Will this fake bullshit ever end?

Will this fake bullshit ever end?

A bloo bloo I hate guns and so should you.

We will give up our civil rights when you give up your armed security, faggot.

Has it been proven he even has those tho?


When they get their dreamed of utopia, i.e. never.

Banning guns could actually work to reduce school killings, most robots don't know how to drive anyways

We are trying but the dems keep fucking up. Shall not be infringed and all. You think they would want to follow the constitution and get rid of all the unconstitutional regulations. I want my cheap automatic weapons god damnit!

>more people killed at the hands of illeagal immigrants than mass shootings every year
>Doesn’t Cry

>More teenagers killed in DUI accidents every year
>Doesn’t Cry

>More children with a beating a heart murdered in their mothers wombs every year
>wouldn’t dare speak against it

But guns are banned in schools...

t. Fox News watcher

the intellectual isn't entirely wrong.
Metal health is shit is America and almost everybody agrees

Deflection is the defense of a man whose lost an argument.

No, OP, they won't stop staging school shootings until guns have been taken away.

Only when I masterbate

>introduces simple, objective facts
>some retard politicizes it

you are part of the problem, kill yourself faggot.

Must be nice to be able to increase security when you're afraid of something

no but please keep posting about it

>t. Brainlet

obviously no.

I'm waiting for him to cry for pedo rights next.

>Objective Facts
>Are actually meme facts

how is the intellectual wrong

the bottom two are right though. it's not a one reason system though.

holy shit all these non arguments

I mean, he did post meme arguments

is that shiggy diggy man in the bottom right
anyway fuck kimmel and late night in general

>Calls Trump a fascist
>Wants to hand over the guys to Trump
I have no idea how these people think.

no one wants to pay for it.

you might call it bullshit, but he's sincere

it's colbert

Kimmel cries every other week now. It’s amazing that anyone falls for this.

he was highlighting the hosts hypocrisy


That's some tasty irony

Crocodile tears are only worth responding to with memes.


Do you honestly think that any of those things user posted has even crossed his mind? He dosen't think about that kind of shit

>responding to ad hominem with your own fallacy

Boy this conversation is truly productive...

Nice meme words


Why is the Snide Liberal so BASED?

How do all these incels get guns if it’s clear they are deranged? All the warning signs are there and people STILL ignore these shooters until the day they snap.

Then why are you deflecting from the mass immigration problem?

Are you implying that there are more school shootings than MS-13 shootings in America?

i'll paste the argument one of my friends gave me
In regards to this "I hate how nobody put up red flags for this guy when he stopped going to the clinic for over a year" Basically with how our mental health services work here in the US, there's such a concern for patient privacy that unless you are going to court ordered sessions, or are seen by your pysch to be a danger to yourself/others, no one is really gonna say anything if you leave. He probably got some phone calls asking why he missed an appointment or w/e, and maybe they called his parent, but that's about it. Basically unless you've been ordered by the state to attend the sessions or whatever it was, they can't actually force you to go.

It's a "liberals getting mad at gun control" episode, what else is on
Ohhh It's a rerun!

The US literally has zero Constitutional authority to determine severity of mental health. There is no constitutional clause that gives government the authority to restrict firearms based on mental health. You’re attributing rights to the government that the government does not possess.

Shall not be infringed means exactly that.

>Basically unless you've been ordered by the state to attend the sessions or whatever it was, they can't actually force you to go.
that's certainly true, but tautological and useless
>they can't force you unless they force you
yeah, no shit

>Cops are all racist murderers
>Only Cops should have guns

This is why i stopped being a Liberal, too much double think

More guns is the only answer.

>fix your gun laws
>gun laws were more relaxed decades ago and there was virtually no mass shootings

yeah no, stop demonizing young men, spreading a culture of violence, alienating communities, destroying social cohesion, and spreading nihilism onto the young generations.

I'm not losing my rights because boomer fucks destroyed the country with their self centered hedonism and savior complex altruism.

>cries on television pleading using selective moral outrage for policy changes whenever it it suits him
>"what? I'm not the moral voice of the US" whenever it doesn't suit him

fuck this guy with a 12 foot red hot iron rod

wouldn't be a problem without the incorporation doctrine of the 14th amendment. But if liberals want to undermine state sovereignty to ram through their social policies, then turnabout is fair play where the 2nd amendment is concerned.


this and only this
literally the only actual post in the thread
if any other post is replied to i will kill myself irl

>More children with a beating a heart murdered in their mothers wombs every year

This is a site full of people who idolise Hitler, but think abortion is wrong.

Don't you faggots know the racial composition of women who have abortions?

>You can't change the 14th Amendment, that's unconstitutional

>now is not the time to politicize trajedy
>le bodies are still warm
>lets just mourn
>for the 1000th time
what would be the appropriate response

Do you think this hypocrisy keeps them up at night?

He is r/The_Donald refugee

>>now is not the time to politicize trajedy
>>le bodies are still warm
>>lets just mourn

This is what Liberals say when a Muslim blows up 50 people though

nah they say the muslims did it because of white supremacy and racism
They also say "there is no connection to islam and terror" and "there are 1 billion muslims on Earth, if they were violent we'd all be dead". Logic that can easily be applied to guns and gun owners considering there are well over 300 million guns in the US(more than there are people), and yet we aren't all dead.


>meme facts
>t...they aren't real when they don't agree with my view point


Why dont we just make murder illegal so that nobody kills anymore?
Insane that nobody has proposed this yet, or am i just a brainlet?

the point remains that you don't have high ground to stand on when you cry in moral outrage at the death of children when you give zero fucks at the termination of human life before can even experience a second of childhood.

gun nuts
muh guns
protect muh family
yeah right
the NRA's days of influence are coming to an end
put your gun in mouth and pull trigger
one less fetishist
the cleansing of Sup Forums has begun

he's wrong because no amount of pharmaceuticals or therapy can treat the underlying problems with America and Americans.

Conservatives do the same with guns

>the NRA's days of influence are coming to an end
>put your gun in mouth and pull trigger

>people that disagree with me will just kill themselves and my wet ream will become a reality

Guns are protected but the constitution, Islamic Terrorism isn't

guns are inanimate objects, not brain washed zealots following a 13th century death cult that reproduce like rabbits

Allowing us our right to bear arms is an obligation of the US government, letting inbred Muslims into the country isn't.


Government doesn't create rights, a government acknowledges them. They are right not privileges. Stop viewing politicians as mommy and daddy you worthless satist

Your country was founded on terriorism

This. Our problems extend much further than access to guns.

>Shall not be infringed

Oh shut the fuck up with this.

It's not a provision of the amendment that the amendment itself is immune to criticism, revision, etc. What you're suggesting is that the founding fathers were so fucking stupid as to write into a law that "it's illegal for this law to be changed."

where do you derive your rights from if not the government?



>children get killed
>like a normal person, he gets emotional when talking about it
Jeeze, I guess we’ve stopped giving a fuck about kids getting murdered now? Or do you think his endgame is to cry on TV so that guns get banned?

It turns out the Man Show should have been called Adam Carolla & his Fat Pussy Faggot Liberal Soyboy Buddy

Sup Forums doesn't think logically, they're just a dangerous mix of conservitard and robot

>Opposes abortion when it's practically an epidemic in black communities
>Praises school shooters that murder white children
>Call lefties unsympathetic while they chant for day of the rope


It's only illegal if it's done without an additional consitutional amendment, requiring ratification by two-thirds of the Conress and three quarters of the several States. So, while difficult, no we could theoretically repeal or amend the 2nd amendment. It's just really fucking hard because the founders saw an armed populace as essential to the preservation of liberty.

>children with a beating a heart murdered in their mothers wombs
>implying a piece of flesh without a developed brain constitutes as a "child"
>implying abortion is a bad thing when it's mostly poor retards who couldn't take care of the damn thing anyway

I'll never understand you idiots. Never since to do so would require me to throw all logic out the window for muh religion and fee fees.

American's care more about shooting each other to death than kids being killed before their lives truly even begin.

The NRA doesn't give two shits about the second amendment. They care about profits and nothing more.

Apparently someones right to live free of getting shot to death is less than some manlet to try to feel big by owning a glock.

>where do you derive your rights
the nature of my fucking existence as an individual being fee to exist within my own capacity without infringing upon others existence without their consent.
Government is suppose to recognize and protect said rights, a government that does not recognize said rights is infringing upon them.

he's going to invoke 'natural law'

Because they were literally under threat of imminent invasion and retaliation. Its outdated and retarded. This is why the US is dying, they can't let shit go. Its isnt the 18th century anymore.

>Nanny big government will care for me from cradle to death
>its a good thing to give people unaccountable power over my life

how is that not completely arbitrary? someone could just as easily say that he has the right to behead infidels derived from the nature of his existence.


Rights are imagined social constructs, not measurable natural phenomena. They are essentially just really, really important privileges that we oblige government to respect. "Nonsense on stilts" as one guy put it back in the nineteenth century.

I hope your kid kills himself for his parent being such a faggot

>he has the right to behead infidels
>to exist within my own capacity without infringing upon others existence without their consent

your ability to read isn't your strong suit I take it?

americans are so ridiculous

you've missed the point. when the limit of your rights is completely based on your own feelings, someone else can do away with those limits in the same way.

>high schoolers