Just saw Black Panther and it was kino

Why did Sup Forums spend the last 6 months bitching about this movie?

btw Kilmonger is the best MCU villain next to Loki



it was a rhetorical question really, of course that's the reason

Fuck off you redditor capeshitter

cuz dey a bunch of jive turkeys

it's because I'm too... what's the opposite of woke? Slep?

Are there any white people living in wakanda? You know, like there were black people and GODS in Asgard?

eh, I just liked the hologram vehicle technology, the writing was shit

ulysses klaw worked on the mines of wakanda back on the day, other than that the country is the very definition of an etnostate

btw stop giving killmonger credit

It was Michael B. Jordan who stole the show.

1 mouse coin deposited in your account.

>dirt and foliage growing in your throne room
Clean your fucking house, you groids.

You didn't even see the movie

no, it's hidden. even other parts of africa dont know wakanda is what it is.
Black panther wanted to keep their technology to themselves and outsiders out. very trump like
until a white dude got hurt and they brought him in to heal him

is one guy playing all the characters? I can't tell the difference.


>Sup Forums
Weird way to spell Sup Forums

>btw Kilmonger is the best MCU villain next to Loki

I mean you're not wrong cause all the MCU villains are terrible, including him.

His dad died, 'his' people are treated unfairly so he decides to kill everyone and take over the world. He's over the top evil. Whose solution to everything is kill, kill, kill.

He seems heavily motivated by the oppression of his people but we see none of that at all.

He's basically Ronan from Guardians of the Galaxy 1 cept instead of some fictional race being fucked over it's real people this time.

does disney have a hard on for forrest witticker? dude seems to be the black dude that leads the hero then dies in most disney projects

This scene was pure kino

>I mean you're not wrong cause all the MCU villains are terrible, including him.


Because only Sup Forums hates capeshit you manchild

Wakanda is not an Asgard equivalent in the Marvel Universe AT ALL, moronic argument