After principal photography was complete in 2003, Lucas made even more changes in Anakin's character...

>After principal photography was complete in 2003, Lucas made even more changes in Anakin's character, sharpening Anakin's motivations for turning to the dark side. Lucas accomplished this "rewrite" through editing the principal footage and filming new scenes during pick-ups in London in 2004.[21] In the previous versions, Anakin had myriad reasons for turning to the dark side, one of which was his sincere belief that the Jedi were plotting to take over the Republic. Although this is still intact in the finished film, by revising and refilming many scenes, Lucas emphasized Anakin's desire to save Padmé from death. Thus, in the version that made it to theatres, Anakin falls to the dark side primarily to save Padmé.

Why didn’t anyone tell him this was a bad idea?

Other urls found in this thread:

I wanted it to be a mix of the two, like, it was clear that Anakin was a fascist and felt betrayed by the Jedi and the republic, but that wouldn't be enough to push a hero to commit a youngling genocide so the Padme motivation was understandable

Huge improvement to his character arc.

Pure unironic kino.

Fucking terrible movie and OP's post is a reminder of the retardation festering in Lucas's senile brain which led to the implosion of a once beloved franchise.

/swco/ will bend over backwards to defend this shit.

Imagine a PT where Anakin is a true hero of the Republic but hates war and is willing to do anything to end it.
Add in the fact that his wife is pregnant and he doesn't ant his kids to grow up during the war either.
Now he has external and internal motivation for believing that the ends will justify the means.

I always thought that ROTS could have been improved by having Anakin leave the Jedi with Ahsoka, but Palpatine asks him to retain his rank as a General in the GAR. So during ROTS, instead of sort of being "tricked" into joining the Dark Side, he just straight up sides with Sheev and his plans for the galaxy over the Jedi's goals of maintaining the broken status quo. The Dark Side being able to save Padme is just a bonus. That also helps explain a little better why he remained Sheev's apprentice after Padme died: because he still genuinely believed in the Empireband what he fought to establish.

The prequels are perfect and you're not allowed to make this thread again. I'll be watching.

At least we can all agree it was better than the shitty seguels about a mary sue without motivation at all

>I love Kathleen Kennedy's strap on

Both trilogies are equally bad, just for different reasons.


Are you a literal child?

clone wars had more emotional depth than anything in the movies

You gotta be 18 to post here, senpai.

>better than the PT
It can both.


You would do anything for the woman you love. It's a basic human convention.

Vader's movitation was to br ing peace and justice to the empire. He says it in the OT.

>my kids' movies are more legitimate than your kids' tv show

>It's a basic human convention.

This is Sup Forums. It's filled with virgin autists.

>implying Lucas gave a fuck about the OT by the time he was making the PT

That was only after he met Luke and wanted to rule the galaxy with him. His motivations before he found out Luke was his son aren't really explained

I can barely be fucked to do the dishes for my GF but maybe that means I'm already Dark Side.

would've been a better movie if they called it revenge of the sheev

You’d murder children for the woman you love?

I can sincerely say, I wouldn’t.

This would mean that Anakin would have to think to himself, "Padme would be completely okay if I killed some kids so that she could live."

If kill my ex fiance, her husband and child. Does that count?

Was Anakin mentally ill?

He was written by an out-of-touch, over-the-hill Director who didn't even decide WHY he would go to the dark side until after he had already finished filming the movie.
Everything about Anakin's turn was done in editing and with reshoots.

He's probably not an impressionable emotionally unstable guy with magic powers tho

Who tf is Ahsoka

A few psychiatrists say he has clear symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder

There was an easy way to swat all flies at once if you wanted Anakin to seem "backed into a corner" and to justify him murdering younglings and shit. Establish that he doesnt want his kid to grow up in the same environment that forced him to bodyguard Padme from assassins and to fight in a war for years and have the jedi actually find out about the child rather than Sidious' alignment, coming to arrest Anakin. Culminates in Mace finally revealing how much he hates Anakin and about to kill him before Palpatine bursts in and destroys the darkie

>Luke, did I ever tell you about Ahsoka Tano? She was your father’s exotic teenage alien apprentice, a fine piece of jailbait from a more civilized age. She had the tightest body and the perkiest little breasts in the galaxy; barely legal in most systems. Anakin and I used to doubleteam her at the end of every successful campaign during the Clone Wars, and once in a while we’d even have the entire 501st run a train over her, part of official Jedi “training” of course. In time, she learned how to handle a meatsaber better than anyone in the Jedi Temple. She wore a miniskirt every day so we told her there were no panties in space, and she was constantly doing acrobatics. We taught her to grip her weapon backwards like a dildo and she constantly got captured by pirates and slavers almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Luke, you have no idea. And she was a good friend.


now...the dick one

>Anakin teaches all of his apprentices to hold their lightsabers wrong as a joke

At worst the Jedi would kick him out of the Order, not arrest him

There was nothing on the subject at the time the movie came out, Lucas could have done whatever he wanted. Him being kicked out would also work just as well to make him hate jedi

Would make Obi Wan look like even more of a lying douchebag when he talks about Anakin being a Jedi Knight and Luke’s fatherlike it’s no big deal

Because he's a very powerful man and he ruled like a dictator. This is the shame about the prequels is that Lucas had all the right pieces, but he needed someone to polish them and put them in the right place. If he'd hired a director and screenwriter then just produced the thing then the prequels would have been phenomenal.

would he shoot up a school if he could?

>Thus, in the version that made it to theatres, Anakin falls to the dark side primarily to save Padmé.

this is a better justification you fucking moron. Anakins whole life focused on him being raised by a single mother and being ripped away from her at a young age. That abandonment lead him to look for a parent figure his whole life. Not wanting his child to grow up without a mom like he did for half his child hood not only makes sense but also would explain why he would be seduced so easily by sheev and his promise of immortality and infinite knowledge

>You’d murder children for the woman you love? I can sincerely say, I wouldn’t.

user IM PREGNANT.... get an abortion you slut

why the fuck did Vangelis score this scene?

That's basically what he did

Padme should've just had an abortion if Anakin was certain of the events.

People who get butthurt about this post probably haven't even seen TCW

it's a retarded post by a drooling retard

rots came out in 2005

why do you think it's a bad idea? Turning to the Dark Side because the Jedi are plotting to takeover is cold logical, turning to the Dark Side out of fear of the death of a loved one is all tied up in emotion which plays into the whole Jedi/Sith divide.

Yeah, you're right. God damn it, I didn't think through all the implications of that post. Fuck.

>People who get butthurt about this post probably haven't even seen a literal childrens' cartoon


Yes, he shows strong signs of Borderline Personality Disorder.

Of course he was, he grew partly up as a slave and partly up under the "care" of a cold emotionless institution which made it abundantly clear that they didn't want him, didn't like him and didn't trust him.


It's a bad idea to try and save your wife? anita? is that you? hahah idiot

the only way that motivation would have any emotional weight to it is if during the fight with obiwan he actually was using the force to keep padme from death. but, you know, george.

or if padme was inexplicably an anime waifu. that would work too.