

Pretty kino desu
I’m sure this thread will be full of anons calling it reddit though

I don't really get the praise the movie gets
I feel like I'm missing some hidden depth the movie had
>depression is awful
>carpe diem dude

Yeah you did miss something
Your two bullet points have nothing to do with the movie

how can we not call you reddit if what you have to say about the film is ‘it’s kino xd’

what was it about then

>implying Sup Forums can appreciate don hertzfeldt

Really activated my almonds watching this.

He had some kind of terminal disease (most likely brain cancer) coupled with mental illness causing delusions (schizophrenia)

The only way depression came into it is in that he was sad he was going to die at some point, and even then that was only towards the beginning. Your second point just sounds like reaching for something to complain about.

I cried 5 minutes straight after it ended, I miss mom desu ;-;

I think it's great

Trying way too hard

yeah I got that, he had some sorta unspecified memory disease but I just felt like the movie was actually about depression
>Your second point just sounds like reaching for something to complain about.
How the heck do you read that as something I want to complain about. I just feel like the whole ' wow living in a moment is great' was so unoriginal it had no impact.

My point is that it wasn't though. Sure he was sad because he was faced with the fact that he was going to die, calling that depression is misrepresentative at best. And it sounds like you just wanted to complain about the second point because "carpe diem" wasn't the point of it at all -- if anything, he was talking about how much of a flash in the pan we all are in terms of the overall scope of time, and that whether we live to do great things or do nothing really makes no difference to the universe. Bill never tried to seize the day or live in the moment, which is why I don't get where that complaint is coming from.

your mom was trying hard to take my entire DIIICK down her throat last night

>that whether we live to do great things or do nothing really makes no difference to the universe.
you don't see that as the kinda carpe diem message?
the movie started to have colors and became more vibrant and positive in tone when bill started to have appreciation towards every day mundane things despite his condition worsening
even the narrative ending where he lives forever is all about how he gets to appreciate every little detail of the universe because isn't everything in life just so beautiful and nice when you just look at it the right way

Again it just sounds like we interpreted it in different ways. I didn't see it as him seizing the day, even when he got out of the hospital near the end before the seizure it makes a point of how despite being home with an ostensibly clean bill of health for the first time, all he really did was loiter around and go about his day to day like usual -- that's hardly seizing the day, it's not like he took advantage of his new lease on life and went on some epic adventure, he literally just slipped back into his quiet mundane life.

Same for the ending, I saw it more of the fact that even if he did live forever, that still wouldn't make him happy or even "important" to the universe. He could learn everything, have millions of lovers and children, and it would all be irrelevant eventually because one day everything will be gone. I think it's a way more existential film than it is about seizing the day, unless you're saying that anything existential is automatically related to seizing the day. To me it seems more like the message would be "The universe doesn't care whether or not you seize the day because everyone and everything ends at some point, so you have to live the way you want for yourself"

>I didn't see it as him seizing the day,
Neither did I but I can't help but feel that's what the movie was trying to say. Memory diseases are very relatable subject and I think the movie even stated he lost years of his memory just like that. The movie ending in note where the mc starts to find wonder in tiniest things makes it seem that kinda point. We don't have much time here, even before death you could start loosing yourself, enjoy it while you can.
> you have to live the way you want for yourself
well you see that's kinda how I saw it as well but I still feel like I'm missing something cause the movie just didn't impress me in any way. And I hate to sound cynical or nitpicky about it but it just didn't speak to me, it's like teenagers first existential crisis, it doesn't say anything interesting, new or inspiring. Using the memory disease as unreliable narrator gimmick was clever but that's really all I got out of this.

Well at the end of the day I'm not gonna change your mind if it didn't impress you. It's not like I thought the movie was particularly original in its subject matter, but to me it was more original in its presentation and how it was animated, as well as presenting the subject matter in an area that isn't represented as much (animation)

But hey, totally valid reasons not to be a fan of it, and what you're saying is much better thought out than shitposting and saying "Wow!" or "Really activated my almonds" as if that's some sort of insight against the movie.

>"The universe doesn't care whether or not you seize the day because everyone and everything ends at some point, so you have to live the way you want for yourself"

That's an Absurdist ideal, not an Existential one.

>in its presentation and how it was animated
Yeah agreed on that. It's just that I watched it, googled something about it and all I found was people praising it as life changing and masterpiece and none of that really connected with me.
> I'm not gonna change your mind if it didn't impress you
I really wanna see the brilliance of this film though but I just fail to do it.
If you care for something related to similar themes, or at least movies I found myself thinking about watching this, Mind Game and They Look Like People might be worth checking out.

Maybe you're just looking at it the wrong way expecting brilliance. I mean I like the movie a lot and was even willing to spend thirty minutes on here defending it for you, but I'd still just call it a 7/10. I wouldn't say it's some brilliant masterpiece, but I have recommended it to friends on being an interesting subject with a fairly novel and impressive animation style, as well as doing a good job of blending humor with a somewhat morbid subject matter. No need for every film you watch to be some absolute masterpiece, I just think it's a good film.

>Maybe you're just looking at it the wrong way expecting brilliance.
Could be, though I went without expectations. I just remembered the name from somewhere and decided to give it a go.
>a good job of blending humor
This was probably big thing to me as well, the humor didn't really click with me, which is kinda odd cause after watching the movie, I found some shorts by the same guy I remember seeing way back and enjoying and I still found those funny.

>people still can't pinpoint what disease he had

ha had a brain tumor

>the humor didn't really click with me
I can see that being a problem too. A lot of his humor is kinda what some people would call "sorandumb" (see the Rejected cartoons even though I find those funny), but I thought it worked well in the movie since Bill is pretty much delusional / schizophrenic anyway, so him complaining about everyone rubbing their giant testicles all over the goddamned fruit was funny to me.

Maybe try the World of Tomorrow Part One, it's pretty nice and only 15 minutes. I'm actually going to see the second part in person at a Q&A with Hertzfeldt himself in a few weeks, looking forward to it.

Yeah it's pretty obviously a tumor / cancer, would also make sense for aggravating his pre-existing mental illness as well

>Yeah it's pretty obviously a tumor / cancer, would also make sense for aggravating his pre-existing mental illness as well

what is this postmodern bull shit about seeing mental illness everywhere? Is never implied he had any kind of mental illness ever

>people still can't pinpoint what disease he had
cause the movie has unreliable narrator and even if it didn't, it's not actually stated
if that screencap is supposedly evidence, it could just be visual joke, cause you know, fish are infamous for having short memory right?

>That's an Absurdist ideal, not an Existential one.
american education

What in the Hell is wrong with this coffee mug?!

not him but don't they basically outright say it near the end with the whole thing about how his family didn't really have a history of mental illnesses and it was just him?


That is proven to be his delusion tho. He tells you about all of his crazy relatives and then you have a scene when the doctor explicitly says that sometimes when a mind is missing some pieces, it fills those voids with fake stories

Seriously, I'm sorry if I sound bitter, but last year I brought this movie to a cineforum and people kept missing the more obvious plot point just because the movies didn't spell them out.
We were like 15 and noone got that he had a brain tumor. It was really infuriating. I'm still bitter about it


That's what I'm saying, his family didn't have mental illnesses, it was just him. He was delusional. It was a delusion he had possibly to cope / rationalize his illness.

Obviously he had a brain tumor too but I think it was a tumor also aggravating pre-existing mental illnesses. Not that it really matters since delusions and hallucinations from a tumor or an illness are for all intents the same thing, but the movie does imply he had problems, it just doesn't outright say "Yeah Bill has schizophrenia".

Absolutely based kino on the fpbp my wew lads
Soycucks BTFO

It caught me by a surprise. A beautiful little movie whose distinct style will get plenty of people to shit on it. I ended up buying the bluray to support the artist.

That said, I felt about this way and his subsequent work the same way I felt about Tree of Life and Malick; the initial style worked wonderfully and had an impact, whereas everything following it feels like a poor imitation. The style worked wonderfully for this movie. Using it for smaller follow-ups and his comics lessens the impact.

My two pennies.

most of us don't have daily auditory and visual hallucinations user

The only thing there that is genuinely bad is Nerdwriter.

most of us don't have a brain tumor either

Don't know where you got the idea that his family doesn't actually have a history of mental illness. One of the themes of the whole thing was the inevitability of genetics. Remember when he was talking to his coworker? "Genetics is pretty messed up". There was his moms Doctor recommending her not to breed. The whole part that was going over his wacked out family members.

Holy fuck there is literally a part near the end where it’s revealed that the scene where he’s going over his weird ass relatives like the hook kid weren’t real and were just something Bill thought up and that his family was probably normal besides Bill and his mom being the outliers. No wonder people ITT think it’s shit, you literally don’t even understand parts of the film that are blatantly outlined.

>i'm so crazy and sad look at me: the cartoon movie
How can people not agree this is pure reddit?

My friend is schizophrenic and he said this movie is what he experiences off the pill

It's schizophrenia

silly hats only

because you die of schizophrenia and get physiologically tested for it

I haven't watched act 1 or 3 in a long time, you big silly willy. Don't need to get all mad about it.

>even the narrative ending where he lives forever
Speaking of which, do you guys think the narrator was lying? He hadn't shown an independent personality prior to this point, but the joke seemed to be that he was lying to spare the audience's feelings.

I think it is disappointing how extroverted it is. To me the mind is far weirder than the world. And in that regard it didnt go very deep.

I think it depends how you want to interpret it and what you see the narrators role in relation to bill

This film destroyed me in ways few have.
>tfw nobody you recommended it to irl ever watched it, even when it was on netflix

I hate this movie so much. It's truly a dumb person's "clever movie", pseudo-intellectualism personified.

it is and you're right

I think the ending is just Hertzfeldt represantation of dying. Like death is some kind of cosmic journey you take in your mind

Because it's not about a crazy person, it's a movie about a dying person.

Crazy people often think they're dying.

It's not a bad movie, but it's only very 'deep' if you're a woman and I'm not being ironic. Women enjoy more face value stuff like Wes Anderson and this fits the bill.

>I am so proud of you

It's "deep" because self-pitying millennials identify with le depressed mental problems.

Deepness it's a gimmick.
Great charachter work and pure emotional rawness it's where is at and It's such a beautiful day is great for this.
If you have ever known a person who's going trough dementia you'll get why this is held as such a beautiful piece of animation.

But you have to have lived a lil bit of life to get it. Some people here clearly haven't

I have lived long enough to look back at a time when I was like you, and cringe.

What? When you actually had good taste?

To me it comes off like it's written by an edgy teen. The dude is dying and he's pining after some girl he likes and fawning over flowers and sunbeams while blaming his mother for having her own mental problems and sucking his absentee dad's cock. A dad who "got driven off" instead of "ran away and left his kid with a crazy person."

I say that as a person who has lived a life and is at least a decade removed from his self-pitying angstiness, btw.

Never get tired of this one. I cry every time.

Who hurt you?

>If you have ever known a person who's going trough dementia you'll get why this is held as such a beautiful piece of animation.
>But you have to have lived a lil bit of life to get it.
Sounds like you like the movie for entirely personal reasons rather than for any merits the actual movie itself has.

Except for nerdwriter, bittorent and vlc that is a solid chart

Nobody. That's the whole point. It's like says. It just reeks of self-pitying and blaming shortcomings on external factors/people. A cringy phase you grow out of.

Give me a quick rundown on Blackhat. Is it any good?

>I'm actually going to see the second part in person at a Q&A with Hertzfeldt himself in a few weeks, looking forward to it.
somewhat jealous.

Except, for example, his mother didn't have mental problems. So you actually DIDN'T get the movie.
A big part of the movie is his mind filling the voids of memories caused by the tumor with random shit, and the point of the movie itself is that there is value in everything despite how real things are

That's always true. If it wasn't, how would you explain plebs movies making bank?

Except you guys keep watching this movie trough your cynical and filtered lens as some kind of shallow indie mumblecore drama, when the movie is literally about an absolutely pragmatic issue, which is the death of oneself and the relationship with one's deteriorating mind.

No political, cultural, societal or philosophical point of view is in any way endorsed by this movie, just a raw interpretation of a guy with a tumor in his brain

You and I have different connotations for the word "pragmatic".

I don't know what's more pragmatic than fighting against cancer sincerely

>A big part of the movie is his mind filling the voids of memories caused by the tumor with random shit, and the point of the movie itself is that there is value in everything despite how real things are
What are you talking about? No shit there was random shit popping off in his brain, but the other character bits still shone through in their own ways and even in an abstract way there's no denying that whenever the mother character comes up things get all dark and stormy and when the dad and gf show up things get all bright and rosy. It's about as subtle as a mack truck. It's nowhere near as "deep" as you think it is.

Literally anything. You can't "fight" against cancer. But that's irrelevant as it isn't what the movie is really about. It's a thinly veiled artsy fartsy millenial template for self-pity and nostalgia. You can deny it all you want, but that's why you like it. The "carpe diem" message is designed to make the viewer long for a simpler child-like time. It's the oldest trick in the book. It's basically the Lego Movie combined with new-age "everybody has a mental disorder" stuff in a stickfigure cartoon.

It's derivative, uninspiring and dull.

PS: No, I'm not some cynical bastard. My life is pretty good desu. This movie is just shit.

great! a don hertz hertzfeldt thread that has more than two replies!
>people are discussing about bill's disease

I saw it as an exploration of mental illness and accepting death but that’s just me

found world of tomorrow episode 2 to be rather disappointing, liked the first one a lot better

I’m legit surprised you didn’t say “female”

>an exploration of mental illness
I have hated every "deep" show that goes here. Normality is mentally ill itself. Glamorizing literal retards is just Jerry Springer bullshit.

>all these posts about how it’s shit because it’s deep
Yeah I highly doubt the creator was thinking “oh man everyone will see how smart I am by making this haha”. All this projecting and rage over a movie having a little more substance than say capeshit is honestly pretty pathetic and indicative of how far this board has fallen

>He will spend hundreds of years travelling the world; learning all there is to know. He will learn every language, he will read every book, he will know every land. he will spend thousands of years, creating stunning works of art. He will learn to meditate to control all pain. As wars will be fought, and great loves found, and lost, and found, lost, and found, and found, and found and memories built upon memories, until life runs on an endless loop. He will father hundreds of thousands of children whose own exponential offspring he will slowly lose track of, though the years. Whose millions of beautiful lives, will all, eventually, be swept again from the Earth. And still, Bill will continue. He will learn more about life, than any being in history, but death will forever be a stranger to him. People will come and go, until names lose all meaning, until people lose all meaning and vanish entirely from the world, and still Bill will live on. he will befriend the next inhabitants of the Earth; beings of light, who revere him as a god. And bill will outlive them all, for millions and millions of years, exploring, learning, living. Until the Earth is swallowed beneath his feet. Until the sun is long since gone. Until time loses all meaning, and the moment comes that he only knows the positions of the stars, and see's them whether his eyes are closed or open. Until he forgets his name, and the place he'd once come from. He lives, and he lives, until all of the lights, go out

cried so fucking hard
this movie broke me in ways I did not knew it was posible

is there porn?

Always makes me call my mom

>I forgive you

That's a shame, I'm going to see it at a live showing with Hertzfeldt soon. How long is it?

22 minutes

don hertzfeldt has a book and i will never read it because it's sold out and nobody has uploaded it to the internet