Ryan Coogler discusses the Africanness of African Americans

Ryan Coogler says that African Americans are just as African as African natives and that they share the same culture even though whites tried to destroy it.

He marks parallels from how South Africans treat Watermelon like "gold" and have barbecues.

He says that this film can be a way for African Americans to return to connect with their rich culture.

Powerful stuff imo thoughts?


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Sounds like a retard to me..
Guess all Americans & Aussies are just as British as britbongs now.

nigerians and such hate american slave Diaspora

spics also have barbecues and like watermelon what the fuck did he mean by this

Bullshit. I’ve never met a native African who was living and studying in the US that didn’t hate black Americans with a burning passion, and rightfully so.

>African Americans are just as African as African natives
Lmao wut?
Native africans hate african americans, and honestly I can see why

Yeah because most nigerian immigrants to the US are highly educated and middle class in the least. They have nothing in common with niggers besides the color of their skin.

>Powerful stuff imo thoughts?


>South Africans treat Watermelon like "gold"
Literally a retard

Agreed. They should go back to Africa and live with their people in that wonderful culture. They can build a real Wakanda together.

How do actual Africans react to shit like this? do they view it in the same light as Amerimutts pretending to be Irish..

Coogler says that he was treated like a brother in South Africa though

I wish him all the best with a culture that still grinds up albino negros for magic potions, sacrifices cats because they’re witches, and still practices female circumcision. Can we expect this rich culture to make its way to American shores now?

>African Americans
Stop with this insulting meme. There is nothing 'Afrikan' about them. They are black Americans, black AND American. It is as if a cancer cell got AIDS.

probably even moreso

This is just as embarrassing as “white” American pretending to be European


African Americans are american only.
Like it or not they have been there for hundreds of years.
Only WASPs, natives and them are truly american, other ethnic groups have much stronger ties to their home country, i.e. muh heritage irish/germans/italians and such.

>still grinds up albino negros
Oh yes, that shit is worth tens of thousands dollars in Africa.

>He marks parallels from how South Africans treat Watermelon like "gold"

Weird relating this to "African culture" when this was a stereotype made during the jim crow era


>this film can be a way for African Americans to return to Africa


When somebody “just gets shot,” it’s “unfortunate,” but when it’s the *police* that do it, *then* it’s a big deal.

Fucking unreal.


this is way more racist than what polfags say

>niggas is africans no matter what, culture is biological, we all up in dat watermellon

lol wtf

Yeah just like Haiti isn't a shithole right? Gotta love them narratives.

Afro-Americans are to West Africans what plastic paddies are to the Irish.

t. Caribbean

Everythings only racist when white people do it

>have barbecues.
Do black americans think they invented barbecue (because white people dont invite them to theirs)?

>He marks parallels from how South Africans treat Watermelon like "gold" and have barbecues.

literally distilling down all of the vast diversity of sub-Saharan african culture to a stereotype about black americans. Not to mention black americans came from West African countries like modern day Ghana/Nigeria/Ivory Coast and the Congo rather than South Africa. like no shit people cook things over fire and eat fruit, fucking staggering observation that occurs in no other race on earth.

paternalistic and condescending, but honestly no different than the shit "muh heritage" white americans come up with on a daily basis with shit like "i'm 1/4 irish, i love a drink!" really. guess that shit stays the same no matter if you're black or white.

It is as if porgressives are mirror image of poltards, only mainstream and at the top of institutions.

>He marks parallels from how South Africans treat Watermelon like "gold"

... jesus christ.

>americans are the most obnoxious members of any race/ethnicity
Sounds about right

Americans don't trust Canadians, and that's just simply a land border away.
Arabs don't even trust other arabs, hence Libya's Ghaddafi.

How much more African Americans and Africans?

I ate watermelon at a barbecue once. I guess I was tapping into my ancient African heritage.

>He marks parallels from how South Africans treat Watermelon like "gold" and have barbecues.
That is so fucking racist. I lived in Africa for 22 years. He's wrong. He's using an untrue cliché made up by racist white south africans as a truth about us. Fuck that guy.

>americans are the most obnoxious members of any race/ethnicity

You must have never met a Canadian though, not the immigrant Canadians. They're chill for the most part, I'm talking about the rural white trash Canada, those fuckers are so much worse.

It's hillarious that the worst insult americans can throw at canadians is to call them "leaf" lol
I guess canadians are just too nice to shit on properly.

Nah. Most of them are cool.

>Africans are one people and not highly diverse
Stupid cunt doesn't know anything about Africa.

This. It shows how dumb and egocentric these actors are about real life stuff.
I guess all Americans are the same too un his little mind.

Take that back bucko why dontcha eh

Being from South Africa, this is racist as hell. Black culture is actually into Samp and Beans if anything because it's cheap and easy to make tasty. Also, people don't braai (South African for barbeque) as much as they think.

I'm canadian and the only people I ever heard say eh was people in canadia tv shows.

>Africa all have the same culture
Even if he implied sub-saharans, it's just a ridiculous claim. Italians and Norwegians have more in common than Sudanese and Rwandans

How the fuck am I twenty minutes into this shit and only having heard about a minute and a half of discussion actually *about* the film?

he's pretty cute...

what film?

>Ryan Coogler says that African Americans are just as African as African natives and that they share the same culture
He's right you know

i know right

bet you he hasn't even heard of Mansa Musa I or Zara Yaqob, let alone which Empires they ruled.

He ain't lyin

Yeah like at the airport and 5 star hotel? Fuck off dude.

>actor says to black non-aftican people that they should LARP being African

>He says that this film can be a way for African Americans to return
Yes, put them on a boat again.

>whites tried to destroy their culture
what does that even mean? what culture and how did whites try to destroy it

Shut the fuck up bud, you're as soft as cake.

>they share the same culture
Okay fuckhead, go try living in a Congolese warzone. Or, let's be even more fair, try making a movie using only Naliwood avenues and starting at the bottom. Enjoy making Baby Police 6 on VHS.

He talks about all these young men dying young and he asks, “why?” But the only one he chooses to make a film about is the one shot by cops. Not the ones shot by gangbangers, just the one that feeds the narrative.

>beautiful culture

It's a fucking patriarchal monarchy based on bloodline.

Leave the cities faggot

In fairness, I think he's referring to tactics to separate families and communities during the slave trade to reduce solidarity. But that's not a "culture" that's a lot of different African cultures that don't in fact apply to Coogler.

Africans don't give a fuck about black Americans. Black Americans would fucking hate Africa. Also, which country in Africa? Nigerians are different from fucking Somalians.

What an incredibly superficial understanding of not just African culture, but just human nature in general.

The real Question is : Why is Michael B Jordan dating a Latina with the "good hair" instead of a BLACK QUEEN?

The difference is that Irish Americans funded the IRA and helped make Ireland a free state. African Americans don't do shit for African countries except appropriate their culture.

>Nigerians are different from fucking Somalians.
That's what really pisses me off, Africa is a place with a shit load of different cultures and many cultures inside the various states at that. But black people look at the whole continent and say "that's just like me" like a Japanese guy claiming Saudis are his culture. Everything here is not only stupid but ignorant and stereotyping. "Africa is a country", "grass hut sky scrapers". Then there's Liberia, the Black American state in Africa where a bunch of ex-slaves took over some African region and declared themselves the leader ethnicity over the stupid natives.

It's such a shame there are no vocal intellectuals from african countries that could put that idiot into place.

That guy is a thief, rapist or a homosexual

Show me black people in the hood dragging out thieves, homosexuals and rapists and beating/burning them to death.

The affected thug accent is fucking killing me. At one point, he talks about being a doctor. Can you imagine your doctor coming in talking like this fuck? No. You can’t. Because it’s all about sounding like he’s from “the skreet.”

This shit was already a cliche when “Get Shorty” came out.

>Insincerely Market racial identity to your fans
>Use the money to chase better looking women from other races

>black guys gonna be pressured into dating only black girls again by their culture
Ryan Coogler for hero the century?

It's like me saying "man, Japanese people sure loved me at their hotels and expensive restaurants"

I don't know why the elite are encouraging racial identity in US blacks. The CIA dumped crack into the cities to prevent this exact thing from happening

lol he's saying all black people are dumb tribal nigs

I dare any of these retards to name. 10 African countries on the spot


>African Americans are just as African as African natives
Yeah sure

Why does he constantly say "know what I'm sayin" over and over

Do Americans have speech comprehension problems?


>Do Americans have speech comprehension problems?
The black ones do.

I was born in the US not in fucking Africa.
Anyone who says otherwise can go fuck themselves with a knife. Preferably one made in America.

he looks like meme grips man

He's an American. He's not African.

are her facial muscles paralyzed?

>46 minutes
Fuck out of here

has he been there? I know two Ugandans (we watch clips of capt Alex together) and a contractor from cote d'Ivoire that absolutely despise American blacks. more hate than amongst asians hate.

how did this guy """direct""" a movie?

fucking idiot sounds like he doesn't even have a GED

watermelon shit starts around 35 mins if you care

What's going on in this webm? Are they offering the baby to the camera guy so he'll leave them alone?

IIRC i've heard this is a father who couldn't get the state to agree to give him custody of the baby over its junkie mother so he filmed her doing this shit. Obviously I don't know how true that is.

>my watered down version of a culture I’ve been disconnected from for 800 years and the movie I “made” featuring a main character written by two Jews, produced by whites and Jews, and who’s majority box office earnings are going into the hands of Jews and whites is an accurate representation of my culture
>I care so much about my culture that I decided to not feature any real aftrican music in my production and just slapped Kendrick Lamar over everything
>I have such an accurate idea of what “African culture” is that I can generalize it to an entire continent

If you even have to argue that culture exists in the first place, it already means you have very little to stand on. ABSOLUTELY DELUSIONAL

That must be why it’s doing so well in the box office down there. Oh wait...

>All 1.2 billion people on Africa share one culture

What a fucking asshole

So basically he's a race realist? He thinks preference for watermelon is genetic, clearly?

Too much botox/surgery

africans could seriously all go back to africa and live happily there away from us

thats a pretty kino move to be frank

Is it in their genes then?

Someone post photo of niggers being sold in Libya by "african" arabs lmao.

>800 years
user america isn't that fucking old

This though, American obsession over heritage that doesn't apply to them at all annoys the shit out of me.