Answer this please

Why is there such a big hype about Black Panther?

Movies with African or African American lead have been made.
Movies with entire black casts have been made.
Movies about a black hero (comic or otherwise) have been made.

In The Heat of the Night had a black man slap a white man in a movie for the first time in American history. Why don't these people remember this? Why is America so retarded when it comes to race relations?

kanie had his shit fucked up recently even i know that

shouldn't he be sheath?

Is the first Kangz movie since Coming to America

Because of Disney marketing and people buying into it. It's just capitalism at work.

>Why is there such a big hype about Black Panther?
Disney marketing. There's no conspiracy, just greedy shareholders and a company doing anything possible to satisfy them.

One could argue that the MCU is so ubiquitous in modern popular culture that the first black-led film in it is a big moment for black media representation. It's a decent argument, but to me it seems like the hype is being stimulated by corporations and media publications trying to sell the idea of representation and progress rather than selling the film itself.

It's pure marketing
>black superhero
>in marvel
>in mcu
They had to move the goalposts so much to make it work.

>Why is America so retarded when it comes to race relations?
Because of retards like you. You're reading into something that is nothing more than a marketing gimmick.

Good marketing, it's not hard to hype up some nigs to see your movie about Africa.

Fuck Black Panther, this is Afrikino

ahh, back when burgerkino was comfy... why can't we go back?


Black "leaders" and white guilt liberals lead an industry to keep black people victims. It helps them sell books, push their political agenda, get votes, and now Disney is using it to sell movies.

Look no further than social justice warriors and our insane left wing society that pushes victim culture. They basically censor bad reviews and allow for this shit.

Didn't Murphy do Jew-face in this movie too? Kino.

Rocky Marciano

>It's the most expensive movie to date with almost a 100% black cast
>It's about a popular character who is well overdo for his own movie
>Theres a small ratio of black super films ( let alone studios willing to put 200+ mill into a black movie )
>Most movies placed in Africa look post apocalyptic, so it's something a little different
>Black Panthers roll is considered to be one of the best things about Civil War
>It's the lead up to Infinity War


>Why is there such a big hype about Black Panther?
If you'd been paying attention for the past 5+ years you'd have noticed the exponential increase in "FORCED DIVERSITY" in Hollywood and the race-baiting of the left.

before it was blaxploitationl, now it's cool though because billion dollar companies produce black people's culture

Disney knew how to pander to people in this political climate.

Just conform, user

if it's not capeshit, millennials won't watch it

greatest trick black leaders and Libs ever accomplished was they managed to re-enslave the vast majority of blacks without them even noticing it

The whole theater smelled like Popeyes and B.O.

Seriously, don't they sell deodorant to blacks???

I appreciate your insight user

Is this the same conspiracy that locks you in the basement all day and prevents you from ever holding hands with a woman?


nobody has ever heard about this fucking hero before the movie in the entire world and perhaps observable universe as well

...go to bed

Its called marketing dipshit. Are you from the 19th century or something?

He's my favorite character but I guess I'm not allowed to like him anymore because it's cultural appropriation.