Say somenthing nice about her show?

Say somenthing nice about her show?
protip you cant

Other urls found in this thread:

Cute girls (male)

well i think her bobs are nice
would tittyfuck if she put a bag over her head.

>inb4 another bullshit jewish conspiracy thread

It’s a suicide article I might click on. Might.


David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

this is insane

Jesus didn't die on the cross for this shit.
What the fuck.

El fin de los tiempos...

I want off this ride


He's hot

>Say somenthing nice about her show?
The watch threads on Tuesday remind me that the next day is fat kino

michaela is cute!

What happened on Tuesday?? Did she finally make love to Victoria??


Is Jazz an agent of pizzagate? Really makes me think.



how long until he offs himself?

No way. It has to be a coincidence

Same boring old shit


If he makes it to 30 he'll be lucky. The show is going to end soon when he starts to mentally break down



fuck your capslock.

>implying jazz threads are anything but pornographic in nature

yeah its everybody else. kys faggot.



So who here read the thing about the "past life regression" where Jazz talks about being a hungry gay man in a past life who was never accepted for what he was.

Seems like he's screaming for help desu

I'd cover that face and titties in a nice hot splash of my man seed after gagging "her" until their eyeliner ran

lo creaturé...

>Take a young boy
>Give him hormones
>Turn him into a "girl"
>Parade him around as some champion for the gay cause

This is horrifying to witness. Truly bleak. Our society has fallen so low. I can't imagine what comes after this.

guess I'm a faggot now

EL GOBLINO.... dios mio...

Is this Marvel's new capeshit?

Did someone say tranny?

He's a complete criatura but I would cum buckets all over her fat monstrous tits, even if that would cast me from the flock of God.
I would gag his mouth with my dick and treat his face like he was some whore that went to Facialabuse to win some quick bucks.
I would pound his boipussy so hard I'd overrule his biology and make him pregnant with el Anticristo de la oscuridad.
I wouldn't even care how much of an aberration and an affront to Jesus gospel. I'd violate every single one of his holes, over and over again for hours until my dick hangs flaccid for seven years and seven months straight, unable to get hard after such a monumental task.

t. Virgin

t. fag

I’d let him blow me

Does that count

great side characters that really make you think did the Jews come from Saturn?

are ayy lmaos real?

that's what asses are for ladies

>those beady eyes

why is it so horrifying?

How many dozen surgeries do you need in order to end up looking like that?


Jesus turn it off for a while


not exactly


nodding protocol activated


>pound his boipussy so hard I'd overrule his biology and make him pregnant with el Anticristo de la oscuridad

Laughed so hard at this

Honestly one of those convincing traps ever. I wonder when he'll do porn.

La creatura.

dont lie

what will come out of the titties will not be milk

wide load

it will be milk with lots of yummy hormones


That's not true.




I would unironically fuck her

me too


based lynchian poster

jesus christ

Still waiting for the inevitable porn vid. Curious to see that erect 2" cockiccini blow a steamy load.

>my 600lb life
well shes walking there

I would ironically fuck her

She gained a lot of weight

I hope some of it went to >her ass

It didn't. She's a flabby mess

Every day we stray further from our Lord's light.
Son of Man, why have you allowed this?

The fuck happened though? Did she just start eating big macs to cope with her mental illness?

thats only taking medication that increases the chance of a heart attack by 80%

>The drug has been banned for almost 14 years in the United States by the FDA because of the agency’s concern about potential lethal side effects if it is taken intravenously. While Reisman and Goldstein’s patient took her dose orally, the FDA is reportedly still worried about the possible effects of domperidone on infants, since the drug is passed through breast milk... Thanks to the FDA, it’s illegal to import domperidone into the U.S. and federal officials actively attempt to seize inbound shipments of it

He goes over his weight gain here

>mommy why am I a girl?
>Because you were born a girl baby
>but you say I am a trans so I am not a real girl then
>Trans girls are real girls, they are the most beautiful girls
>*grins* but does that mean I was not always a girl?
>Well when you were born there was a tiny mistake, the doctors thought you were a boy
>oh, and then what happened?
>I always knew you were my princess, when you were baby you liked to play barbies, and you would walk on my high heels too, you would always tell me wish you could be a girl, so that's why you are one now
>oh yeah wearing your shoes was fun, I don't really remember saying that stuff though
>Well you did, you knew you were a girl since you were 15 months old
>since I was a baby?
>Yeah, you have always been my girl
>do you think I will get to be a boy sometime too?
>No because you are not a boy, you are mommy's girl, you know mommy loves her baby girl right? It makes mommy sad that you don't want mommy to love you
>sorry mommy I do love you, I don't want you to be sad, I love being your girl
>I know honey, you will always be my baby girl, but please don't ever say you want to be a boy again
>ok mommy will you forgive me?
>Yes, I forgive you baby girl, now go get ready we need to go to your parade
>ok mommy I'm sorry

I fapped to this creatura a day ago, fantasized about fucking xher up the ass against a wall, with a hand over xher mouth.

I still feel shit about it.

Please be in Valladolid

That's not Jazz, who is that?

I just masturbated to him. Kill me.


>effects of domperidone on infants, since the drug is passed through breast milk
so the baby has been poisoned so this person can feel beautiful nursing someone elses baby

Did you also fantasize about sucking/jerking him off?

>hand over her mouth
>not biting your shoulder to muffle her cries of ecstasy

That's our girl Jazz!

What is xir name again?

Fire up the gas chamber, we got another one

I don't even know how to feel, or what I'm feeling about this. Every time I see shit like this it's I've fallen into a cold void and a weird numb sensation washes over me.
Fucking Jews

why are you trying to trick me, it will be delicious milkies

will make you a sissy more than any soy milk

so you're telling me that it's still delicious milkies, sounds delicious to me

>The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

So this lunatic wants to risk poisoning a newborn infant just so he can feel more like a woman? How despicable.

i want a tranny to twerk on my face