This is without a doubt the second worst board on this website

This is without a doubt the second worst board on this website.

no. you just can't adapt to our untested content and off-topic jungle gym frontiersmanship. go back to a mod curated board you hack.

not even close faggot

our plan is proceeding as expected

Yes because /s4s/, /trash/, /qa/, and /bant/ are such high-quality boards with absolutely genuine original discussion and fascinating content.

For you

another day, another redditor.


Those boards serve their purposes. This one does not.

this its not even close, i'll list every board here that is at least 10 times worse
Sup Forums; Sup Forums; /s4s; Sup Forums; /r9k/; Sup Forums; /jp/; /gif/; /bant/
there are probably more, Sup Forums is one of the best in fact

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Are objectively worse


>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

t. buttblasted Sup Forumstard

>Sup Forums is bad

>what is Sup Forums
>what is Sup Forums
>what is /r9k/
>what is /s4s/
>what is /lgbt/
>what is /y/
>what is /bant/
>what is /cgl/
>what is Sup Forums
>what is /fa/
>what is Sup Forums
>what is /mlp/
>what is Sup Forums
>what is Sup Forums
>what is /soc/
>what is /x/
>what is /trash/
>what is /qa/

>Sup Forums is bad meme

Sup Forums is the worst board animenegro

they arent bad but they're not as good as Sup Forums

>Sup Forums is good

Whats wrong with /fa/?

yes it does. Sup Forums reflects the state of movies and tv is actually shit.

>underage mutts larping as white is a good thing

>Sup Forums;
Way better than Sup Forums, video games are a juvenile hobby yet Sup Forumsirgins are way less retarded than the average Sup Forumsard
>Sup Forums
Mods do their work keeping off-topic bullshit to a minimun, the board's elitism keep retards at bay
>/s4s >Sup Forums>/bant/
really? These are supposed to be the shitposting boards
>Sup Forums
Has good threads among the shitposting
Same as Sup Forums
What's wrong with this

Sup Forums is great

>Sup Forums Way better than Sup Forums, video games are a juvenile hobby yet Sup Forumsirgins are way less retarded than the average Sup Forumsard
just straight up lies, Sup Forumstards are one of the most retarded posters in this website
>Sup Forums Mods do their work keeping off-topic bullshit to a minimun, the board's elitism keep retards at bay
i'll be honest haven't been to Sup Forums in more than 2 years, it was pretty shit back then
>/s4s/;Sup Forums;/bant/ really? These are supposed to be the shitposting boards
yes and they're bad at that, shit shitposts

and /gif/ is full of shemales and cuckshit, I guess its preference but one of the worst for me

don't worry, no charge for it

its full of 2edgy4u trust fund highschoolers who think posting pictures of them looking aloof and putting up ironic gangsigns is cool.
They worship Yoji, Rick, Raf, techcore, slavcore along with a few other staple scandinavian brands like acne and . They have no real interest or knowledge in fashion beyond these very niche areas. Some do, but they are rare.

The fact that people openly post their tumblrs there tell you a lot about the board etiquette and culture. The place is tumblr-light. They have that same air of self congratulatory smugness and pretentiousness that tumblr do and tripfags are worshiped instead of rightfully berated and mocked.

I feel like the place also lacks that light hearted Sup Forums humor and creativity that boards like Sup Forums have. There seems to be a feeling of maliciousess on /fa/ as well as a feeling of uptight arrogance and self-seriousness typical of your usual high school kids.

I guarantee the average age on /fa/ is around 18-19 while here its around 23-25. it shows.

the difference between Sup Forums and Sup Forums is that Sup Forums has way more content and doesnt have forced memes

Rent free

and are pure cancer

That's generous.

At least /mlp/ discuss their show well, Sup Forums simply cannot discuss movies, even shitty ones. "It's kino as fuck"

yup /ck/ also has some top tier faggots and Sup Forums is shit now inb4 >now

I don't disagree with Sup Forums, it's just an unfunny and shit board that spreads its cancer everywhere

Looool. Sup Forums actually rivals Sup Forums with its stupidity and autism. Its easily in the top 3 worst boards on the site


It is. The election really fucked that place up. But it has better moderation than this place, that's for sure.



>I don't disagree with Sup Forums
Why would you out yourself as autistic?

Go back to veddit

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are awful. Really fucking awful.

I would put Sup Forums and /ck/ close to the top of best boards in my opinion.

1. Sup Forums
9001. Sup Forums

my brothers

>Those boards serve their purposes.
/qa/ is literally not doing that at all. It's basically the "weeaboo LARPing & blogposting board".

Sup Forums is good for comfy LOTR, Star Trek and torrents. That's it.

Sup Forums is both the best and the worst board, I think everyone should agree

Ironically the best threads on Sup Forums are usually off-topic.

Some threads related to films are great too but they're rarer.

the holy four, best boards with the top banter.

>jewish grandFATHER
doesnt count as a real jew, you're only a jew if your mother was one

>They fear that which they dont understand


bloke shitposting general

Better question: what's the best board on Sup Forums?

>Ironically the best threads on Sup Forums are usually off-topic
No they aren't...

>I go to multiple boards on Sup Forums often enough to rank them
You are without a doubt a massive loser, OP, even if your ***opinion*** were true.

Sup Forums is by far the worst "on-topic" board

every fucking faggot is some contrarian on every piece of media. you can't have any good discussion on anything

Sup Forums has been better than Sup Forums for quite a while now I'm sorry to say.

>Sup Forums is worse
Fucking lol

>real life kino threads
>deep ocean threads
>science threads
>/lit/ threads

You arent here enough. Usually get deleted by janny after 100 posts or so. Sometimes janny will be kinda and let the thread live on instead.

I generally have a good time on Sup Forums, until someone spergs out about post-modern rock or how you're a degenerate for liking metal.

Neck yourself pleb. Just because you see every capeshit movie and keep tuning in to every season of westworld and got doesnt mean the state of movies and tv is shit, only your taste is

Sup Forums is shit at banter. All they're capable of is parroting decade-old Sup Forums memes.
>Sweden flag
>American flag
>UK flag
>India flag
HAHA POO, Pajeet!

You're actually retarded.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the only ones who at least sometimes are funny and original. every once in a while there is a great thread on Sup Forums but its not worth all the cuck/shemale/blacked shit you have to work through. Sup Forums, Sup Forums etc are full of underage autists. /fa/ is hipster fags only. /fit/ is ok.


t. swedish mutt studying in the UK in Birmingham

>t. Cuck

>/fit/ is ok.
Stopped reading there.

>this Sup Forums poster trying hard to make Sup Forums relevant
2012 was 5 years ago..


Stopped reading there

It's the shit that comes after everything becomes political. Sup Forums is such a shitshow because everything, videogames, television, music, the media, science... started being political, so with such a broad board, it's obvious it will leak to the boards discussing those issues. Now you have a certain opinion on something, and its similar to what Sup Forums thinks of it you get called Sup Forums by the others. Hell, even saying nigger you get (You)s telling you to go back to Sup Forums.

don't worry people who call out others for posting on Sup Forums or whatever, still waste their time just the same, you could argue even worse, since all their doing is defending a stance and not partaking in any new conversation.

>Sup Forums is original
same 20 blacked or "how can white boi even compete" threads that newfags bump and generals are killing Sup Forums. You can't discuss politics there anymore.

on Sup Forums you are a degenerate for drinking a beer with your friends on a saturday night.

Sounds a lot like /fit/

sounds like every board nowadays

yeah theres a lot of shit on pol but also quality stuff. european brotherhood threads and krautpol are decent most of the time.

Sup Forums is kino fuck off


t. /lgbt/

>Sup Forums is one person
like said. the problem with Sup Forums is that it is broad. Like your mom.

/s4s/ is the closest to Gen1 Sup Forums you newfag

Sup Forums is the best board to discuss off topic content
off topic threads that aren't straight up Sup Forums here are kino

Is Sup Forums still being raided by IRC gangs?

The last time I was there there was nothing but circlejerkish generals everywhere


>pic related

they're discord gangs now

Sup Forums and Sup Forums

You are without a doubt the WORST pirate i have ever heard of

>mfw the catalog of Sup Forums right now

/diy/ is pretty great if you like DIY

I do

/tg/ and /an/

Need more frog threads 2bh

>tfw you will never have the money to purchase and refurbish a decommissioned nuclear bunker in the Swedish wilderness

Look at now and you will see why it's the worst board on this site.


No but I can just bury a bunch of shipping containers, it'll be basically the same

Fuck off noob Sup Forums & Sup Forums still exist

Don't forget to add a shot of blacked

what is the best board that isn't Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /tv, since those answers wouls end discussion?
For me it is either /lit/ or /trv/.

>elitism keep retards at bay