
"Mr Anderson"

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"Yo, my name's Supes what's yourse?"

I know it looks like shit, but I am impressed anyway.

I downloaded the movie

saw this

deleted the file

My husbando Henry deserves better than this shit.

Dubs confirm. I love his superman but he has been dealt too much shit hands in these movies

>those capeshit cuck shills in the comments

cant make this shit up

Should have just given him a full beard. Much easier to just cgi that on everything than to take it off some other things.

looks like a Sims 2 character

Anybody got a picture of him with his mustache?

>nobody would notice it

I have failed you Whedon. I have failed you.

"people only noticed it because they already knew about it" is the most pathetic DCuck excuse so far

You know, you could probably just bump into someone on street who would be better actor to portray Sourman

>Omar Morales

>He tries to explain his symbol to kids and just kinda gives up on the metaphor
It's the little things about Supes in Justice League.

Still a better Supes than in Man of Steel.

>Paramount refused to allow their movie to use inferior visual effects
>This somehow makes them the bad guys instead of Warner Bros for letting synder do so much damage they needed reshoots.

It's terrible. Still looks better than Spider-Man Homecoming CGI though.

Why did this happen? Does facial hair change how your face sits?


>use CGI to make one guy's lower face look fake
>cast an actor who looks so fucking weird that his face naturally looks fake

which decision was worst?


Is it a possibility that Joss Whedon was sent by the mouse to sabotage JL?

Intentional incompetence can only exist if there is competence in the first place. This is simply the best Whedon could and can do, which is nothing at all.

It's more likely that WB, which is a notoriously retarded company, fucked themselves trying to get the marvelbucks

Joss hates the mouse, it's why he left after Avengers 2. He was just unfortunate to be the one forced to pick up the pieces of Synder's mess and do the best he could. Nothing could've salvaged this movie.


>Whedon version has less chest hair
Fucking soyboy

I don't think you need to assume some conspiracy, Whedon has pretty consistently publicly stated he wants to be done with superhero movies and doesn't really care anymore.
DC hired him anyway and should have known full well he was gonna do a half-assed and maybe even spiteful job

the only person who sabotaged JL is Zack Snyder. The reshoots wouldn't have even been necessary if he had submitted a not-shitty first cut.

right looks like they fucking recast him as Michael Fastbender

Ok, ok, we get it. It looks weird and uncanny... But just imagine for a minute that SUPERMAN has a fucking MUSTACHE.

>mfw DC is finished.

I bet Tom Cruise auditioned for the part of Superman and got turned town, so when they asked Cavil to remove the stache, he probably told them not to touch a hair on Cavil's face and then laughed at them.


it is.
the worst is when DC fanboys come at me like I'm a marvel shill. I grew up with DC characters and didn't give a shit about Marvel until Iron Man came out when I was in high school.
Nobody wanted DCU to succeed more than me. But it hasn't. In fact, it's completely failed.
Not my fault Marvel makes entertaining popcorn flicks that have (some) respect for the source material, rather than just rehashes of the same drab bullshit that didn't connect with audiences the first 3 times they tried it.

How about a beard like man of steel?

It would actually make a lot of sense

Even if the next wonder woman makes a billion dollars, i'm out because they're getting more and more tv-tier and i don't spend money on television movies

The reason they had to cgi his 'stache was because the new Mission Impossible was filming at the time and they needed Henry to have a mustache. He couldn't grow a full beard in time for reshoots and it would look weird for a newly revived Superman to ONLY have a mustache. They were screwed either way.

Sure. That could work. I mean, mustaches never made sense to begin with. Why would a person shave everything on their face, except the hair on their upper lip? No one looks better with a mustache. No, not even whatever celebrity you're about to cite right now.(Looking at you, Freddie Mercury fans) He looks worse with one too.

I don't know why we still accept the mustache like a legitimate style. For some reason, it's become the look of older conservatives. But it's actually pretty radical, when you think about it. If you shaved the sides of your hair, leaving only the top, it makes you look like a young punk. But when you shaved the sides of your face, only leaving the upper lip, then you're uniform?

Shit is ridiculous, man.

The point was that he shouldn't have had a mustache in the first place. It was a retarded creative decision.

would've been better to give him fake beard on set than try to digitally erase a mustache IMO.
It's funny, I'm an editor and I can totally imagine what the conversation with the CG house was like.
>Whedon/WB/Producers: So we can just get rid of it in post, yeah?
>CG: uhhhhhhhh, technically it's poss...
>WB: fantastic, exactly what we wanted to hear

They even used different lenses during reshoots. Look at how much smaller Aquaman's frame is and his face looks narrower.


>retarded creative decision
Except it's not a creative decision at all. Unless you're talking about MI in which I guess that's like your opinion man.

holy fuck that's hilarious. Snyder should really just be a DP (and leave directing to ppl who understand story.)

you know, everyone blames DC/Whedon for this abomination

but what about fucking henry cavill who wouldn't shave his precious moustache for reshoots? vain, talentless faggot

Yeah, I figured that a beard would be the way to go, at least when he's first revived and then he can have it shaved off for the big finale in his blue suit. But that brings up another question, how good would a cg beard look?

he was under contract not to remove it. would love to see how much your facial hair is worth you retarded neckbeard.

See you mongoloid. Henry deserved better than this shit franchise.

I think the way to do it would be to apply the fake beard during reshoots by the make-up team. way cheaper (production ppl have been doing fake facial hair for decades) and would've looked better too.

They had to tie-in Snyder's slomo shows though. So now you're expecting Whedon to reshoot a main set piece, and your budget's gone up even more

Based Cavill crashing this franchise with no survivors.


Oh, So you're saying MI was being filmed during Snyder's shoots.
Still, if Mission Impossible is forcing Superman to have a mustache due to scheduling overlap. Then that's some bullshit. MI should just use a prop stache. It would look more convincing, and cost less money.

yeah because he was really knocking it out of the park before he got the superman role, fuck off

and i'm one of the few people who actually liked Immortals

>under contract
fair. how the fuck am i supposed to know that though? i'm not a person who spends every day on Sup Forums cunny-posting and pretending i'm a fucking hollywood insider, cunt

Better than rebuilding the lower half of a face in 4 months.

>how the fuck am i supposed to know that though?
you could try reading the thread you're posting in.

looks like a scene from a music vid

also i'm sorry i called you a retarded neckbeard

Prop stache couldn't work when filming the stunts (they're hanging out fucking helicopters and shit).

WB offered to pay for a CGI stache, but Paramount refused. Ain't their problem, and why risk a less than perfect result anyway?

Oh righto, that's interesting. This seems to further my thinking that WB is really incompetent in budgeting and creative decision making, or maybe they just couldn't give a fuck anymore about their DC films.

it's definitely bullshit, but once all invested parties sign a piece of paper, what is WB gonna do about it?

Supposedly after Snyder's first cut they panicked, so they were scrambling to have SOMETHING watchable.

How many slow mos did Bvs and MoS had?

And for the record, almost nothing in the fight it's the fight that Snyder had.

>No one looks better with a mustache.
Not true, but very few people can pull it off.

A fake beard would've worked if they got a good one. No need to CG facial hair.

They actually offered Paramount to CGI the mustache in MI:6 for them, but they refused. Which was their right. JL should've been done a long time before the shooting of MI:6 even started. The only reason Cavill was even available for JL reshoots was cause Tom Cruise broke his ankle so the production of MI:6 was on hold.

Agreed man. I don't think Whedon is a bad filmmaker by any metric, but I'm also guessing he never put his full heart into this either (who can blame him when it was never his project in the first place).
So, when already way over budget and shooting way more reshoots than are normally needed, when confronted with a problem like the mustache, Whedon probably heard there was a less-than-perfect solution and said "sure that'll work OK"

I don't notice anything wrong with these. Am I retarded or are you guys over reacting?

I came here to say the same thing. I don't see shit. Maybe like the first 2 but the meme one that constantly gets posted looks fine to me

You probably suffer from Autism, of which a multitude of symptoms exist, one of them being facial blindness.


Shlomo Feinberg-Shekelstein over here.

they're pretty bad man. also important to keep in mind that they look significantly worse in motion than in still images.
the glossy, smoothed over surface of his face (which is the result of clonestamping other parts of his skin, hence the smooth, polished look) borders pretty closely on the uncanny valley

Now thats just freaky as shit. Why is this allowed?



>Loved Man of Steel
>Enjoyed parts of Batman v Superman but thought it was heavily flawed and poor overall
Hope diminishes, still can be salvaged
>Enjoyed Suicide Squad but same flaws like scenes feeling disjointed still annoyed me
Hope fading
>Liked Wonder Woman
Hope restored!
>This meme of a movie
Hope destroyed, killed and buried alongside Snyder's daughter

man of steel 2: hope diminishes
>buried alongside Snyder's daughter
guilty kek

Oh please, some wind isn't going to ruin a good stache. It'll be secure.

>lost all the definition on his face

Justice League was never going to be good, it was coming right of the back of BvS, had almost no development of most of the central cast and was forced to seriously restructure itself after news hit that BvS didn't go down well. So when Synder's first cut came in and was apparently unwatchable, WB saw getting the avenger's guy to reshoot as the best possible solution towards getting a film out. It fucking sucks man, we'll probably never get our own Avengers-level JL movie.

Bizarro Superman?

Look at the stubble in Snyder's version(top)
and the beard in Whedon's version(bottom)

I'm just saying but it's obvious that Whedon destroyed DC and is laughing all the way to the bank

Whedon was a marvel double agent, prove me wrong!

>I'm a handsome jewish boy

completely agreed dude. I love these characters and it pisses me off to no end that Snyder was allowed to buttfuck them into oblivion.
All I meant is that Whedon (understandably) didn't put as much care into the reshoots as he might've with his own project, hence why we get obvious, preventable issues like the mustache fuckery.

Here's a mind puzzler: Why didn't they just make it look right?

>whedon destroyed dc
how can you kill that which has no life

>DCucks have to bring up mass shootings to take heat away from their garbage flicks

>why didn't they do it not-shitty?
surely, one of life's oldest quandaries.

Nah. The stache makes him look like an unffuckable science teacher. Clean shaven makes him look like a sexy old man.

this is the most retarded opinion i have seen posted on the internet today.

>So when Synder's first cut came in and was apparently unwatchable

Fake news.

We know that the snyder cut was better. Fuck off with your fake news

At some point you go
And then it turned out even the retards didn't buy it and you were only left with a bunch of morons on Sup Forums and Armond White

No, now he looks like he's turtley enough for the turtle club.

Oh yeah, Whedon wouldn't have had any investment in this film, not trying to prove you wrong or anything. It's just that when I saw the first sneakpeak of Justice League my reaction was "eh." Which shouldn't be the appropriate reaction one has to their favorite characters coming together for the first time in a movie. WB fucked the DCEU by trying to play catch-up with Marvel instead of being patient and building up with their movies.

>this kills the dc fanboy

>No one looks better with a mustache.

Lando does