I tend to side with the monsters in society, whether it be terrorists, rapists or murderers...

I tend to side with the monsters in society, whether it be terrorists, rapists or murderers. My theory is is that these monsters are created by society, so when they attack society, it's righteous.

These people are like the immune system response to the inhumanity that society inflicts. Literally no reason to feel bad for the victims. They would have done the same if they had been tortured like the shooter.


wow fuck drumpf and fuck white people


Hi fellow edgy middle schooler

Why are white people so evil?

haha that dog is dancing

Agreed, makes me wish I was born in Canada

La creatura...

unironically, kys

Wow the 56% memes are real

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

>durr they would have done the same

No, sorry, not everyone goes on shooting sprees because they get bullied

>what kind of ethnicity do you want senpai


t. soyboy chuck roastie JUST
Vomit vomit regurgitate
Blah blah snooze blah

Guy's literally a mutt and he's a white supremacist, KEK


wow, very EDGY, op! how shocking of you.

It is objective fact that autistic people are delusional and unfit for society. They don't even have theory of mind, yet attempt to moralize on what their diseased brains detect as societal trends. Laughable.

We need to exterminate the spergs, and we need to do it now. They are a vestigial element of humanity, nothing more than faulty computers that need organized M&M and special fabric to function.


white people need to stop breeding.

Yes, I know you're 15 abd from Sup Forums

What did he mean by this?

>Went to Subway and McDonald’s before being caught.
It’s like they’re trying to make the story as unbelievable as possible. How did the FBI get so sloppy?

you seen Sup Forums meetups its like a goblin cave, shitskins american white nationalists literally hate themselves

He looks like a slav/spic hybrid

How can you side with a fucker who murdered kids? You wouldn’t feel the same way if that was your sister or brother who got pumped full of bullets in school
Kill yourself faggot

Highschoold should not be mandatory, its hell for ugly autists

why are "white" nationalist always 56% amerimutts ?

My sister got pumped full of something all right

Even mass shootings have product placement, wtf

>self-hating spic
These are Sup Forums's biggest shills too.

yeah he's not white

One of the Pitt-Jolie kids


user that's retarded
he's just some Sup Forums / teh_donny retard whose life is a failure and blames everyone else for not getting what he expected out of life without making any effort for it
He shot up his former school because he had to lash out

Autistic person detected. It's okay buddy, just look out into the the lake and tell me about your favourite 40K faction.

>be American
>shoot up a school
>go for a burger after that
I laughed.

>Sup Forums meetups
There is literally no such thing

>falling for obvious bait
>calling anyone autistic
well played

Memes aren’t based on nothing


I know that board is dead cause of people like you, but you can still rape the cooling ashes of a once great board.

>whose life is a failure
he was a kid in school
this stupid strawman is so reddit and low IQ, stop using it to brush away complex issues

Is this the most American headline ever?

>I tend to side with the monsters in society, whether it be terrorists, rapists or murderers.
aw dude

>Literally no reason to feel bad for the victims. They would have done the same if they had been tortured like the shooter.

Why does that 2nd sentence justify their unsuspecting deaths? That just makes me feel worse for them

Why isnt the threat of school shootings enough to stop bullying?

makes me want to bully faggot autists even more

>yet attempt to moralize on what their diseased brains detect as societal trends. Laughable.
yeah you have it the opposite way around
autists are more existentially lucid and see outside the box due to not partaking in the social "high" of delusion and coping
this is why they implode and kill, they are literally too smart and redpilled for their own good since society has to cater to shitskins and street rat brainlets like yourself


>actually believing this
it's a huge board with a lot of people that no one has any control over and it has tons of reddit crossovers with no self awareness that probably participate in these things

How did this guy not get shot? Isn't there some protocol to shoot at sight for situations like this?

if teenagers had awareness there wouldn't be teen pregnancies or dropouts

lmao enjoy your lead enema dipshit

Bullying is fun

Subway is unironcally GOAT. I get an italian BMT footlong about 3 times a week.

He waa actually expelled several times for being an edgy violent Sup Forumstard loser, much like OP

t. bullied nerd

That's a pretty dumb theory

the teachers had no guns, by the time police were there he snuck out with the rest of the kids

this and it's normal.
don't want to be bullied? stop being a faggot.


>Subway and Mcdonalds after the standard school shooting
A true amerimutt the memes become real again

>expelled several times for being an edgy violent Sup Forumstard loser

School shooters are the ultimate form of protest against the decay of societal morality and group cohesion. The reason I say this is because for a school shooter to exist every single one of the safety features put in place by society in one way or another has to have failed for it to occur.

1. The school shooter does not value his family enough to spare them the shame of being attacked by the media for having raised or being related to a school shooter,

2. The school shooter does not value his friends enough to consider their continued companionship worth more than the act of of becoming a school shooter

3. The school shooter does not put enough value into religious faith an belief enough for the fear of eternal damnation to stop him from becoming a school shooter

4. The school shooter does not fear the punishment that the state can mete out on him enough to refrain from becoming a school shooter

For a school shooter to exist these four psychological barriers must be destroyed. For most people at least one or two of these have been destroyed, there are plenty of unsatisfied adults who have thrown away religion or grew up in a dysfunctional family, but they might still fear being locked up or they might have a friend they care about enough to stop from committing a crime. The fact that all four of them were broken or weakened means that society failed and the reason for its failure can usually be attributed to some form of degenerative evil.

And the thing that separates a school shooter from other forms of violent criminals is that the act itself is the ultimate form of unproductive violence. School shooters aren't killing politicians or cops to send a message, they aren't bombing a clinic to protest abortions, they aren't killing blacks to prove their masculinity. A school shooting is the ultimate form of unproductive violence universally reviled by all religions and beliefs.

That's why I support them.



Meme magic made this happen, Sup Forums has blood on its hands with that 56 percent meme

They're created by their shit parents so should just skip to the chase and kill them like Ed Kemper instead of projecting their anger at the amorphous concept of society because it's too uncomfortable to pass judgement on their probably shit single mother (like you do).

t. wh*Toid
why are pink dicks so edgy?

When was he caught then?

literally read the headline in OP

stupid spic, learn to read english

Well said

the united states MUST be divided and destroyed, there's no hope for them.

this is logical
school shootings are a bellwether for societal decline

Support them by getting shot in the eyes by one of them you edgy faggot

you are on a list now that the FBI probably won't read or look into

This one is gonna haunt him til the very end.

Here's the delusion again. Can't even conceive of the idea of minds outside of it's own, yet still attempts to judge social subjects from their warped perspective. Like narcissistic psychopaths who believe autonomous empathy is a weakness despite being cognitively incapable of experiencing it. You can't dissuade these autist's idiotic observations with reason much in the same way you cannot explain the aesthetics of colour to a blind person.

>he was a kid in school
he was 19
he'd been kicked out of that school and finished elsewhere
he should have had a job or been in college at 19

honestly one of the most depressing things about America is that outside NYC and some other cities every restaurant is a garbage fast food chain

>try to refute this statement
>no success
>the logical conclusion to this is that I would somehow support school shooters
>but I don't support school shooters

bitches get so moist over mass murderers. i think that was his plan all along

>le edgy evangelical christian

Only in America, mentally ill retards can buy assault rifles legally.

ok so you can throw epithets and terms for mental illnesses at me but not actually make any points
i am sorry but i will have to write you off as jewish

Literally paying somebody else to make you sandwiches.

So there is no possibility that these people were born with a chemical imbalance, and they're not right in the head?
Society is to blame for everything?

How many libshits are celebrating just for this?

so his parents failed him
then no shit he said fuck it and went out in a blaze

Umm...no sweetie

White people don't exist anymore

just go to literally any deli and get 5x the sandwich for half the price

I hope he gets the death sentence.

Why? It's not like Trump killed his daughter or was any way responsible. Even then Trumpfags are cultists, they will blame it on the FBI or mexicans anyways

good riddance, one less future drumptard

Society is to blame for not being stringent enough on its representatives - if U.S. military bases did not exist in 130 other nations around the globe, if that military expenditure was instead used on mental health and research into detection of sociopaths, this would have been prevented. You reap what you sow, amerifuckingfaggot.

School shooters are product of single mothers and a weak paternal figure or lack thereof

personally i tend to side with the innocent dead and their families, and not the lunatics. that's just me.