Natty Comics

What does Sup Forums think of Natty Comics? Personally I consider it to be a work of genius and the absolute peak of "I'm right you're wrong" strawman webcomics

Let's read some, and try not to get too triggered ya snowflakes!

Other urls found in this thread:

My favorites are the ones where Natty is doing something whatever who gives a shit while also educating the reader on what CIS white males they aren't allowed to like

Here's a bit of THICC for all the toon fetishists out there


Like I believe the whole point of this comic is to make the people who get upset (triggered) by it look like fools when they comment with some paragraph, most usually beginning with the word "actually", about why this obviously low effort, brain dead comic sucks

Lenon was a true alpha male

Parody comics, right?

Name one good reason why this is a bad thing

Depending on the state the age of consent could be as low as 15

And in the case that the author, who's a 20 something year old straight FUCKING WHITE MALE, is truly serious and genuinely passionate about this stuff, that makes it even funnier

I was about to say this must've been made by some sad cat lady, but that's so much worse

why do men hate themselves, Sup Forums?

it's kind of 50/50, they're obviously meant to be very straight to the point without any nuance or character development, but checking the twitter page of the author makes it seem like he's really serious

Is there a point to this series? It seems to be satire

Just male feminists. And they're almost all universally creeps.

Dude's probably got a collection of cum stained child mannequins stashed in his closet.

Decades of media telling us to.

Here's the creator btw.

The FUCKING WHITE MALE strawman antagonist of the week that gets YAAAAASS QUEEN SLAAAAAYYYY'd and immediately starts blubbering and apologizing for their behavior and saying they deserve whatever randomly violent punishment they receive always gets a laugh out of me

wtf i hate ghostbusters now

I'm 80% sure it's satire, but on the off chance it's not, then I'm just amazed

Being an "ally" has never gotten anyone pussy.


Sun and Moon didn't even ask that, it just asked what you looked like.

Like the less effort put into the writing and the punchline, the better the Natty Comic. I believe that's called the inverse square law

And a large number of so called "feminist allies" are usually revealed to be massive creeps behind the scenes. SJW culture is completely based around taking people down a notch, so it's just a race to be the most accepting, open minded person so you don't get cannibalized, which usually ends up happening anyway

Also apparently Natty herself is John Carpenters The Thing

>20 something year old straight FUCKING WHITE MALE

One half of my brain screams at me "it's a poe, it's not real, it's satire by some dedicated person"

But the other half of my brain takes a sip from his bottle of rum, takes a swig from his cigar, and says "you've seen worse than this and it was dead fucking serious then too"

>I'm such a good ally, let me make my mouthpiece angry women because I can't say shit without an avatar of identity politics hiding my own background as a FUCKING WHITE MALE

detestable, even faggots like dobson have the decency to not pretend to have authority cause his avatar is a girl

See, you're taking it too seriously and its making you sound foolish. The absolute best thing you can do is just laugh at it and maybe tweet something sarcastic at him if you feel like it. Like it's so obvious that's the point of it but people are still falling for it. I figure the audience for this comic is comprised of the same people that make up the studio audience on Last Week Tonight and Stephen Colbert's late show

>professor oak
>all in the same game

they do this on purpose

poes law

>shitting on Ringo
This idiot can go to hell.

Like this is the only one that comes close to bothering me, and that's just because I cannot sanction such terrible taste in music. Kiss is objective fucking Dogshit. When the Mighty Mighty Bosstones record a cover of one of their songs thats better in every way you know the band is fucking dogshit

>posting this again

OP come on.

"If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention" - that lady that got run over in Charlottesville.

I've gotten plenty through pretending to be one

I think this one is where it reveals itself as satire.

Why is the ATV's number 69?


>the Mighty Mighty Bosstones record a cover of one of their songs thats better in every way you know the band is fucking dogshit
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones are great though

Usually I find shit like this funny in a "so bad it's good" kind of way, but this... holy shit.

This is just dumb.

hey you cant just beat people up because you disagree with you

This is fucking hilarious.

"Look it up, it's all there!"

but this is the apex peak of "so bad it's good", it makes such a non effort that the numbers roll over and it becomes hilarious

*because they disagree with you

Ska sucks

Ska revival isn't cool you stupid


we've all experienced this, amirite ladies? (authors note im not actually a lady im some boring white guy please date me i promise to defend you on the internet and portray you in my comics as someone that's always irrevocably right)

>anchored by women and people of color

But Star Wars was already anchored by people of color

>Ska sucks
>Ska revival isn't cool you stupid
Fuck you Charlie Brown

And that's all the Natty Comics that have been made so far, what do you guys think? Is it mean to be a genuine low effort strawman comic, ala Assigned Male, or is it meant to be a low effort satire of strawman comics?

Or is it both at the same time?

Because guys like this (if it's not all a joke) are the final form of the "femminist male" and try to bring down as many people as they can to obtain validation from women who would never give them the time of day. Basically the mirror image of the guy who hates women cuz he can't get laid

Okay this one I can agree with.

You're supposed to wash them every 2 weeks at minimum

>not changing sheets for two months

Why is this even something to write a comic about? Of course you'd walk out of a dirty fucking room.

nobody is asking the important question here

>Not just saying "Fuck it, lets do it on the couch instead."
0/10 not believable.

Why does no one fight back?

I'm starting to think this is satire.
Like it's intentionally meant to be this stupid. Some kinda visual sarcasm.

I'm not sure. I want to say it's satire because of stuff like the person getting hit vocally saying they were wrong, but some of them are too oddly specific.

I did once know a girl who thought like this and would joke about violently killing anybody who did some innocuous thing that annoyed her.

it's not a Natty Comic if a FUCKING WHITE MALE isn't portrayed as an idiot asshole

I think you're vastly overestimating this garbage. It's not clever enough to be parody.

does this count?

This is obviously satire
why does Sup Forums always take the bait

It scares me that I can't tell if this is satire

The problem, especially in this day and age, is that sarcasm really only works in audio because as we've seen there are plenty of webcomics like this that are completely serious about their content


Before this guy went SJW his Gary Stu Avatar use to run around murdering people for liking things Gary Stu didn't like, or vice versa. This new "cause" of his only lets him pretend his pettiness is relevant or a commentary on anything other then "fuck you other people, you deserve this."

This man is the king of angry beta male artists who jerk off to their avatar being much more powerful

More proof that this was his entire repertoire

So this guy and Dobson are both passionate about their McDoodoos. Is this a common trait with these types of artists?

i...i can't tell if this is supposed to be making fun of actual sports fans, or the people that say "sports ball" type shit to make fun of sports fans

i'm going to assume the former, though, given how weirdly people hate on sports fans

>Is this a common trait with these types of autists?
FTFU, and yes.

I dont think it's the same guy it's just a friend of the creator of Natty Comics or some kind of collaboration or something.

They both have fucking shit taste tho.

Jocks like sports, and do sports, and are also who shoved him in the locker and shoved things up his ass to see how much of a faggot he was. So fuck anybody who likes sports. That's my theory.

Oh no, it's the same nigger, it's just earlier work. Observe this transitional piece before natty became her own comic.

Dobson compared PCs negatively to McDonald's.

bonus crossover version


Well, Bill Murray is kind of a dick in real life, so I think we all kind of assumed this one anyway...

Pop is by far and away the best character in this entire thing.

>absolute peak of "I'm right you're wrong" strawman comics
>not the outbursts of Everett True
Pleb taste confirmed

and one more for the road unless someone requests more. dont have that many anyway

No, I said he was the king of jerkoff beta males fapping over their avatars.

Evertt True is actually good shit. Completely different.

Poe's law is a bitch

This comic is actually by an user, isn't it? It's way too forced sjw and tongue in cheek.

The entire joke of Everett True is that he beats up people for extremely petty but mildly annoying shit. The people he beats up aren't really exaggerated, True is just very aggressive.

C-could it be?

>The absolute best thing you can do is just laugh at it and maybe tweet something sarcastic at him if you feel like it.
if you own a twitter you don't belong here.

I don't think any of Twitter's owners would be coming here anyways.

Wow, I didn't know there was a comic that didn't end in violence.

These comics are starting to grow on me.

That's the point. he's an old timey jackass.
but for the times he was making good points.

As a completionist I fucking hated this. You'd never be able to have a 100% file, pokes notwithstanding.

I ship it.

It would be better if it said ALTERED BEAST

Yeah, I'm no longer on the fence. This is definately having a giraffe at the expense of what is no doubt it's main audience who take it seriously. Author has a giggle, fans take it seirously and donate money while he mocks them, but they don't get that they are being mocked. That's how it works, I'd bet my testicle.

I'm starting to doubt if this is satire


you, and everyone else in the thread are missing the point. They're not supposed to be funny or witty, they're just characters that the author designed to be likeable by his target audience taking out mild everyday frustrations OF that target audience with unrealistic but satisfying cartoon violence. It's carthatic, not comedic in nature.
Not saying that makes it good, but that's what it is.

Why are their two threads for this?


Porn of natty when?

One for shitposting and one for ironic shitposting

that wouldn't be the point if it was satire, but i can't tell if it's satire.