Character dies

>character dies
>character is back as if nothing ever happened


LOTR is like Bible but much more shallow. Like Bible but for retards.

Are you a fucking retard? you know it's based on a series of books right?

>as if nothing ever happened
i know its bait but gandalf acts completely different when he comes back

name 3 movies that do this

The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
The Two Towers (2002)
The Return of the King (2003).

yeah it was dumb and I didn't understand it. why did Gandalf come back? Why does he keep all his memories but his personality is a bit different? Why is he white? Why didn't Gandalf the Grey just kill himself if it meant he would come back even more powerful? What the fuck?

>gandalf dies
>gandalf about to get his ass handed to him until rohan shows up
why is beardo so useless

The Bible's already for retards, which makes LOTR fans mega-tards

The Dark Knight Rises

>extra shiny

movie rule number 1. if the death is implied it didnt happen.

but JRR Tolkien is real, God isnt.

>Questioning why the death of a Maiar is different from a normal man.
>Questioning the decisions of Eru himself

You fucking retards

>nicely cleaned and starched outfit.
>nothing happened

13 posts and the thread has reached it's retard quota

so there's still hope?

get that glorified smut out of this thread

Is Stannis the one true king?

he got his weak ass handed to him by a woman, he's no king.


Nah mane he travelled through that wormhole or some shit idk man I was high

He was sent back, not came back.

So what was the difference between grey and white?

Is it like how a time lord is reborn and like, he has the same personality but with different memories. or is it a straight 1:1 revivial

Wizards are ranked by color.
White is Top Dog, Black is entry level.

Tolkien was clearly a racist.

Why are some jews giga chads while others are 5'4 cuckolds? Jewish genetics are like russian roulette, you dont know what combo youre going to get.

>2 blues
where's the black m8?

Tolkien obviously correlates the color white with purity and goodness and the color black with corruption and evil
He's racist period.

Gandalf was sent to Earth by the Valar, powerful Godlike beings.
Saruman was also sent along with Gandalf. Also there were 3 other beings sent with them, but they play much less of role.
When they were initially sent to Arda (Earth), their power was purposefully limited. I think this is because they are imperfect beings, and they and the Valar knew that too much power would corrupt them. (Indeed, of the 5, it is possible that only Gandalf remained morally uncorrupted, though we aren't certain what happened to all 5 wizards.)
By the time Gandalf died, he had shown that he was morally righteous and thus the Valar could send him back to Arda with more power and not have to worry that he would become corrupted.

Part of what I like about the LOTR is how imperfect the Gods/demi-Gods are.

There is none, there is brown, 2 blues and white, grey (originally). Black is for evil guys.

Radaghast the Brown.

Did Gandalf pay have to pay death tax for this?

Sauron, brainlet.

>as if nothing ever happened


Gandalf the White didn't even remember that he used to be Gandalf the Grey.

Also as the White one, Gandalf became stronger than Saruman.

And Saruman becomes evil when he becomes Saruman of Many Colours.

Morgoth (Black Enemy) aka
Melkor/Belegur (the Sindarian equivalent, never used) / Arun (in the old tales of the NĂºmenĂ³reans) / Melko,
Bauglir / Belegurth,
The Enemy / The Marrer / The Corrupter / The Prime Dark Lord

Saruman the Gay

I thought he was a different character played by an actor who's character died to save on budget.

>user will suspect a trap... he will not take the bait.
>Oh, I think he will.

>pozzing Theoden's neg-hole.

Really makes you think.

Not sure if this is bait, or OP is a tard who somehow got hold of Mommie's computer...

Tolkien tried to copy D&D but got his lore wrong.


this is the absolutely retardedest thread i've ever seen on Sup Forums

*nods knowingly towards you*