Netflix Punisher teaser


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Fuck me, wrong link

I got a boner

Why are all these shows afraid to show costumes? I'm not demanding the white gloves and boots, but show the fucking skull under the coat at least.

Why do you autists care so much about costumes?
A costume isn't what makes a character.

>why do people want characters to look like the characters they're supposed to be?

Ye, you gonna answer that question?
He's still Frank.

You must have loved the first Punisher film

What you want to imply the other movies were good?
He had his skull in War Zone for example, what an amazing movie.

I like all three Punisher films.

>he didn't like War Zone

Nobody should.

>yfw Punisher season 1 ends with Punisher dying and being found by the Legion of Monsters

Rev up those Franks everyone!


"Why doesn't Superman just wear JEANS AND A JACKET?!"

Yes because Frank and Clark are so comparable.

You think we'll get the "we're still dead" dream?

>visual aesthetics don't matter
The Skull is very important to who the Punisher is as a character. Why do people want to deny this is beyond me.

The outfit is the identifier. The outfit is why they're a super hero, because it's symbolic of their endeavour. A big white skull against black, death is coming for you. Bold red, and blue, clear cut and American. It's real simple.

It baffles me especially when people say "Wolverine doesn't need to wear the costume because he's a jaded soldier", when that would just double the value of a Uniform for him. The costume is important to pretty much any Superhero.

was his costume what made it good?

Are people really trying to downplay the skull?

Didn't he literally get some soul body armor at the end of DD season 2

Pick one

>6 seasons
>1.5 of them are good

Odds are looking bad for Frank.

He found a good armor in that cabin from that army dude. He colored the skull on it, which was easy, because it has gigantic breatplates.

Pic reltaed is a nice costume for Frank.

War Zone was a fucking blast you mong. It was pure fun zaniness at its best. It's like people whining about 66 Batman because it's not gritty and dark.

You're a retard, please kill yourself, humanity begs you.

>we want the John Wick audience

>>we want the John Wick audience

Yeah, because John Wick is not a cheap Punisher Rip Off.

>Implying Punisher isn't a Death Wish ripoff
>Implying Death Wish isn't an Executioner ripoff

>We want the tacticool audience
Nah, fuck off. Mitch had the worst Punisher design. Fuck him and the boat he rode in on. Edmonson can go fuck himself as well.

Implying with wick is has cheep taste

What about based Punished Frank?

I'd say looking cool is half of what makes a superhero good

Not a big fan, but it worked out in that it still kept a fantastic vibe. The best Punisher designs in my opinion have a gunslinger meets military man approach, Mitch dropped any semblance of that and went full on riot gear. Even full body suit Frank has in the old stories have a super hero fantasy approach to its make up.

>visuals aren't what makes a comic book character
Nigga tell me Batman should wear the usual "black vest and black jeans" look, fucking tell me.

outfits are seen as cheesy and goofy now. Every hero needs to be a boring edgy everyday guy to be relatable.

I don't really mind the skull not being there. I like crime action shows with some hint of realism anyways and that dumb skull would just be an eyesore.

I was flippin' through the frames, and noticed some things
1. Frank, in a military hospital in full uniform, attacks what I'm assuming is a superior officer
2. His superior is bald, looks like he has 1 dead eye
3. Frank burns his skull vest

>series based off a comic book
>main character doesn't have the same visual aesthetic as the comic
Whats the fucking point of doing it then if not even for the visuals?

>dubbed the theme from the Punisher game over the trailer

I hope to god they don't fuck this up.

We got confirmation months ago that the Skull vest is in the show

This user gets it. Mah nigga. I hope Chechetto returns to doing the art for Punisher. Solid Frank is best Frank.

Best Punisher.

Fuck all yall John Wick was fantastic

I'm triggered. I don't really appreciate these anti-skull fags coming out of nowhere. The skull is the least realistic thing about Frank given that grown ass men in the Military have adopted it.


Of course I did, it had Dolph Lundgren in it.

Are they ever going to show the trailer that was shown at Comicon?

>not enjoying things on their own merit
How do you enjoy anything?

>given that grown ass men in the Military have adopted it

This bothers me. Frank is an entertaining, even relatable character, but he's also very much a psychopath.