We need a gun that a bunch of generic elite mercenaries can use

>we need a gun that a bunch of generic elite mercenaries can use

>We need a futuristic shotgun that nobody seems to be able to use as intended

>looking for a gun for the main villain who's a total fucking bad-ass by the way

I'd watch that movie.

What gun would you give your mercenaries in a movie you directed?

this gun is actually really good

Pretty sure he's describing Hard Boiled.


>Our vampire-slaying protagonists needs some edgy deprecated pistols to dual wield!
Say no more.

>We need to arms some 80s-era white henchmen who have ponytails and cheap sunglasses
>say no more

got you covered pham

lmao is that an air pistol

>we need a gun that we can spray paint different colours and make it look futuristic to normies
>i got chu senpai

>quickly, we need a tiny cuck gun that uses a literal meme caliber

how they ended up making it iconic is beyond me

Fucking Hunger Games

>this gun is actually really good
>not shooting itself to pieces
>not destroying every single glass you can put on it

you can tell i'm a bad guy by my kalashnikov

>We need a gun for the villain to kill one of his own henchmen with at least once so they know he's bad.

>use as intended
well how are you supposed to use it

This literally happend in Westworld

Is that a FAMAS?

this is the coolest looking gun

It’s a SCAR-H.

No, its AK-47

>american movie
>has akm or ak-74
>people call it ak-47 anyway

It's like they made a weapon specifically to used in movies. I don't think it's practical IRL at all, but in movies it just works, especially when it's used by 80's action heroes and the like

Yeah whatever my Sig AR-10 is a beast and I'd take it over my AR-15 and Tavor if I had to choose.

I bought it to kill a Boar. You can't, or rather should not, use a .223 to do that.

Extended stock. 12g has a kick if you're not shooting bird shot.

Heckler and Glock AR-47 with assault grip

really? I didn't know there was a Thomson in that, I'll have to watch it again

Not him, but the spas 12 is actually fully capable of semi automatic fire, but in every single movie its used as a pump action weapon

unfold the stock

I recently saw The Wraith and they use it semi automatic there, but it looks so stupid, they made it like a sci-fi gun by putting dumb tech-y things on it.

>owning a fucking assualt rifle

>we need a gun for niggers to use in drive bys
>got u senpai

I don't know anything about guns, but I fucking love the way this one looks, and I always try to use it in video games. It's great in Ghost Recon Wildlands.

to be fair they were beaners in falling down

What's the difference between .223 and 5.56

You’re allowed to own AR’s to hunt especially dangerous animals and collect them to begin with. The solution to crazy retards owning AR’s isn’t to ban AR’s fully.

>he goes hunting with a fucking assault rifle


the fuck are you on about?

We need a gun for OP

shouldn't you be on your way to your old highschool right now?

Like I have an AR 15 I inherited that takes .223, i know obviously that's the same size as 5.56 but would i be able to chamber it, I don't know much about guns outside of their basic operation

That’s a fucking anti-aircraft gun, Vincent.

We need a gun that takes clips to piss off /k/

autistic Sup Forumseddit/k/ thread

>not being ready for the day when FEMA gets the concentration camps up and running

There isn’t even anything inherently wrong with owning assault rifles if you’re responsible with them, which the vast majority of actual gun enthusiasts are. The kids shooting up schools are people who have never used a gun in their lives prior to killing all the bullies or whatever.
I don’t even get why Europeans act smug about pretty much being treated like children by their government. What do you get out of it?

>we need an absolute meme gun that we can slightly modify and pretend it's futuristic

We need a gun that makes the ATF classify a shoestring as a machinegun

>we need a gun for a bad guy but while we were writing him, someone in a different room yelled the word "german"

Lol the kid who just shot up that Florida school was an absolute gun nut who had the cops called on him at least once for shooting at his neighbors chickens and he used an AR he purchased himself, I'm 100 percent from the 2nd amendment but don't talk out of your ass

There's nothing wrong with owning a rifle.
If you use a fucking AR to hunt game then you're a pussy faggot and should die in a fire.

Externally, the two cartridge cases are identical. The main differences are that 5.56x45 mm NATO operates at a higher chamber pressure (about 60,000 p.s.i. versus 55,000 p.s.i. on the .223 Rem.) and the 5.56’s chamber is slightly larger than that of the .223 Rem. Also, the throat or leade is longer in the 5.56x45 mm chamber. What does this mean? You should not shoot 5.56x45 mm NATO out of a rifle that is chambered in .223 Rem. And be aware that some .223 Rem. ammunition will not reliably cycle through some AR-style .223 Rem. rifles, but it usually does. As a matter of fact, I have not encountered any difficulty with current .223 Rem. loads cycling through a 5.56 mm AR-style rifle.

We need a cute gun

Remember when video games all had this piece of rubber dogshit

>We need a gun for low IQ subhumans to kill each other with
>Oh, I know just the one

That's just a sbr ar with a supressor

>What do you get out of it?

Not shot

>If you use a fucking AR to hunt game then you're a pussy faggot and should die in a fire.
it's a fucking 223. not a 50BMG calm the fuck down

He’s an outlier by school shooter standards.


>you now realise youre in a thread where someone who posted will definitely go on a mass shooting.
glad I dont live in america

>we need some tacticool swat dudes
i got you senpai


it was pretty good in Blops 2

>not using the better looking Magpul PDR

>upto 2015

>we have this nazi guy, but he needs to be evil. like worse than hitler

shoulda got a .50 beo

>assault rifle

>From 2009
>To 2015
Nice cherrypicked dates, friend! Also I like how England is it's own thing.

But if you own a gun you're less likely to be shot yourself. Fucking dumbass.

Yes. That's the correct term. The misused term is 'Assault Weapon'.

BFBC2 as well.

Let me guess, you hunt with a homemade bow and arrow?

tell that to country and western fans

AR-7s are probably the most inaccurately portrayed guns in movies.

>o-owning weapons is for pussies!!!
No, being scared of weapons is for pussies.

Against small game or if you are trying to cull a heard of invasive species like pigs? A MSR is perfect.

Actual assault rifles are $15000 at a minimum, as an assault rifle is select-fire by definition.

i've never seen an ar-7 in a movie except for that one bond

Good to know, thanks

Has someone actually checked this?
I don't recall hearing about ANY mas shootings in Slovakia/Macedonia/Finland. US has had loads though

>we don’t get shot!!!
>you actually do
>b-but it’s from 3 years ago so it’s outdated!!!
Enjoy having your butter knives taken away.

>implying movie mercs aren't supplied exclusively by H&K

Deagles are functional IRL, they are dead accurate in competition shooting and .50 AE has a surprisingly flat trajectory for a handgun cartridge. however recoil is still ridiculous, magazine capacity is a joke and their gas blowback system runs really dirty and requires extensive cleaning to keep it reliable over time.

nothing wrong with owning one to protect your home, a handgun is more than enough for everyday, concealed carry use though

Mass shootings constitute the deaths of over 4 people with a gun. Not every mass shooting is gonna show up in the news. This should be common sense to everyone who doesn’t spend their time shitposting on Sup Forums.


>moving goalposts
cant believe someone is as stupid as you. cherrypicking dates that dont include the maniac shootings that have happened since 2015.

pic is just from 2016

but if nobody owns a gun, you are not likely to get shot at all...

Why do handguns feel and shoot like shit? I can't fucking stand them.

I haven't seen this movie in years but I instantly recognized this gun.

An assault rifle is select fire by definition you turd, any normal AR is a semi auto rifle.

I remember there being a zombie movie where a character used one of these. Can't remember which one it was though. All I remember is that the movie itself was that it was from the 80's or maybe late 70's and was dumb but a lot of fun.

>trump fan kills kids
ruh roh
looks like the reign of the orange menace is cemented as enabler of mass shooters

>counting niggers shooting each other as mass shooting
why only retards care about gun legislation

god i miss that game

>BLERGH! These dates don't count because I said so! Also thank Allah the muslims are killing us with trucks instead of guns, now I can feel superior to Americans again!

Could you be any more retarded?