I went from hating the Iron Fist series to now hating Luke Cage the character

>I went from hating the Iron Fist series to now hating Luke Cage the character
g-great job Marvel

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Wow a fictional character has a political opinion. Boohoo this is so horrible.

Oh here we fucking go

Remember when characters could make statements like this in the early 00s and (white)people wouldn't get assblasted over it?

Would it better if he says Blondie? Anyway, He is a white and a boy.

>Cage literally told Danny to check his privilege
The whole show shat on Danny, but this was by far the worst.

No. Every race has always got buttblasted about things, and it's always funny.

The dynamic between Power Man and Iron fist was like this at the beginning in the comics, even in the 70s. Calm down. They'll be best friends by the end.

Post the screenshot where he "literally" says this.

That's before identity politics came and pushed a racial-cultural war on everyone. Now we're all expected to just sit here and be okay with every other race on earth saying racist things to whites but they are not allowed to say anything in return or in their defense.

Times changed. Times fucked us all over.

They were pretty friendly already. It just happens their relationship here was more akin to younger and older sibling.

>That's before identity politics came and pushed a racial-cultural war on everyone

You want to know how I know you're underage?

What was Danny's line right before this?

You don't. Not him but I'm 25 and what he said was spot on as crystal clear as day.

White people are so annoying, for fuck's sake. You people cry over everything. Imagine if you guys had been slaves in the cotton fields. You would be even more insuferable than black people. Nobody cares about your feelings.

Yeah, I'm sure you had your political awakening on Sup Forums last year too. Comics have been pushing the evil white man shit since the 60s. Get the fuck over it.

danny deserves to be shat on



I'm white and my descendants where also white, and they were slaves. You need to educate yourself about how the Irish were treated during slavery.

>Niggers feeling sorry for themselves

Yeah because why put effort into becoming successful when it's so much easier to blame whitey?

I dropped it when Luke fucked Misty.
Literally I reason other than they're both black. That's like Human Torch fucking Mary Jane instead of dating Peter.

I'm all in for humiliating Netflix Danny but scat isn't my thing, so i'm going to disagree with you here.

The difference is, we're not allowed to say anything back now. It would be fine if Iron Fist responded with something like
"It's not my fault you ghetto children commit more crimes. Chances are, if I'm chasing a criminal down, he is going to be black."

Hell, I would even accept it is he responded with "I'm trying my best, blackboy." But no, he can't say that. That would be racist.

did you have a stroke when you were writing this

>billionaire white boi strolls down Harlem, beats up a black kid and says he's here to help
>not expecting Luke to point it out


Sad but true.

Spouting "Sup Forums" and "reddit" at every opportunity doesn't win arguments, son.

you aint white then

What you said literally was racist you stupid fuck. Whites are so fucking tone deaf I swear. That's why you can't say anything back.

>I'm trying my best, what's your excuse?

yes yes it would. danny is a no nothing retard not a deliberate asshole. just an accidental one

identity politica have been around since the 60s retard

Feel like Luke put too much blame on Dany considering those fuckers were liquefying human bodies.

>my descendants where also white
Are you from the future?

The fact that this is even being discussed is ridiculous.

>Now we're all expected to just sit here and be okay with every other race on earth saying racist things to whites but they are not allowed to say anything in return or in their defense.

So now you know how minorities felt. Actually never mind you don't because what Luke said is harmless and you whites are still bitching about racism.

If you can't handle shit being thrown back at you...

If he said that you'd be on here bitching about how the show portrays whites as racists.

Hollywood can appease minorities. With whites it's literally impossible because they'll find a way to bitch.

Could've done without the "I know privilege when I see it." line but it was alright.

Obviously. But from the 70s to the early 2000s, racial politics were more mellowed out. Stand up comics had an easier time telling race jokes in schools. You could turn on the news and not see another racially charged crime.

But for the past 5 to 10 years, people have become so goddamn sensitive and focused on race. It's so fucking looney.

Considering the whole point of Luke and Danny's friendship is that they come from completely different worlds, and that Danny is one of the few people who doesn't take his massive wealth for granted since he's spent most of his life without access to it, I'm not seeing the problem here. Their relationship starts shaky, but they become friends in spite of their differences.

Typical paddy, too drunk to know the difference between ancestors and descendants.

>The difference is, we're not allowed to say anything back now
like you are now?


>don't season

I kek'd

I can handle the black boy.

But, mentioning about his race and insulting it is way out of character.

Food. Seasoning food.

Add spices to their food, I imagine.

nah it was pretty fuckinmg big in the 90's. remember why oj got off

>That's like Human Torch fucking Mary Jane instead of dating Peter.

You have good taste in gay ships user.

Oof holy shit. I meant ancestors, not descendants. I'm man enough to own my mistakes. Thanks for sorting me out, user.

Forgive him, he's white.

Wait, what? Where does that come from?

How does it feel to be autistic?

Seriously every white person Ive seen do this was on the spectrum. You take a "white people cant dance" joke too seriously and instead of joking "haha and blacks can't swim", you go over the line and talk about lynching blacks.

wanna know how I know you lived in a political bubble your entire life until 3-4 years ago?

You are correct. I owned up to the error here

What the fuck is all this then?

Are you being serious right now?

No It fucking wasn't. Criticism of Ghetto/gang culture has nothing to do with genetics.
African blood didn't make them sign up for a gang to sell dope & shoot at elderly people for initiation. Their culture did.

I never said it wasn't racist, numbnuts. The point is to counter racism against whites with racism against blacks instead of only letting it go one way.

I can tell you're black because of how stupid you are and how poor a grasp you have on arguments.

>If he said that you'd be on here bitching about how the show portrays whites as racists.
No, I wouldn't. There, wrecked. That's literally how easy it is to wreck somebody who builds their counter arguments on guesses.

Am I a superhero in a popular large budget TV series? Or is it the nigger who is the superhero in a large budget TV series being racist to whites?

Where's your ghost peppers, whitey?

because them saying we cant dance is white genocide

Before you reply

>character shit-talks a character for being white and rich, implying he cannot have issues in his life (or issues as bad as someone poor or not white)
Featured on major television; this is seen as fine

>character shit-talks a character for being black and poor, implying he lacks intelligence, the ability to succeed or a good life
The character who says this would either have to be a villain earning his comeuppance, or everyone who throw a fucking fit

>Or is it the nigger who is the superhero in a large budget TV series being racist to whites?
no he isnt

because rich people are evil or idiots who only inherited money retard

Are you completely fine with supporting what he says and admitting that his feelings come from a valid place even if his wording can be improved? Would you rephrase what he means for him in a non-offensive manner?

Reminder who was in prison? Who escaped prison? Who was in a fight club in prison? Was it Danny?

>getting so buttblasted you have to prove you have seasonings in your cabinet
white people cannot bants.

Pointing out that iron fist is a racist cunt isn't racism. Don't let your white victim complex get the better of you

>How does it feel to be autistic?
I wouldn't know but I can tell you how it feels to be inside your mom. It's warm and comfortable

How does it feel to be remedial?
>You take a "white people cant dance" joke too seriously and instead of joking "haha and blacks can't swim"
That's literally what I said I wanted him to do. Just to respond with "I'm trying, blackboy". Reading comprehension, you pavement ape. Don't enter the adult world until you can do the basics.

Is it time to post the white people bay leaf meme?

>Or is it the nigger who is the superhero in a large budget TV series being racist to whites?

what luke said wasn't really racist, he just said that danny fit a stereotype. that you can't percieve racism correctly and immediately jumped to crime rates like you're in the middle of a debate instead of a good natured ribbing is exactly what people are talking about.

You are getting triggered by someone with a lit match and responding with napalm. you aren't perceiving it right.

>taking a /ck/ poster seriously
I-I'm sorry sir. Does this make up for it?

>character shit-talks a character for being white and rich,

Rich white person shouldn't give a damn because they are fucking rich.

>vanilla extract
>black pepper
>what I'm assuming is coriander
Please tell me you at least have seasoned salt in their you basic bitch.

You can meme on me all you like, but I'm right that political sensitivity has increased significantly. Political correctness has gotten out of control, to the point where it's become socially acceptable to say "person of color" but not "colored person", and there are now more than 2 genders. This wasn't an issue in 2005. It wasn't an issue in the 80s and 90s either.

>someone actually believes this

Every fucking time on this fucking site. Goddamn, I hate you whiteys here.

>Black kid cleans up dozens of bodies with fucking acid, making sure that if dead people had relatives, they'd never have closure
>He didndu nuffin
Fuck off, Cage.

Man you are both racist and autistic.

It's a joke man

thats only slightly funny!

>90s either.

wanna know how i know youre underage




Oh gee, it's almost like we're not supposed to agree with Luke here and they're setting up conflict between the characters in order to make way for character development.

OP, don't be a whiny bitch.

Considering what Marvel's been lately, I don't blame him.

We thought the same for America Chavez too, LOOK WHERE THAT GOT US.

Holy shit. That cabinet is barren.

>Mom jokes

Oh you're underage. That explains the autism.


Danny was beaten by monks for 20 years. That may have well been a prison.

where's the flavor though?

I have 19 cabenits in my kitchen, why would I cram?

>"Colored people"
>Acceptable in 2005

You know I how I know you're from Hicksville?

PROTIP: You only need a ton of spices if the food itself (ie meat) is garbage.

Pic related. Put a little salt on some chicken + broccoli and you're good to go

>That's literally what I said I wanted him to do. Just to respond with "I'm trying, blackboy". Reading comprehension, you pavement ape. Don't enter the adult world until you can do the basics.

The subhuman Sup Forumsack can't even remember what he wrote.

>colored person
It's the term used to segregate people back in the day, of fucking course it's off limits.

And who the fuck actually uses Person of Color in the real world? Even in the most formal situation, people'd use African American for black people.

Nobody said "a ton" of spices. How boring is your palette if you're only putting salt on chicken and some steamed broccoli? You're missing out on different flavors if you're not seasoning your food with anything other than salt.

>instant ramen
lmao white people