What Sup Forums character/team would have the best chance against the Anti-Spiral?

What Sup Forums character/team would have the best chance against the Anti-Spiral?
(without completely curbstomping them? EX. So no Cosmic Armor Superman or similar stuff)

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Pickle Rick!

Green Lantern Corps.

Shut up with "best chance".

Lets go for "more entertaining", I vote for Doom Patrol.

That WOULD be entertaining.

whats a antispiral



>Anti-Anti-Spiral Button

Adult Franklin Richards, most likely

Dexter and Mandark teaming up. Anti-Spiral wouldn't have a chance.


we got a fucking winner

Honestly, considering how Anti-Spiral operates, the Superman Thought Robot is about the right match.
It's purpose is to overcome the ultimate evil, and Anti-Spiral's strategy is to drown his opponents in despair so that they just give up.
Superman has too much will and determination to give up, where Simon and Dai-Gurren are running off of pure unadulterated Hot Bloodedness.


could ben become the anti spiral?

What is Alien X

do any of Ben's aliens have resistence to mind manipulation cause Anti SPiral can kinda just put you into an extremely complax and high level form of mind control with that multi dimensional labryinth.

and well Alien X cant fucking agree on anything, even the literal erasure of the universe Ben almost couldnt get those two fucks to agree with him.

what is his abilities?

Honestly the Anti Spiral can react and move much faster than Ben as Alien X.

this site has a quick and easy to see list of them


Honestly that would be the most entertaining to watch.

A lot of it is really ill-defined, since at the end they were shooting probability altering missiles at eachother.

Really, at the end each side had weird jargon and abilities that just canceled eachother out until it was just a drill fight, so it'd be hard to judge what they would be like to fight against litterally anything besides the Gurren Lagann team

So why was fighting them as equals more despair inducing then curb-stomping them? Every time TTGL powered up the Anti Spiral just got bigger to match them, implying it just had all that power to begin with. Wouldn't it be more disheartening to just blast a guy with all you got and find it did nothing rather then make it look like you were making progress?

>well Alien X cant fucking agree on anything
Ben has the control now.

Kek, no.

Dexter and Mandark couldn't even get rid of a non-sentient meteor working together.

Bro, the Anti Spiral moves at an estimated 25 quadrillion times the speed of light. Shit's ridiculous

well their realtiy warpers who genereally choose to distill despair into their opponents, so they usually end up copying their opponents but just sliiightly stronger.

basically think someone who immensely better than you in a fighting game and they always pick whatever character you pick.

did he? when was that? Im genuinely surprised by that.

Bro, Alien X is omnipotent. He can do anything.

What is this anime shit?

Since "Universe VS Tennyson"

the Anti Spiral also has reality warping.

and before you say anything Alien X was unable to do jack shit about the chronosapien time bomb.

Man I'll never get over how Ominverse gave Alien X this big stupid looking chin and proportions

>the Anti Spiral also has reality warping
Not at the level of Alien X.

>Alien X was unable to do jack shit about the chronosapien time bomb
Ben didn't use Alien X that time

The Anti-Spirals didn't want to use their full power initially, and they constantly underestimated their opponents. At the very end of the fight they said humanity was the first to make it that far, and Lordenome fought them before and lost so the Anti-Spirals probably didn't think humanity was any stronger than before.

See, everyone says that, but considering one "omnipotent" alien can lose to another "omnipotent" alien, they can't survive on Anur Vladias, and his future self fused him with another alien to make him stronger, I'm pretty sure people in the Ben 10 universe just don't know what the word "omnipotent" means

Anti Spiral had pretty much complete control of the universe and was able to maintain its own pocket universe while fighting Team Dai-Gurren

What would anit-spiral ben look like, what would it be called?

You don't quite get Alien X, it's closer to Zen-Oh than anything.

The Anihilarg did nothing to Alien X and Ben made the a new universe without effort. He is way beyond the Anti Spiral

Atomic X is supposedly better than Alien X and it couldn't stop the Chronosapien Time Bomb

Not even kidding.

Although maybe not since Anti-Spiral isn't in a comic, no telling if her powers would even work in an animated setting.

Not that user but when was Atomic X stated to be better than Alien X? I figured the transformation only exist to be a decent middle ground of control vs power.

Anti Spiral had its own pocket universe, which is where it fought TTGL in, maintained it with its own power while making universal sized "mechs" (which means this universe in terms of size is bigger than the "actual" universe.)

Alien X already has total control. He's never done anything that Ben didn't want him to not counting the debate stuff. There'd be absolutely no reason to fuse him with anybody if he didn't think it would make him stronger


That would be good fight

He said NO curbstomp

There is manga

All we've seen her do so far is basically fancy teleportation, but she does physically tear apart reality to do it, even damaging the book in one panel showing an add on the other side, so in theory she might be able to use this to crumple up a page someone is on to severely fuck them up, she just hasn't done it yet. Also we don't know if that would actually hurt them.

Really what we need is to see the full extent of her powers, which I doubt we'll see until we get a taste of Evil Future-Gwen next month.

its feats in terms of speed is moving between planets in moments, thats many many times the speed of light to be sure.

but Anti Spiral was chucking galaxies and moving a "mech" that was several times bigger than them. Its like comparing a racecar to a super sonic jet

both are correctly stated as being faster than a human, but one is MUCH faster than the other.

As entertaining as it would be to see the Antispiral go insane from being so outmatched this is overkill, it's simply not fair.

>What Sup Forums character/team would have the best chance against the Anti-Spiral?
Popeye and the God Emp -
>without completely curbstomping them
Oh how boring.

Donald duck

Now now, I know there's plenty of reasons to be scared of those fellas in the big galootin' robot suit, but if you just give them a chance I'm sure they'll explain that you can both share this big ol' galaxy without anyone having to fight about it. Spiral, Anti-Spiral it's all the same part of the same big beautiful universe we all live in. How's about we all just try getting along, huh?

C'mon over and meet some of my friends, I'm sure we'll have a swell old time!

Here we go again with the peace offering baloney

I nominate God-Emperor Doom

OP here...

I legit want this.

Wander then finds out THIS is what the actual bodies of the Anti Spiral race look like.

>without completely curbstomping them
i think an invincible space demon counts here

what's and an you fucking degenerate.