What are your hopes for Episode IX?

What are your hopes for Episode IX?

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I have very little hope for IX. Criticize VII all you want, but it did have stuff to work with whereas VIII resets everything. We can already surmise that IX is gonna be another ANH rehash, but with Rey sacrificing herself and "ascending" to a higher plane of existence. Now, if done right, IX can be a great movie, but only if they split it into two parts, with part 1 replacing VIII and part 2 being the proper IX.

I wrote an outline for IX part one and I firmly believe it is the only option to save the trilogy.

absolutely nothing, rian succesfully killed the franchise

I honestly, truly, don't care anymore, at all. I grew up. This dead-end franchise just doesn't capture my interest anymore and it doesn't bother me at all that I no longer think of it.

>I wrote an outline for IX part one and I firmly believe it is the only option to save the trilogy.
Can you show us?

something worse and more to laugh at.

VIII ruined everything, there is no hope for IX unless they involve time travel to remove the bullshit.

It fails to gross a billion, humiliating Disney and Lucasfilms.

That I won't have to see any of the marketing for it because I don't give a shit about toy wars.

i'm a visual artist working on IX.

IX will have a post credits scene showing a yuuzhan vong ship entering the system.

It gets cancelled

>What are your hopes for Episode IX?
A much smaller marketing budget.

You're full of it.

What I always hope for from a SW movie is decent writing, good production, and fun stuff. It doesn't have to be particularly good, just competent. I'm a fan going back to middle school so you've already got me in the door, deliver the spaceships and lazer guns without distracting me with how bad the movie is I'll be happy. None of the new ones have managed to do this, but that's always what I've hoped for because hey, then we'd have another good SW movie. After 8 though I'll have to wait for the word on it before seeing them.

I hope it's the last one.

I hope instead of pandering to people who hate star wars they pander to me.

Disney doesn't have the balls to do something that fun.

Literally the ONLY reason I care whether IX gets made or not is so I can watch the RedLetterMedia video that shits on it. Or at least a Nerd Crew episode that shits on its trailer and then ignores the film itself.

I feel like it is too late to hope for anything cool. I guess I just hope it will be a good movie. I have no investment in the characters anymore. TLJ left me with nothing. TFA made me like Rey, Kylo, Finn, and Poe but now I don't care anymore. They shit the bed.

I hope to not be disgusted.

>What are your hopes for Episode IX?

I hope it won't get made.

I'd like the narrative structure to grow more coherent.
>Rey as a Daoist lost in a surreal landscape.
> Jedi and Sith as Confucian
> Ruled populations as Buddhist
and a development of how this fits into that universe.

That does sound interesting, but wouldn't it contradiction the Original Trilogy where the dark side was more or less a cancer in force? In Daoism is there room for the idea of redemption?

Despite the force being an eastern philosophy the morals and ethics of Star Wars is very Judeo-Christian.

I hope it's batshit insane and crashes the franchise with no survivors.

After what they did to Luke, I just don't care.

Jumanji 3

>Bomb TLJ
>No one has any idea what episode IX is gonna do
>IX ends up introducing a new character that is loved by all
>IX then creates....A New Hope
Could it be....

I agree that the original trilogy is framed within a very 'positivist' perspective, including the notion that there is a right order to things and we can know it, yet there are many side characters like Han Solo that live more in accord with nature and objective reality. The focus on the Solos and Rey means that the new trilogy can articulate Daoism as another perspective within the same universe.

I'd love a film like Rashomon based on the legacy of Luke Skywalker, but seen from three different factions. Del Toro might turn up as a Sanjuro figure, but with less comedy than before.


That they don't make it

That it's the last one and I never have to hear about Soy Wars again.

>What are your hopes for Episode IX?

I hope we'll all have a good time trashing the movie when footage starts to leak.

That's about it.

Based Rian

One of the more interesting concepts in Daoism is that when you see yourself within a certain narrative, or when you act upon half-truths, or partial information, you're going to act improperly. So Daoists feel like texts lead you on a series of misadventures, something that's very much in accord with the new trilogy's theme.

You're trying too hard user. These movies are literal cashgrabs trying to pander to feminists.

>Rey realises at the end realised how strong she is
>Doesn't explain how someone could do this
>No memory of the past
>She looks into the mirror
>See young Luke looking back at her
>"Now do you remember, who you are, what you were meant to do? I cheated death thanks to you, and thanks to you I've left my mark. You have too. I'm a Skywalker and you are too"

Kill off the new cast as they're bland as fuck.

>I wrote an outline for IX part one
What the fuck, man? That's not normal behaviour.

I hope that JJ ties it to the Cloverfield universe

A very graphic defecation scene of a black woman shitting on a white male.

It would be great to have DJ as Rey's bodyguard, and have him killl both her and Kylo Ren by the end of the film, but that might be a waste of Adam Driver's talent.


Who even cares? There are no interesting characters in the new trilogy. No interesting locations. No new jedi (just 1 good and 1 bad, like in the original trilogy)

The climax will either be Rey dies, Kyle dies, or they both live, and none of those outcomes excite me in the least. Luke is dead, and he was the only thing that made the new movies "star wars", and the only reason I bothered watching the films. Without Luke (and Han), the new movies are b or c level movies with outrageously high budgets and a senile John Williams farting out contrived rehashed music.

The old movies were "nerdy", with universe building, sci fi elements, ect. The new ones threw out the consistency of the universe for preachy messages and sub-jarjar par jokes.

>What are your hopes for Episode IX?
box office failure

They already fucked 9 by not making 8 about Rey going bad and Kylo trying to start redeeming himself. It would have been better since Kylo is the more compelling character and even the stupid feminists would be satisfied with the FIRST FEMALE VILLAIN IN STAR WARS YAS DARK QUEEN