At last I truly see

Disney isn't selling movies, they're selling meaning to an increasingly nihilistic and existentially anxious population of the western world. Blaxploitation capeshit for racially insecure black people and the cult-like religion of Star Wars complete with idol worship for the lonely and lost whiteys.
Nations can not supply the zeitgeist to the population in this post-modern world anymore, so media corporations will fill this market instead. Disney is selling meaning.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hollywood is selling a Peter Pan culture where immaturity is celebrated and responsibility is seen as an evil burden, because as long as it's fashionable to act like a child, it's fashionable to spend ludicrous amounts of money on franchises aimed at children.

Yes, consumerism has replaced religion in our capitalist dystopia. Monetary supplication to the corporate gods so they will bless you with media representation.

They Live is a documentary.

Adorno is that you?


This dood has a good video on JUST THIS VERY thing.
Worth a watch.
>Inb4 I'm him.

>Peter Pan culture

fuckin' a, nailed it

>ultra capitalist consumerism is to blame
>its a marxist conspiracy

>why are these people who are stuck in careers with literally no way to advance because someone their senior of several decades refuses to retire turning to other forms of media to escape how fucking utterly depressing life is

who knows bro

who knows

I wouldn't it replaced religion, religion itself was replaced with ideology in the modern world.
But in the post modern world, ideologies are irrelevant, nobody believes in the "American Way" or "Communist Utopia", its all about cold hard market efficiency.

So the weaklings who have no willpower to create their own meaning, to become ubermensch, to overcome the anxiety of choice and freedom, turn to mass media to bring them back to escapist meta-modernity. God was dead, but they brought him back as a reanimated corpse.

Ultra capitalism is post-modern (it rejects all intrinsic value or meaning, and only cares for efficiency).
Marxism is modern, it presupposes historical materialism as truth.
Blame murricans for mixing up their philosophies.

There are Marxists that advocate for the destruction of capitalism through the use of it's very own tools. There are others that think that Communism will come after capitalism, so this may well suit their plans.
Just because you are retarded doesn't mean that they are not after you user.

I did. Can I go back to shitposting about anime games now daddy?

>Said more or less the same thing decades ago
>Suddenly everyone blames you for it

I dont know why you losers pretend like you care about the people he appeals to. You unironically revel in the failure of straight males, so why do you do this whole concern troll "oh golly gee gosh we just hate Dr. Peterson because we heard you have to pay $500,000 to watch his youtube videos we're just looking out for your best interests" act?

they hate him because he criticizes nazis

When did you realize Jordan Cuckerson was a talentess hack and a fraud who only panders to the fat NEET crowd?

Liberals+women also hate him because they unironically are threatened by the idea of "those bitter virgin losers" actually being happy and productive with their lives. see:

clean your room bucko

When he outed himself as a hypocrite. Twice.


When he refused to answer the jewish question and his race cuckery

Still wondering how he's a "scammer" or a "con artist"...
>don't need to pay money to watch his youtube videos
>dont need to pay him money to "clean your room"

Just another gatekeeper for the Cultural Marxists.

He acts like he gives young men answers when all he gives are half truths. He's controlled opposition meant to stop you from becoming alt right


>never accomplished something in his life
>only thing you can cling onto is your race
you are literally 'WE WUZ KANG'-ing

He's a fraud and a hypocrite.
>look at me I'm so morally just! always tell the truth no matter how hard it is!
>give me money for telling the truth!
>then refuses to tell the truth and deplatforms people because of the guilt by association

Just another shekel milker.

How's Disney any different than Pepperson, though?
Both are trying to sell manufactured meaning to nihilist youth.

Clean your room

Yes goy never ask any questions about jewish run industries or why we can't be proud to be white

>When did you realize Jordan Cuckerson was a talentess hack and a fraud who only panders to the fat NEET crowd?
It was either when I heard him blame men and white knight women for everything, refusing the acknowledge the facts that women are the ones not wanting to settle down until they're done being sluts and their biological clocks are running out, and even those weak men that he likes to blame are usually the direct product of women - aka single mothers.
Or it might have been when I heard him talk countless times about how to sort your life and be happy yet he himself continues to look and talk like someone on the brink of death or suicide, who takes everything 100% seriously (even retarded memes), and without the ability to even smile or laugh at anything.

>the alt-right thinks people care about their opinions and not just laugh at them

>capitalism corporation pandering to basic desires and fears to increase its market share
call me shocked

>this entire fucking thread
children's movie

yes goyim, now stop posting and go buy a ticket to black panther

Pathetic weasel detected.

Jesus Christ, always with the fucking Jews with you idiots. It's always your go-to boogeyman.

He never says you have to give him money to benefit from his advice. Try again

The fact that the market has deemed it efficient to exploit that particular fear means that post-modernism is already here, deeply entrenched in the western population.
Its herald was the elections, when the illusion of social truth was shattered, proving that the media is wrong.

neither does dr.phil but its implied

Disney was able to build a fanbase that are actual fanatics. They have defenders and believers more dedicated than any other thing. Sports, politics, religion. It's truly strange. In 50 years it won't just be the USA it will be "Disney presents the USA"

Why are libs so threatened by JP?

Disney isn’t creating epics. They’re creating the most vapid, insincere, unoriginal, inoffensive “product” imaginable, and swaddling it in a thick blanket of consumerist activism. You’re no longer purchasing entertainment, you're “supporting” a message, “endorsing” a “cause.”

But the reality is that you’re lining the pockets of some of the most cynical, greedy, soulless motherfuckers on the planet.

These guys at least used to have the barest shred of decency and artistic integrity and vision, but even then, their stock-in-trade was taking old public domain stories, like myths, fairytales, and folklore, polishing them up to remove as many things as they could that might offend their target audience without completely losing the story’s narrative, and marching it out for consumption. Public domain made them what they are today, and in a breath-taking display of hypocrisy, they are the driving force behind the ever-widening window of copyright protection. Every time, the copyright on “Steamboat Willy” gets close to expiring, millions of dollars find their way into the pockets of elected officials, and they magically find yet another reason to push those protections out another decade.

Steamboat. Motherfucking. Willy.

If that just applied to cartoons or stories, that would be one thing, but it extends to a broad range of intellectual properties. Proprietary code, for instance. Care to guess who the single largest shareholders of Disney stock are?

Check out that list. Any names in particular jump out at you? Disney, Apple, and a bunch of other like-minded corporations and individuals will keep pushing back that envelope while more and more characters and stories fall under Disney’s ever-widening shadow, and then? Good luck trying to have an imagination. Disney alteady has it copyrighted.

>defending "I can't"

>He's controlled opposition meant to stop you from becoming alt right
I'm not white, so why in the world should I even be remotely interested in being "alt-right"? After the "le 56% face" meme and the shooting in Florida*, it's become painfully clear that you types aren't interested in anyone being right-wing or remotely conservative if they're not white.

>* = the damage control posited by the alt-right after the shooting


If you take life advice from a guy whose full time job is literally making youtube videos, you're beyond the point of help, just like Peterson has been beyond help as soon as he lost/quit his actual job.
So if you don't want to end up as a sickly looking e-beggar e-celeb whose main life achievement is talking about memes online with stoners like Joe Rogan and those h3h3 jews, stay off jewtube, e-celebs and sort your life for good.

*tips fedora*

I hate almost everyone, don't go around finding yourself special because I hate you

*tips menorah*

Stop acting like a victim you bitchboy. The world isn't out to get you. You're just incompetent.

Too pure for this world.

He protects them by denying race collectivism

He doesn't help the right he kills our race conciousness

Contrarianism in this site most of the time used to have a cause.

But then ultimately the blame still rests on capitalism. This defence is poorly thought out.

This is well said.

Man fuck labels, words, factions, political/religious denominations, everything you use to put the complexity of reality in snug little abstract boxes so you don't have to think about it.

You know what I see? Lost, frustrated young men looking for meaning out there. You have to make your own. You have to be a star.

Cultivate the Self. Go into the desert where you don't have a name to lean on. Overcome. Shine by your own strength in the void, don't leech the light of others. The rest is window dressing.

fucking this

>Cultivate the Self. Go into the desert where you don't have a name to lean on. Overcome. Shine by your own strength in the void, don't leech the light of others. The rest is window dressing.
This is sort of motivational crap that makes people believe they're special snowflakes worthy of something.

Yeah Racial truths and Human Bio-Diversity be damned. Idc if we become a 90 IQ nation as long as the individual is not infringed upon.

Maybe if seeing people as disposable wasn't hard wired into your way of thinking you would be more appealing to people. But for that to happen you would have to cast aside your flimsy collectivism in the first place. Pity.

People keep talking about consumerism as if it's not just a result of having freedom and choices. Think for yourself and live your own life. If you don't want to buy shit you don't need, then don't. Nobody's forcing you.

>used to have a cause.
When corporations decides that geek was cool enough to sell beyond (man)children, anons went full contrarian.

And the idea that all these "incompetent bitchboys" stop playing victim and start sorting their lives out en masse threatens your ego.

>Idc if we become a 90 IQ nation
The difference between a 90 IQ nation and 110 IQ nation is non-existent, since on average they're still all genetically inferior massive brainlets.

>it's not just a result of having freedom and choices
It's not, the entire framework surrounding it is based on false choice and exploitative advertising. Corporate consolidation has shown us as much.

If the unit of a society is sick, then the society becomes sick. All you have is your soul. Cultivate it. You're grasping at identities like a floor under your feet. You can't take your skin color with you into death.

Profound solitude strips you of all pretenses of being "special", and in fact, of all this hamster wheel bullshit that's greased every day by the fears and frustrations of young men like yourself.

Rise above. Even those who hate the swamp make a home in it with their hatred.

Why does this guy trigger the fuck out of leftists

>The difference between a 90 IQ nation and 110 IQ nation is non-existent

You don't need to pay money to watch PUA youtube videos or to talk to women, either. They, like memerson, are scammers because they appeal to the psyche of desperate losers to make money, giving largely useless advice.

No, they’re just attaching a social stigma to declining to consume.

>”Hey you checked out Black Panther yet?”
>”Eh, not really my bag.”
>”Oh... I see...”(racist)

Individualism is as flawed as collectivism.
Collectivism attempts to find truth in the group, which is flawed.
Individualism attempts to find truth in the self, but the self is also flawed.

Instead, man should seek truth in the Divine. Such a path is both individualist and collectivist, but also neither. Because the Divine Truth is one for everyone, but none can preach it to another. Each has to find it on his own.

Trump supporters turned on this guy because he called him a dangerous fool.

On the contrary. Be useful and stop being a leech.

>identity politics are bad
>language censoring is bad
>take responsibility for your life

Which film(s) is the most prophetic about our oncoming dystopia?

>clean up your room and set goals
>useless advice

I'm starting to believe the whole "there are liberals and women who unironically want to keep large numbers of (straight|white) males down so they get threatened by Jordan Peterson" meme

I believe that at least more than one user dislike Peterson just because he is popular now and are parroting non-arguments when it actually his content is something that would even help them sort those kind of attitudes that made them become like that in the first place.

He is totally a leftist though

You advocate Jung yet you refuse to believe in The Racial Consciousness.

>Nations can not supply the zeitgeist to the population
They can, but they choose not to do so on purpose.

The One became Many so that the Many might become One in their manifold diversity


At the end of the day the path to gnosis is a solitary road. One day you'll stop clinging to what's outside you to buttress up what's inside.

You mean kind of like how the nu-right advocates "The Weak Must Fear the Strong" but they get triggered whenever niggers act on that philosophy by raping/beating randos?

Canadian here, he is pretty leftist. He voted ndp pretty much his entire life and he thinks the PCs are too right wing.

I pretty amazed at how they've used identity politics to further profit from so called "progressives".

Brainlets like to squabble over their pitiful 20 IQ points of difference, when the fate of men is decided by individuals in the IQ140+ range.
An average white man has more in common with the average black man than they do with a member of the intellectual elite. And an intellectual would not for even a moment think to associate with his lessers just because of race or nation, because from that high up, all brainlets are the same.

Being proud of the intellect of individuals who raise your racial average, when you yourself are an idiot is pathetic.

It's useless because anyone past infancy should already know that. You have to be a complete brainlet to think personal responsibility is some breakthrough concept.

Except the rest of you faggots perpetuate it. The negative consequences go beyond just a simple transaction. On a mass scale, it affects everyone the level of the nation and beyond. You're just too stupid go see it.

>In the 21st century, sexual intercourse and reproduction are prohibited, whereas use of mind-altering drugs is mandatory to enforce compliance among the citizens and to ensure their ability to conduct dangerous and demanding tasks. Emotions, coitus, and the concept of family are taboo.

Ehhh...I don't think that describes our oncoming dystopia.

He literally says "I'm a liberal" on multiple occasions. Recent one being with Russell Brand.

Your memetic daddy figure is a cuck user. I'm sorry.

>You have to be a complete brainlet to think personal responsibility is some breakthrough concept.
And you have to have been living in a cave for the past 18 years if you don't believe that there's "people" on the left and the right wing of society/politics who haven't learned these basic concepts yet.

>inb4 all of a sudden you believe everyone between the ages of 18-27 is smart and possesses a healthy sense of responsibility

hey, if he bashes other leftists, I'm fine with it

I wouldn't disagree that that's a thing. But it's still a choice to let that bother you. Who gives a fuck about what people who think like that think?

lets not try and realize that certain groups have VASTLY more members in the 140+ range and certain groups have VASTLY more members in the Criminal sweet spot of 70-85 and actually do something about it

That would be raycis, treat everyone as pure individuals and even though we literally evolved to see patterns, see none in race. Thanks based Jung man

>dude nihilism is bad
>Nietzsche is so based
it's like a Sup Forums poster that hit the mainstream

"...the Divine Truth is one for everyone, but none can preach it to another. Each has to find it on his own."

Just another way of describing individualism.

Then those people need serious help in the form of CBT instead of forming a cult around a meme youtube personality and buying self-help books, which are known to be largely useless.