ITT: genuinely sympathetic "bad" guys

ITT: genuinely sympathetic "bad" guys

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They couldn't make this guy anymore blm. He's not getting any sympathy from anyone with over a 100 IQ

He was more sympathetic than Loki.

I heard he has a whopping 12 mins of screentime.

He did literally nothing wrong

It gets like 10 mins screen time in whole movie

He was actually in it more than most MCU villains


how do nogs get their hair like this.



dindu nuffin just gib more vibranium for dem programs and sheeit

He literally didn't do anything wrong. Wh*tes deserve genocide. T'Challa is an uncle tom

nappy hair braids like that, then just shave the sides like a hitler cut.


He did nothing wrong

there's nothing, literally nothing, no film no tv show where michael b jordan isn't good

even in fantastic four he was good

American nigger goes to Africa and tries to ruin a working country. While eerily realistic, that is no reason to say that he did nothing wrong.




am I seeing things? I see a repeating goat as your filename, how is that possible?
and yes, Char was always right, better yet, the Zeons did nothing wrong besides gassing a few colonies, they had better style and military uniforms

What the fuck........ is this some white guilt shit?
I have seen him in few movies and every single time he was bland as shit and despite his look utterly devoid of charisma.
If you are overplayed by Silvester Stallone, then it is time to step back and take some acting lessons.

>laser beams nigga

He disappears for about 40 minutes after his initial appearance, but most of the second and third acts belong to him.

He literally wanted a wall+ethnostate. He's the good guy.

To be fair, Wakanda fucked him over first.

not with that "haircut"

How much longer do we need to pretend Jordan a good actor ?

Only because everyone in Westeros is an asshole so he looks good by comparison

Is that Nick Cannon

>”You SHOT me, bruh...”

What did he mean by this?



Reddit are ripping this movie apart, is it really that bad?
Kind of getting TLJ vibes from the actual audience reactions

>americans coming over and acting like they are better than you
its just the reverse of the amerimutt meme
instead of cleatus saying "whiter than you mohammed" its tyrone saying "blacker than you mbobiosajdja"

He did nothing wrong

>Reddit hates it
Whelp I haven't even seen it but I think I like it now

He's literally the black version of "muh Jews."

>they had to cover him in killcount scars and make him shoot his gf for no reason to make him a bad guy
Why does there NEED to be a villain, just have them fight and change his mind about the weapons, he could easily be an ally.

Is he the black Sean Bean?

>Killmonger forgets Whitey has Nukes
>Wants to go to War with the Entire Western world anyway

>t. i havent seen the movie

As if Sly Stallone isnt one of the top blockbuster actors of the modern era.

Fuck off retard.

i wish, we could get some great memes out of this.

What kind of name is Killmonger?
Did George Lucas cowrite these stories?

Man they can't make characters like this anymore.

Comics are like that, it's stupid. The Purple Man's real name is Zebediah Killgrave, the Riddler's is Edward Nigma.

why is Sup Forums all normie secondaries now? Sup Forums is bad enough.

why did you post a pic of bones

Edward Nigma is not as bad as Killmonger in terms of naming a villain.

>Why does there NEED to be a villain, just have them fight and change his mind about the weapons, he could easily be an ally.
There was even a chance for redemption at the end and he could be saved with their medical technology but he chose to die too.

His claim to the throne was legit, he proved himself in ritual combat, and a lot of people in Wakanda agreed with his politics. Like the other user said, they had to work really really hard to make him a "bad guy".

Amusingly he really is the meme black kid who grew up in an American ghetto being told black fairy tales about "we wuz kangz of a magical kingdom with space ships n shit". Only difference is that it wasn't the white people who took it away, it was the blacks who wouldn't share that were the problem.

It's pretty fucking bad. There's also Von Doom and Sinestro, a man everyone was shocked to find out was evil.

Char was made too evil in origin otherwise I agree.

Are we posting anime heroes?


Forgot to mention: It is his origin story we see at the start of the film, not the black panthers. Like many superhero origin stories his father is killed and he is left alone to avenge him. He is the exiled prince who must overthrow the corruption in his homeland.

In the end he wins too. He loses the fight, but his sacrifice changes Wakanda to end their old ways. It would take only minor tweaks to the screenplay to make him the goodguy and T'Challa to be the evil king.

Don't forget Mister Sinister.

>T’Challa is an Uncle Tom

I’ve been using this angle and black twitter AKA: Twitter will either ignore you or turn into a FFA chimpout.
I feel like the initial b8 needs an extra element to make it consistently flammable.


how is he? in the comics he always came off as a worse version of black manta

No he wasn’t. He stood out by being capable at best and clearly the only one who gave a fuck about that shitshow.

>Le 44% face

I was phoneposting when Joker was telling his origin story

Care to redpill me about him, guys? Why does he fight
>spoilers reveal vegeta loses next episode
>freezer the next one
>goku learns to master ultra instinct on the next one
>Goku wins on 131 and its the end
Legit shit, I wanted freezer to win

Actually only men agreed to him, wakanda is defended by women

The black panther's girlfriend in the other tribe also agreed that Wakanda should ends it's isolation.

Hope she is dead now.

Literally promoting marxist ideologies of tear down the borders...the same borders that made them strong to begin with.

Can't wait for Thanos to destroy Wakanda now.

Ironically both of their death scenes were sorta similar. I wish Killmonger had been given a longer speech though


absolutely gay looking, even took it in the ass by some fat noble, absolutely revolting,if he didn't take it in the ass I might agree with you
ty user, made my post worthwhile, Wakanda forever! crosses arms

>good guy
Holy fuck, fuck off shill

This character was motherfucking retarded, wanting to start a race war he can't win, his plans have no foundation, he think like a 11 year old



>doesnt understand the term "most advanced"
youre garbage

He was just trying to do his job and get a man into space. He had a family to feed, but I guess some woman wanting to fuck an animal is more important than that.

>doens't understand the meaning of "tiny ass country making over a dozen powerful countries,each with enough nuclear power to glass the entire place several times mad

He was going to start race riots so those countries crumbled to civil war. His goal was to arm the poor and oppressed and have them rise up. The 99% vs the 1%, but the poor are armed with vibranium sci-fi weapons, cloaking devices and force fields.

His character was based on what the CIA did during the cold war. They brought about regime change and they destabilized dozens of countries. America was way more advanced than the shitholes they needed to manipulate so they could just arm rebel groups and stage a coup easily.

This time he would be using those tactics and their superior technology against America itself.


Not going to see the movie, whats Killmonger's motivation/plan? I see some saying race war but how exactly does he go about this? I guess I could read a synopsis but I don't really want to.

Why is the idea of a black guy wanting a race war ok? Doesn't that make him just like the KKK and shit?

I don't think you understand, the reason why URSS and USA didn't got fucked over is because they had control over the world economy, enough nukes and huge populations and territory.

Wakanda is tiny,small population and no allies, they are an extremely easy target, they can be nuked with very little repercusion, they would have to face an invasion with thousands of times less manpower plus the fact that at this point US goverment already know how to build Stark inventions or could make something 99% similar.

His plan was stupid, his revolutions had no chance because there was no organized internacional militia to follow his vision

Dubs for dindu.

He hates white people for the suffering they’ve caused the blacks. He hates the Wakandans because they had to means to prevent it from ever happening, but chose not to. He’s not calling for a “race war” as much as he’s trying to steal and spread Wakandan tech all over the world to balance things out. Reparations, for lack of a better word.

His plan was stupid, his revolutions had no chance because there was no organized internacional militia to follow his vision
Wakanda has sleeper cells all over the world who would distribute the advanced weapons and organize the militias, but it was more about just being the match that lit the poweder kegs. Wealth inequality is a hot issue and if the poorest people in the world suddenly got advanced future weaponry it really would shake the status quo. Meanwhile the rest of the world didn't even know they existed or where these weapons came from. They would assume off-planet and that would cause even more panic and chaos.

Wakanda could not actually conquer a major nation though. Their actual army is small. The plan here was really just to destabilize everyone else.




And yeah, would be great if they do a surprise ending where Frieza becomes the sort of anti-hero that Vegeta was before he became a soft ass nigga.

He did literally nothing wrong

She could've traveled to the other world and lived a better life. Do you think Clovies attacked the Earth in her world too, or was it just war-torn?

yeah, I felt for him

like obviously he was going too far but it didn't really feel good to see T'Challa beat him, hard not to root for the underdog

one of the only villians I could actually identify with.

he wanted revenge for the way the world has historically treated black people, and he resented the Wakandans for having the tech and capabilities to fight back but instead sitting on the side doing nothing

He wanted to arm the oppressed black communities of the world with advanced Wakandan weapons to usher in a new Wakandan world empire where blacks would be on top.

knowing Wakandan bullshit they probably have some vibranium shield against nukes or some shit

it was his nickname in the war, not his real name

Even Wakanda footsoldiers have forcefield projectors. But wakanda would never be targeted by a nuke because the world powers didn't even know about them. They saw them as a third world shithole with some cattle and goats and no resources.

> motivated entirely by petty revenge on unrelated parties
> sympathetic

Ok user


T'challa's father murdered his father. That isn't unrelated petty revenge. His grievances were legit.

What was the point of the Klau plotline?
Like, what purpose did Killmonger have in working with him and stealing a vibranium hammer only for him to sell it to Martin Freeman?
The more I think about it, the only reason any of that happened was for Martin Freeman to be in Wakanda. Killmonger could have just as easily killed Klau and found a prop plane anywhere to get him and Klau's corpse to Wakanda. There was no reason to embed himself in Klau's operation or even give him a laser prosthetic arm. Come to think of it, why could the Wakandan's never find Klau, but the Avengers, with their inferior technology, we able to find Klau in a quick google search?


Because he's a good boy who did nothing wrong