When are we going to get a proper American Revolutionary War film?

When are we going to get a proper American Revolutionary War film?

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Been wondering this. Why haven't we had a high profile portrayal of Gen. Washington?

When they film Hamilton

no one good enough to play washington, morse was ok i guess

>tfw no ķĩиФ about the Green Mountain Boys

Dude killed it.

>Snyder probably won't get to make his Washington historic mythic Kino
Fuck u


The Patriot was kino but more of a 300 version of the war than actual historical epic.

would be pretty sweet

Jeff Daniels did okay

He looks awkward

kino to the definition of the word

Lafayette was the cool guy in the revolution

this is only true if you restrict the pool to wh*te candidates

i humbly suggest Idris Elba for the role

As for Martha, it's obviously got to be pic related, for comic relief


I don't want to get all Sup Forums here but the current liberal climate is all wrong for a film celebrating the origins of America. It won't happen any time soon.

When the BBC make it.

If that one show I watched on him was accurate then he'd probably be too problematic. What with the slaves and all.

I'd watch the fuck out of a George Washington movie though.

Many slave owners treated their slaves extremely humanely, not everyone was a sociopath looking to exploit and humiliate other people. Many slave owners considered their slaves to be members of their family, trusted workers, loyal servants, confidants, someone who will never betray them due to them being indentured to the owner's family. It was a very gray concept. I'd say

Shitty boring war.

It's hard to condense a six year long war with most of it spent during guerilla campaigns into a single movie. A movie would have to gloss over many battles, or focus mainly on one battle.

>revolutionary liberation freedom fighting rebels(just like the taliban, al nusra, kpg, isis, bolsheviksm and similar cancerous organizations )
>separate land from the rightful King and monarchy and institute a corrupt republic
>kike banks

I think liberal fags and feminists would love it.

Generally speaking I imagine it depended on what they actually had slaves for. House slaves were probably treated fairly well, but any sort of labor and I highly doubt it

Which show was it?

Intro kino

Never, because it was an incredibly racist era

Even labor slaves were treated well. Well thought owners gave them entire mini 'villages' on the plantation. They would work alongside the owner and his family (sons) from sun up to sun down, it's a huge myth that every plantation owner was a lazy son of a bitch who forced their slaves to do all the work. That's just not economical. Not saying it didn't exist, but the ones who operated that way were definitely not the most successful economically. Keep in mind we are talking about WASP slave owners, not French or Spanish, who were incredibly more harsh.