had 4 movies prior to the Netflix series. They really could've gone without showing us his origins/backstory.

Old punisher is literally best punisher

>show had too much drama and shitty sideplots and not enough punishing
This. The Punisher was completely tacked onto a otherwise mediocre (spy) action drama. If you're gonna do The Punisher, do The Punisher exactly as the The Punisher or don't bother. It's not complicated at all.

MAX Punisher is basically well over fifty and even the original Marvel Knights Punisher is pretty much in his forties, late thirties. He's not a young guy.

I think season 1 just basically set the character up, and season 2 will (hopefully) be full on punisher facing against Jigsaw.

I hope so. I mean, season 1 ended with him joining the therapy group.

Not true.

It's kino.

Grizzled old vet punisher is best punisher. I don't care what people say about the movie, but this guy had the look down.

Should've read the thread, you guys already had it covered. Well done.

>So did that bald dude with the fucked up eye have his family killed all because Frank punched him?
yes and because of the CD
he listened too much and did not work on details of his plan.
what if they are killer hobos and you are a woman?
>he fucked literal trash bitch lori
casting is not his fault
>he betrayed his best friend

That is very optimistic. I don't like that these days everyone gets a season or a movie to "get going" also in my experience netflix stuff gets worse with each season


Yeah, he put the forced suicide in the first episode, the zenith of the entire season's action sequences. It never gets any better than that t b h

Yes. He let Turk, a scumbag who imports people trafficked sex slaves, gets slap on the wrist sentences and has demonstrated house arrest can't hold him but or some reason the audience is meant to like since he's le fast talking le black man, live.


based civnat gook manlet

remember when people were genuinely saying that "marvel shows are better than dc tv shows". Remember when you don't hear these people anymore. Because they realize, after the shitshow that was iron first, defenders, and now, the punisher, these shows are no better than the cw flicks?

Feige is very happy about this shitshow. You can tell he doesn't give a flying fuck about these "shows" and only wants to see perlmutter empire in ruins. It's going to be fucking hilarious when all the fox shit, the x-men, deadpool, will have more in common with MCU than the fucking their "own" tv show department. When the fuck will people wake up, and realize that feige does not give a fuck about TV? How can you be so delusional?

JUST moment.

Being a jew.

>That part where rawlins does the cliche of the villain insulting his own henchman so much to the point the henchman then helps the hero kill the villain

Could not have rolled my eyes harder, thats shit out of a kids movie fuck


its like a 2 hour movie stretched into 10

It really is.

hey guys i didnt read what you said, but I stopped watching this show at about episode 5 and im wondering if you think I should go back and watch it?

Why do retards do this


First season and they already jumped the shark.

>that moment in the episode where frank snaps the binds off and it cuts to the dream where he loses the grip from her hand


I cringed so hard when I saw this, and not in the meme way.

I don't get it.

fucking brought it back around to the source material and set up a main antagonist for s2, it was kino

>Papa Franku finishes puzzle

>5' 5" jewish Punisher


Bernthal is 5'11 tho
