What are some CAPITALISM HO! movies...

What are some CAPITALISM HO! movies? Ones where commies and socialists are BTFO not only physically but philosophically as well. The only one I can remember is Hail, Caesar!

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rocky 4 nigga

Rollerball is highly anti-collectivist


What are some movies about millions of people being convinced they dont deserve to have healthcare by a select group of billionaires?

How is Rambo anti-commie?

They Live

What are some movies where impotent manchildren whine that the state isn't giving them free stuff?

What are some movies about useful idiots with jew hands up their puppet asses who shill (((Capitalism))) online

>OMG why don't you want to pay for the healthcare of dozens of millions of illegal immigrants, drug addicts and obese people

literally no movie because capitalism at this point doesn't even try to hide its ineffectual philosophy but rather conjures up boogie-men from failed communist states to make itself look better in comparison.
Even when capitalism tries to make itself look good it comes off as shallow and unsettling.

What are some movies about ironic useful idiots calling other people useful idiots when they take money from kikes and shill Communism on the streets?

hey let's not stoop to disgusting anti semitism


I have good healthcare, I just pay for it instead of expecting handouts like a social parasite.


communism was conceived by and is perpetuated by jews

rational and common sense quote
this hitler guy seems OK in my book

Seksmisja is very clearly about communism

Are you implying the fat greasy degenerates on the streets wearing masks aren't taking Soros shekels and preaching Communism?

So you're saying there is literally no system that works? Should we just kill ourselves?

I assumed you were referring to me when you posted that, and felt obliged to share my thoughts on socialism.
There absolutely are autistic redditors who shill gommunism on the streets though

Actually a mix between Capitalism and Socialism works. Take a look at Canada and some Scandinavian countries.

you definitely should

when did I ever even imply that you fucking imbecile


>take a look at monoracial white countries
any system would work there

>east germany

>capitalism doesnt work
>other alternatives are all genocidal
So what do
Interesting perspective, actually
Based centrist

>capitalism doesnt work

My sides


It was working

just because past alternatives failed doesn't mean you shouldn't continue to seek an alternative. Learn from the mistakes of past endeavors.

well yeah up until the last few years i mean

And what do you do while you search for a new system, if not stick with the best one you have so far?

Still, in reality not everyone's a centrist and if people had to pick sides the better choice would be Capitalism. I could find more successful Capitalist countries than Socialist ones. I do wish we could find new systems entirely instead of altering existing ones and keeping the name.

>it's an evil rich republican billionaires vs. noble, altruistic democrat trial lawyers episode
yes please take all money

If you don't include the key then all you have is a colorful map.

try not to buy into a system exploitative of not only the labor of nearly everyone involved but also their psychic well-being and certainly don't masturbate such a system on the internet.

>he fell for the capitalism meme
Want me to tell you how I know you're autistic?

Unironically Elysium.

grug pick 2 berries
grog pick 8 berries
me no like that
me smash grog head

Oh, please explain how enjoying the most succesful system on the planet is autistic.

this is the guy you're so desperate to give away your paycheck to, really /leftytv/ ?

Yeah, my country is green.

Don't come here though, we are getting BLACKED to death by niggers, our commie governments are destroying the country.

based cumrag grog