Itt: characters that did nothing wrong

itt: characters that did nothing wrong





that bitch was nuts

>grocer is kind of mean to qt boy who works for him
>engage in psychological warfare by breaking into his phone and tampering with his belongings until he goes insane

I don’t understand what heinous acts he’s committed that we’re supposed to hate him oh so muchfor.




Nigga just left the stove on when shit was burning & ran out of the house

Fell for a whore

Try to defend this and youre no better than that schmuck. He fucked up big time



I think Lynch’s Mom was on LSD the entire time she was carrying him.


t. chalmercuck

thinking about killing nick at the end was pretty stupid but then again she didnt go through with it

He dindu nuffin wron for sure. He died like he supposed to die.





>be given iron cross for bravery
>squad is ambushed by jewish war criminals
>get taken captive
>jews want information
>threaten to beat you to death if you dont talk
>believe them
>doesnt give them information, instead tells them to fuck off
>dies like a man

he was the true hero of the film. he and the sturmbannführer in the bar.


you are right, but did she even do anything other than walk out from behind that wall?

>falls in love with a whore
>she literally says she doesn't love him
>tells him it would be a mistake
>LOL I'll change her
>tells the cowboys who run Nevada to fuck off
>makes a tv show bringing more attention to casino
Ace was 100% retarded


His only crime is being a lanky string bean try hard

>falls in love with a whore
you could have stopped there

>1 stinky dinky

yes, didnt you understand the movie

Why are there so many french films about Yanderes?

And she was a legit working for semen dripping cock loving hooker

in his defense: she was 10/10 hot. doesnt make it less stupid but lets be honest. we have all done stupid shit to get with way uglier girls

I literally cried of joy when he played pinata with chinkface.

the guy in the bar greased some non-Allies when he started shooting

unironically this

>best friend and greatest ally deserts you
>get caught fucking kings daughter
>tortured for years, had your muscles basically ripped out and mind broken, cannot even stand up
>your dream of becoming a benevolent ruler is dead
>one chance to get it all back

tell me you wouldn't

>Leans back
Fuck are you sayin?
