What do you think about this Ready Palyer One new poster, Sup Forums?

What do you think about this Ready Palyer One new poster, Sup Forums?

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is thia a 56% meme?

oh no no no

Yes, but it's not a meme, unfortunately.

Here's a few more.

look at the bottom of his feet


Oh nonononono



Better resolution.

>spoiling a plot point in the fucking poster

>Some qt petite girl
>Not a chubby nerdy insecure girl with acne and chokers


This movie is pure manchild cancer and I pray to God it flops.

Aech was a fat black lesbian whose ingame avatar was a rich WASP white dude, her entire character motivation was "deconstructing privilege," what the fuck?

Artemis's avatar was supposed to look exactly like her except for the birthmark that covers half the real version's face

This is a 10/10 exact adaptation of the guy and his character

He was a samurai and they made him a ninja lmao

Is it black avatar?

no port wine stain on the face either.

Cant wait. I have my 80s getup on premier night.

>pure imagination

we all know it will be shit


>God it flops
it will just like every WB movie will

>Not a fat dye hair girl ugly as hell with loved personality bringing the idea of in Internet nobody is like her avatar

What about main (?) charachter, Chad?

>her drivers license is described in the book as 5'7", 165 pounds

Her avatar is supposed to be as fat as her real self because she's all about body positivism, but she's also a hypocrite because her avatar doesn't have her Gorbachev mark

Last one.

I wonder how much social justice/atheist bullshit propaganda is going to be in the movie

Spielberg's movies aren't usually very political so hopefully there isn't much

Come on user, this is Hollywood, what did you expect?


>villain is literally Lord Justice
immediately /ourguy/

>Spielberg's movies aren't usually very political
What? Have you seen his last movies?

>A Chad from hihgschool
>Not a skinny nerdy with acne and shitty complexion because years of videogames and bad food

Spielbergo read the book? Or wanna make a blockbuster for muh nostalgia faggots and millenials?


>these are actually real

At the start of the book he's a pasty fat sack of shit. When he starts going really crazy in the game he becomes /fit/ IRL but also completely hairless in order to optimize his performance in the VR controller platform

Yeah, but in the start he was a nerdy shit like us.

Is this the cover to a YA fantasy adventure series that they sell at the book fair
It just looks so horribly cheap for such a high profile movie

>Aech was a fat black lesbian
Wait, is this supposed to be a woman? Fuck...

I really didn't know who this books was for. It had elements of YA, but with the amount of 80s references, I don't know. I was born in 85 and get about 90% of the things mentioned.

>I really didn't know who this books was for
The "I'm 35 years old and get all of my cultural grounding from Star Wars and Harry Potter" audience

the book is for "nerds", which is what the mid-40s author basically is. he was a "nerd" in the 80s, and chucked a bunch of references in the book.