If you got action figure problems i feel bad for you son

>if you got action figure problems i feel bad for you son
>i got 99 movie figurines and a pop ain't one
what movie memorabilia do you own?


This is everything movie-related I own as well.

>That Spawn at the bottom

The mental gymnastics you must have to do to convince yourself that your toys are better than his toys is incredible.

Nothing, literally the only thing that comes close is some cheap kamen rider figure

the patricians choice?

No, POP figures are genuine cancer. They are low grade copy pasta figures marketed to hipsters and girls who yell "Oh I recognize that character! SQUEE!!!!"

Quality scale figures are fine, if a little expensive (200-$450 each).

I'm sorry that you live in room with blank walls.

I imagine they are plain white, it must be maddening. If you won't get a few figures then maybe at least get a plant or some posters to put on your wall?

Nothing at all, why would I want some useless toys

They aren't useless they're quite expensive actually. I could sell a couple of those shelves and get more $ than you make in a week.

nothing, I'm not a manchild

I don't even have a blu ray collection

Just dont do this.

how satisfying would it be to "trip" and fall into the center of that shit?
no display case having mofo btfo

You can tell whoever bought these did not give a shit about Capeshit or "nerd culture" until 2007

>I want my living room to look like a Forbidden Planet
But why?

It's a really sad sight seeing what Forbidden Planet has become. My old local increased it's shop but all I see are funkopops everywhere.

reddit: the post

tell me a good comic shop to visit in the UK
that chain is the only one ive heard of and I guess it sucks now?

I have K's lisence pkate from BR2049 but that's it. Was a pretty dumb purchase honestly

Traveling Man is pretty decent. Feels more like a traditional comic shop since there's less focus and priority over faux geek culture like Forbidden Planet.

OP I've never seen that Terrax before can you post a better picture? Thanks

I picked up a couple of Judge dredd collections at Forbidden planet, but walking through the aisles of POP figures and Rick and Morty shit was shameful. I sucks but at the end of the day it's still a comic book shop. If you're looking for a comic book you'll probably find it there.

cool, ty user
comic shops are very unique business, its really a labor of love just staying in business plus some are dungeons, so it's good to know the good ones.
ya got me its a GIS special...search for it!

ty user
I'll probably check one out if I'm ever near one just for the sake of it.

Todd McFarlane still spends tons of money to pretend Spawn is a big cultural icon.

Massive Legend

Depends on the store. The London Forbidden Planet mostly has shit upstairs but the basement is still filled with any comic you can imagine.

Or you could, gee I don't know, maybe decorate you walls with photos of friends/family/significant life events, unique pieces of art or memorabilia not produced in the thousands by asian slaves, etc? Idk, i guess to each his own, but dumping thousands of dollars on childrens toys seems a bit silly for a grown man.

I have custom bobbleheads of my immediate family members, in my display case.

I'll put up anything I damn well please in my studio apartment user. Until I need you as an interior decorator you can fuck right off.

he might be a pleb, but so are you

>studio apartment
Ah, I see. Nevermind then, enjoy your escapism.

Used to have one of these because it was in the Matrix. Felt great to twang the receiver out until the spring kept crapping out and I realized it was just junk.

some brands are better than others

>Can only call numbers made up of 1 2 and 3
I know most numbers were like that back in the late 90's but come on!

Imagine how many vacations and sugar babies you could fuck with that money.

Rough estimate ... 59 statues.. at 150-200 a piece (I'm sure some were more)

= 12800 bucks.

Plus cabinets and lighting.... plus the shit on the top that I can't see.

At least 14,000 dollars in statues.

I don't collect toys because I am an adult.

Didn't factor in shipping.. assuming you bought them online. at least another 1500.

So 15,000 grand easy

>15,000 grand

I used to have AvP action figures, the good ones that were made before the AvP movies, but they eventually broke in one my many moves. I don't have anything now other than one low quality replica poster and one high quality one that I can't hang on my wall anyway.

>Imagine how many vacations and sugar babies you could fuck with that money.
I don't collect figures the way the image in OP does but neither of those activities you listed sound more appealing than doing so.

I put paintings and various things I've collected over the years on my walls.

What's wrong with funkopop

>making memories or getting laid?
>Staring at fucking cheap plastic?

I mean just going out and seeing the world or taking a girl with you.

Hell, buy a motorcycle or pay for self-defense classes.

I don't get it myself. Statues just sit there...

You don't get why people on a relatively niche forum about movies would enjoy collecting things related to movies? You don't have to spend thousands of dollars on a weeks vacation to make memories. And frankly having sex with girls who are only interested in you for your money sounds extremely depressing.

I mean.. all women just fuck you for money in the long term. Some play the long con and go for a house and kids too but yeah. If you're poor you're not getting laid anyway.

No you don't have to.. but sitting around your house staring at capeshit all day isn't going to do wonders for you either.

I'm just saying you could have more manly hobbies and enrich yourself instead of making a monument to cheap chinese crap.

>I mean.. all women just fuck you for money in the long term. Some play the long con and go for a house and kids too but yeah. If you're poor you're not getting laid anyway.
You sound delusional. Tell that to all the lower class, borderline poverty families with half a dozen or more kids. Or tell it to the many husbands and wives who stick with each other through harsh times.
>I'm just saying you could have more manly hobbies and enrich yourself instead of making a monument to cheap chinese crap.
There's nothing manly about casual, polyamorous sex. A man with a wife and family is free to spend his own money as he sees fit so long as it doesn't impact the overall stability of his family.

look you can have figurines and be an adult, this is not an issue people

No, you really can't. I had a roomate like this once, spent all his money on toys then had to hit up mommy at the end of the month to pay me rent. Naturally he ended up moving back with his mother once he lost his mcjob and is still there as far as i know. He is an eternal manchild and so is any other "adult" who collects toys from escapist fantasy bullshit.