Who changes the Batmobile's tires?

>who changes the Batmobile's tires?

Alfred. The answer is Alfred.

>an old as fuck butler changes a tank-car's tires
Sure thing, bud.

R.I.P. Harold

>he doesn't know about Harold
Fucking casuals.

Harold lives!

Snyder recently brought Harold back.

>"Time for your prostate exam, Master Bruce."

Jason tried it once, but they mysteriously went missing

Why is Frank wearing a bat costume?

this makes me happy

On one hand I'm happy to have Harold back, on the other it means Hush didn't happen

>on the other it means Hush didn't happen

I'm still waiting for a negative.

>it means Hush didn't happen
Wow that's like two great things in one

I always assumed he had a machine with do it nowadays.

Don't know why everyone overcompicates it.

>he's back

Wrong. It's Batman.

thanks for the awful reminder
fuck Loeb's Hush

Cuz you know, the uber rich bruce wayne certainly can't afford to get an automated system for alfred to just drive the batmobile into and press a button.

Huh, same artist that did kick-ass.

>the implication that age means anything in the dc universe

>there's a guy who helps Bruce out with stuff
See, this shit right her is what I like to see. Like I keep saying, actually acknowledging logistics leads to new stories and characters. If only that were more common.

Seriously, where is the GLC's support staff?

It doesn't matter, Jason will steal them


>Seriously, where is the GLC's support staff?
I am just thinking about the people who actually build the physical lanterns that GLC uses. Surely they are craftsmen?

it makes sense, in Big O Norman takes care the giant robot

The Weaponers of Qward built the Yellow's stuff, so maybe there's a good or neutral equivalent who did contracts for the Greens?

So who is Alfred?

Based synder

didn't loeb kill harbinger for no reason too?

The Guardians do all that, no?

Romita Jr

>doing anything

Does Lucious suddenly not exist?