This show is really good


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inb4 but the books are excellent too. Syfy has really done a great job adapting them to screen.

kinda no
its hit or miss tier like altered carbon.

Yup! It's pretty fucking good. I'm almost amazed that it came from SyFy.

s1 episode 4 and s2 episode 5 are absolutely god tier. unfortunately s2 episode 6 onwards takes a huge nosedive in quality

i hope s3 turns out much better

they just pay to air it, they don't produce it

>i hope s3 turns out much better

it should get pretty crazy pretty quickly. s2 cut off like 80% of the way through the second book, and the last 20% is pretty wild. then we get into book 3 stuff, and it's the best book in the series

Hopefully they skip the later books where nothing of consequence seems to happen for multiple installments.

low standards, op.

there isn't a single better sci fi space series airing

>s2 cut off like 80% of the way through the second book, and the last 20% is pretty wild.

sounds exactly like what they did with season 1

my problem is that from episode 6 all the way to the end of s2 they all started quipping constantly like it was a fucking marvel movie. i dont know if they changed writers half way through the season or something but the dialogue in general went to absolute shit after episode 5, it was so distractingly bad

anyway, im hyped to see miller again

I read a while ago this show might be canceled.

That doesn't mean it's good. What a strange argumentation.

so odd.

name a better sci fi series from the past 10 years that isn't bsg

I can't wait till they get to the Mass Effect stage with the ancient alien stargate system leading to all sorts of crazy extrasolar planets.

??? season 3 was confirmed ages ago

>Abadon's Gate

I'm just watching for when they get to this book, it's easily the peak of the series. It's all down hill from there, but when Abadon's Gate is going, it's going good.


It's pretty good. Avasarala is savage af.

I watched the first season only because of Miller, the main crew was fucking annoying except for the captain who didn't have enough screentime.
Second season was better, the first half was fucking insane.
I'm hyped about the third season because ghost Miller.
Also I want to watch Drummer again, she's really fucking cute.

fun fact, Avasarala can say fuck now

This season could make or break the series basically. If the ratings aren't good, don't be surprised.
Personally I think it's a great show but needs to prove viable to advertisers and be more than just a cult hit on the internet.

they kind of messed up because they are cutting the seasons too short and it all feels unbalanced. s2e6 is basically the start of the second book, and the second book doesn't really get going until they get off mao's ship.

I wanted to say pilot instead of captain.
Fuck Holden.

how many times do we have to explain this. syfy does not produce it, if they don't want to air it anymore they can probably get funding from netflix. netflix already handles most of everything outside of the u.s


The humanoid ayy was super weird, I hope they fix their look, since they'll be showing up a lot soon, it seems.

This was much better than altered carbon. I didn't even manage to sit through the first episode of that show, while the first 30 minutes of The Expanse had me hooked.

the flip and burn hooked me. you don't really see that type of stuff in any other sci fi shows

Westworld, desu.

space sci fi, westworld is a completely different type of sci fi

The dialogue was never strong but it totally died in season 2. Hoping in season 3 they'll make a renewed effort.

yeah, just like Hannibal...

Home was the show's Best of Both Worlds to me

>s2e6 is basically the start of the second book

yeah i know and it baffles me why they do this, if you are going to adapt a series of novels then make 1 book = 1 season for fuck sake

I like how clean most of the combat shots are, not overdoing motion blur

its easily one of my favourite episodes of tv ever

fucking Mormons

the difference is, netflix is already supporting the expanse...

Eros is beautiful in the show. In my mind when reading I always imagined Eros as dark, with red organ like things growing all over.

This guy's plotline was my least favourite one, until I started to see the links between his sweety pie and the blue stuff and the Earth-Mars tensions.

By the end of it, he went from a generic hardboiled noir detective character to my favourite character on the show. That ending really made me feel.


this scene made me read the books

And hannibal is on Amazon...
Do you mean they carry episodes week to week?
Because they don't in America.
You must be from EU. Your netflix is vastly superior to ours when it comes to this stuff.

It's pretty great how the authors are keeping up a pace guaranteeing the show will never outpace the books.

But even with Netflix funding I doubt they'll get the 15 seasons they need at the rate they're going.

Too bad.

omg the fakeout really got me

Remember the Miller

I like the weird majesty the Protomolecule projects

Netflix pays for a large part of the shows production. Something like half I think. Not all of it though. Enough so SyFy doesn't need the ratings you may think they need, but they do need some return on investment. So we know there's a possibility of it becoming a pure Netflix show if it ever fails on SyFy, we just don't know all the numbers involved.

agreed. Holden should be played by karl urban the guy they have is so fucking dull

digging the realist style of the ship designs

amazon wasn't involved in the production at any point from what i know

used this as a wallpaper for a while

Carl Urban could play both Miller and Holden and I would be all for it.

I only read snob literature desu, but the show was really good so I want to check the books.
Are they good?

Urban's a gift to sci fi, I'd watch a whole series about his McCoy or Dredd, shit I'd take more Almost Human.

he's pretty much just as dull in the books too. they really messed up with naomi though, she's like a blasian in the books, in the show she's an annoying uggo brit


favorite ship? i'll post it if i got it.

yeah do it
I only watched that for him too

if you like the show then you'll like the books even more. the peak of the series is book 3


I guess they were strictly only given 10 episodes to work with. What they did was better than cramming the entire first book into 10 episodes. If they only followed Miller and Holden like the book they probably could have managed it, but the extra Avasarala stuff was pretty good so I'll let them off.

It only goes on Netflix about 6 months after it airs in the states, and as far as I know it's not aired in the UK anywhere. As far as I know there's no other way of watching it legally without a 6 month wait outside of America.

This ending was outstanding

Oh I know but he's like a charisma vacuum. whoever cast him and Naomi wants shooting

I remember when the show started and Holden's crush on the Cant was blonde instead of actually from Africa African people went "hey, what the fuck?" and the writers promised it had a reason. Did it ever have a reason?

see you space detective

uh, maybe to show he likes both white and black girls, idk

Only part way through the first book. Everybody outside the Cant seems to regard Holden as an idealistic idiot. The actor seems to fit that. Am I missing something overall?

stealth ships

I think the reason I remember reading was they didn't want it to seem like holden had a fetish for black women but in the books he totally does.

Honestly that girl on the cant dies in like 10 minutes, people complaining over a throwaway character is stupid.

is duarte /ourguy/?

no you're right but I just personally dislike that actor is all

Lord, yes. Can you imagine all the ">filler"posts that would ensue if they did Cibola Burn in its entirety over 2 seasons? By the end of it I was really, really tired of hearing about mud and death slugs.

unfortunately they're so stealthy I never could get good shots of them

death slugs are awesome though

Imagine if they just skip Cibola Burn entirely, it is basically pointless. I hope they do.

Was the scientist woman on Ilus black as well? I can't remember if they described her at all, but her name sounds African.


hes incredibly one dimensional and just a shit actor all round

its especially obvious once miller ''''dies'''' that thomas jane was carrying the show quite a fair bit. still looking forward to s3 a lot though, its a great show aside from from some bad acting here and then a shitty dialogue.

doesn't help that Jared Harris acts circles around everyone, Jane was the only one who could remotely match him

they can probably trim it down, but they kind of need to do it so they can """end"""
miller's story. i'd imagine they'll cut out the giant protobug thing because that was hysterically ridiculous

I'm all for keeping characters the same race they are in their root story. Granted, for the Expanse it doesn't matter too much for most of the cast, so whatever.

Was the black girl thing an accident? One was from Africa, but the other is a space mutt who's like eight things but kind of mostly black and asian. Or does he get interested in like four other black girls in the books later?

Fair. It's a roll the right person can make likable while infuriating. The wrong person would make boring and infuriating.

they may have gone a little too far in a few places

"We need to talk."
It's kinda comical how he poofs into a cloud of blue fireflies like a fart in the wind all the time...I hope they don't make it as hilarious as it sounds in the book.

>Or does he get interested in like four other black girls in the books later?

he doesn't really show much interest in any other women other than naomi for the rest of the series

>Jared Harris

i started smiling when he showed up because he was brilliant in Fringe

amos is actually great too, the guy playing him does a great psychopath/heartless thug character

I assumed all along they were going to re-write Miller's pseudo-death because Thomas Jane was such a vital part of the show. It felt like everyone else was just filler around him.

Yes, she is Nigerian.

Holden has a magically ability to attrack black women.

I enjoyed watching the first episode of this than the entire season of Altered Carbon

oh I forgot this guy is a MVP, looking forward to scenes between Harris and him. Harris is used to being the craziest guy in the room.

altered carbon is just boring detective shit surrounded by neon lights and big buildings. it's stupid as shit

considering how perfect Home was, i think that would have been a mistake

frankly I'm loving all the big budget sci-fi shows these days even Discovery

>they cut out the vomit zombies

maybe it's just me but there are few things I love more than long space exterior shots

>The World doesn't care about right or wrong. It's all about power. And right now, none of us have it.

I doubt we're going to see much of him in series 3. I imagine they'll introduce Duerte earlier than the books as one of the Martians that goes into the slow zone though, and Duerte will pick him up shortly after.

its actually amazing how good the special effects in this show looked, especially when i cant imagine the budget for it being particularly high

This, after millers storyline "concluded" the show fell flat, largely due to very poor acting. The fat nigger bitch is the worst of all, incredibly poorly casted and has barely anything in common with the book character, the worst thing is that shes a among main characters throughout the book series. Probably still watching s3 though since its least shit of currently running sci-fi series... along with Orville if that strikes your fancy.

post a more bro character. you can't

here's a whole album for season 2