What’s preventing the biopic from happening?

Also cast it

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The fact that John and Paul were fucking scumbags.
>imagine if I weren't a womanbeater and deadbeat father

There’s been like ten different ones retard. Their history is just so expansive most don’t cover it all.
Go watch Backbeat for the Hamburg era

The guy who plays Bran Stark needs to be John

How will they handle this scene:

> For boys in their mid-teens, most of their sex education came from their peers: skewed anatomical knowledge, improbable dirty jokes, stories of dubious authenticity about girls they barely knew, and of course, masturbation circles. John’s crowd tended to meet at Nigel Whalley’s house in Vale Road, near Menlove Avenue. Nigel played tea-chest bass with The Quarrymen until he abandoned his instrument in the road one day while trying to escape from two Woolton teddy boys. He took on the role of managing The Quarrymen instead. His father was a chief superintendent, head of Liverpool Police A Division, whose duties meant that his teenage son was often left alone in the house at night.

> Says Paul: “We used to have wanking sessions when we were young at Nigel Whalley’s house in Woolton. We’d stay overnight and we’d all sit in armchairs and we’d put all the lights out and being teenage pubescent boys, we’d all wank. What we used to do, someone would say, ‘Brigitte Bardot.’ ‘Oooh!’ That would keep everyone on par, then somebody, probably John, would say, ‘Winston Churchill.’ ‘Oh, no!’ and it would completely ruin everyone’s concentration.”


Idris Elba in different wigs

This, good movie
>tfw no German art school gf

Wait a second, why is Kotaku showing up on top there? Is The Onion now owned by the same company as Kotaku? What company is that these days?

>Paul Rudd as John Lennon
>Jack Black as Paul McCartney
>Justin Long as George Harrison
>Jason Schwartzman as Ringo Starr


The cost of the music licensing would be astronomical. It’s why most of their biopics only focus on the early days pre recording career. It cost madmen something like $200,000 just for one song.

I lost respect for John after I found out he stopped beating his women

There's no need for one since their career is very well documented as it is
Just watch the 10h anthology documentary
>includes most of their songs played live, as video clips or in the background while images or random videos from that period plays
>has interviews from all Beatles (except John for obvious reasons so they're forced to use Archive footage)
>starts from their beginnings when Ringo wasn't even in the band to their breakup
>lots of good stories like for example when Beatles first met Elvis and he was so stoned on drugs that they all got stoned together and played music

it also has some tearjerking moments like Ringo starts crying when talking about John and wishes he was still here or George Martin playing A Day in the Life in studio and you can see how much it means to him and the time he spent with the band was the best time of his life

>cast it
left to right i want idris elba, kevin hart, jordan peele, and daniel kaluuya

> mythic heroes of societal righteousness in the western world, bordering on divinity status
>treated as having universal appeal that is validated by the supreme quality of their every attribute, as musicians/moralist/citizens/ideologues/leaders what have you
>John Lennon is a messianic figure, basically MLK 2
Now lets watch the movie, shall we children?

>LSD is the greatest thing in existence, we tripped balls while we were making every track of the *GREATEST MUSIC EVER MADE*
>By the way government is run my mass-murdering pigs
>lets knock up each others girlfriends and then knock em out for getting knocked up! Righ yu ahh Jown ;)
>*psychedelic fueled orgy scene fillers*
>massive womanizing
>then chauvanistic male feminism
>time do drop out on the beach and shoot heroin up my veins non stop for a year lol
>but dont worry. I just stop and live the end of my days out as a lovingly contended father living a life of happy, family leisure

And thats all it takes folks! Go out and be the best disciple of John the Messiah that you can!

threadly remainder, Paul was the real talent behind The Beatles. Just check out the solo and Wings albums he did right after. John was a great songwriters, but Paul was undoubtedly the melodic influence responsible for The Beatles' success. Also, John's post-Beatles albums mostly suck ass. He has one or two good songs on there but nothing special. Ram on the other hand, is a classic that could fit in perfectly with the rest of the Beatles discography

fuck off
I love Paul but Plastic Ono Band and Imagine are great albums.

Paul and John were in two different tiers

Idris Elba as John

thank god for internet porn

More like they both did different things.
Paul had a thing for catchy god tier pop melodies
John had a thing for emotional and engaging songwriting
Apples and oranges basically


>Paul a more melodious musician than John

Sure, if you're some kind of sissyhypnotized dickgirl, I guess.

Idris Elbow as all three nutty professor style.

>emotional and engaging songwriting
much much less important than the melodies, if youre talking about lyrics
anybody can write lyrics

Only John could put out a song like Mother without sounding like a soy

Yeah but if you're talking about whose musicianship is more melodious he is still wrong. John composed melodies that were superior to McCartney's in every way.

Are you not familiar with ANTHOLOGY?

That’s a documentary not a biopic.
Still much better than any biopic could be though. The Beatles story is so rich it’d have to be a multipart series. You couldn’t tell it in 2 hours.

*blocks ur path*

There are better bands who don't have a biopic yet.

Band On The Run > heroin addict wailing about his gook troll doll obsession

Ram > Band on the Run

I agree. Ram is my favorite Wings album

beatles were trash

fuck those little bitches, give me a drug, alcohol, and sex fuelled story about this immortal man

Casey Affleck as Paul

Ram is not a Wings album, though.

Which song?

Tomorrow Never Knows.

The Beatles history was so expansive and influential that you can't really capture it in a film. Just watch The Beatles Anthology.

Its an old man wearing eyeliner. Pathetic.

*runs out of steam half way through his first album then never releases anything good again*
george harrison is just john lennon for contrarians

He couldnt do it. Mouthbreathing and having a nasaly voice is not acting.

Paul wrote technically way better music but he just couldn't express himself anywhere near as well as John could. There's a reason why John's music connects with most people more than Paul's.

>There's a reason why John's music connects with most people more than Paul's.
This is true, John is the pleb's songwriter. Imagine, Woman, Woman Is the Nigger of the World: saccharine political sentiments for the mouthbreathing masses . Seriously, I'll put on a Wings/McCartney album now and then. Who the fuck sits down and listens to a Lennon album, start to finish more than once? He has a couple of songs that have mass appeal and that's about it.

Plastic Ono self-titled is great back to front. But 99% of all their solo catalogues are garbage.

>he just couldn't express himself anywhere near as well as John could.
Here, There, and Everywhere and For No One ear easily among the most heartfelt, articulate Beatles songs, and both were written by Paul, about completely different aspects of love. In fact, most of the songs he wrote about breaking up with Jane Asher are easily more expressive than anything John ever wrote; just compare his lyrics to that period to Mother, which someone above seems to think is an example of great lyricism, even thought it's juvenile at best.

fuck off Paul with your granny shit

it's unwritable

Lennon was much more self-consciously idiosyncratic. McCartney desperately wanted to be liked. It created good and bad results. Paul never wrote anything as good as I Am the Walrus.

Both of those things were John.


Do you base all your opinions on how contrarian they are and how much e-cred you can get off them? This post looks like it came straight out of Sup Forums.

This. Julian Lennon has even said publicly that Paul was more of a father to him than John was.

Who's solo career was the best is an entirely irrelevant argument when nothing they released individually ever even came close to anything they achieved when they were all together. They were all pretty much irrelevant by 73 anyway.

>John left The Beatles because he wanted to release all his own songs and go his own direction
>Critically, artistically and commercially fails in basically everything until his death.
Wow that was really worth breaking up the biggest band of all time for, huh.

our guys: george, ringo

reddit guys: john, paul

They'd all got sick of the group anyway. Let It Be proved that.

Sup Forums: being an epic contrarian
Reddit: liking things

let it be wasn't the last album they recorded. abbey road was. let it be was shelved until phil spector came along

kek, there's always one

>John was the one who broke up the Beatles
brainlet opinion
It was Paul with his narcissism who tried to turn Beatles into his cover band. George hated him because of that and they never really were close after that while George was totally okay with hanging out with John.

The movie, not the album. They'd become irritated with eachother and disenchanted with the idea of being in a band. Lennon was totally inseparable from Ono. Harrison was fighting with McCartney, who'd positioned himself as the bandleader in the vacuum left by Lennon's absence. Ringo sat in the corner and didn't do much.

IIRC they all went into Abbey Road with the idea that it would be their last though.

>Ringo sat in the corner and didn't do much.

I can't imagine fuck all who I'd cast but definitely be styled like Steve Jobs (2015), three different acts, avoid any *real* songs to reduce licensing fees, have it center around disputes and rituals in the band. Three acts:
>First Tour
>Getting Together for Abbey Road

Concentrate on the characters and how they would have interacted instead of their progression as artists, and alike the Steve Jobs movie, don't make them out to be the heroes everyone sees, show internal conflicts, show them in lesser light but still keep them interesting. Screenwriter like that of Whiplash, Birdman, and even The Social Network. Show no songs of the Beatles ever on screen (visually and audibly), only like say soundchecks and faintly similar riffs. Maybe directed by Danny Boyle, or Edgar Wright.

Paul was a better musician and arguably a better songwriter. Yesterday is still the most played song in history and it's basically a solo piece.

Having said that, John's songs are a lot more intimate than Paul's. Paul writes from outside himself but John writes from the heart.

>anybody can write lyrics
Literally retarded.
>John composed melodies that were superior to McCartney's in every way
Patently false, as well.

Just face it, they were the perfect team and complimented each other in a way that elevated both of their abilities. Not everything is a competition, you massive youngfaggots.

I like this user

>Literally retarded.

>he can't write
>calls me retarded

I dunno man, it always seems like the production company has very transparently scrimped whenever I see one of those documentaries about them that has generic “Day Tripper” type incidental music or endless Let it Be/Imagine type piano riffing in the background. I think the power of the music is an integral part of the story.

Paul managed to maintain mainstream relevancy at least until 1980. I think Michael Jackson represented a significant turning point in public musical taste, and ushered in an era of pop music graduated enough from rock-n-roll that it no longer favored Paul's compositional M.O.

John's most intimate songs were probably Help!, In My Life, Strawberry Fields Forever, and Julia. Much of what he wrote was in a similar observational/commentative vein as Paul's. Paul was just as capable of expressing intimacy, although it wasn't so much of an introspective as an empathetic kind: She's Leaving Home, Hey Jude, Let It Be.

During the entire white album era the only way you would ever be able to see all four beatles together in the same scene would be when they're recording music in the studio. They literally spent hours and hours in there getting high and having massive battles of artistic ego. The moment they exited the studio they scattered away in opposite directions. The album art and title are themselves a reference to how socially and artistically speaking the Beatles as a band now only existed within the confies of that studio.

>he doesn't understand the practical use of a colloquialism in an internet exchange

>Idris Elba as John
>John Bogeya as Paul
>That ugly black women playing Hermione as Ringo
>Hakeem Kae-Kazim as George

Paul was just the only self driven hard worker with a strong work ethic. I'm sure John could have made better albums if he wasn't pissed through all of his solo sessions minus the 1980 stuff. George just didn't give a fuck after he shot those number 1's out of his cock and got a complicated personal life.