Was the Dude actually happy? Was he content with wasting his life?

Was the Dude actually happy? Was he content with wasting his life?


he was what all neets strive to be

Dunno if he was 'happy'. Definitely content though. I have no idea how he was able to put up with Walter.

One thing that bugged me about this movie: we never got to see the outcome of the bowling tournament.

The dude seemed like he was upset about the way his life turned out, I don't think he was particularity happy or content. His whole dude shtick seemed like cover for accepting his failures

However that was kind of the point, half of the plotines going nowhere

>I have no idea how he was able to put up with Walter.
What a fucking pleb! I'd love to have a friend as patrician as Walter. I have many patrician friends, but no one as him

I recognize this pasta. Have a manul.

Purposeless people are NOT happy.
I used to live like a stoner drunk bum

You ever meet any stoners? They generally are content and don’t worry much about simply drifting through life.

Opposite sides of the same coin. Yin and yang. All of that shit.

Happiness is fleeting. Best to abide.

I pretty much live like the dude, only I travel a lot and have a loving gf.

Life is amazing bros. I'm in Thailand and am going to Taiwan and Japan after.

rip off of The Big Sleep and a reddit movie in general

I used to be a neet for 18 months and it was the best time of my life
fuck obligations, not having to do anything is the greatest feeling in the world

>t. a trust fund baby

fat cat lol

I wish bruh

>used to

I think its partly because thats in his character to not give too much of a shit about how irritating other people can be on you, but also they were both losers that most people could probably not stand to be friends with so those types find each other through necessity.

Way to shoehorn your opinion in there.

what a reddit thing to say
