Tfw best Emma

>tfw best Emma

>Oscars won = 0
>chances of winning an Oscar = 0


OP here, sorry I meant to post pic related

>my last movie made over $1 billion at the box office, how did yours do Emma?


Anyone else like celebs with hairy arms?

Yeah robin Williams was based

>tfw a literally who

feels good

Must be this tall to qualify for best Emma

"Mmm...yes...Emma Watson, you better keep licking down there if you don't want me to shove another baseball bat up your stuck up little anus."

why'd u crop out the book ? also her last movie made 40mil and was universally hated and panned

I need to have sex with this.

Watsonfags btfo

>the pic that saved Sup Forums

It's supposed to be Roastie vs. Waifu, retard.

BASED Piper Perri clone

*waves to all the emmafags*

This pic was basically Hiroshima/Nagasaki of the Emma Wars.

The very same day the other Emmas waved their white flags like "jesus fucking christ we give up what the fuck stop".

For me? It's Emma Roberts.



The patrician's choice

she looks like shes right about to get a huge load of cum on her face

it really was

it's literally the perfect waifu pic



jesus christ. im a watsonfag but that pic is ridiculous.


While I agree with your taste, her bra in that picture must be doing like 3/4 of the work. Her tits are nowhere near that big.

post more pics and webms

the tasteless autist choice

of what

Bang, you're dead

That’s it I give up, she really is best emma

she looks strung out on heroin all the time

These pics completely ended the debate. I still remember the first time I saw them

I would let her shoot me, totally worth it

shes even sipping on our collective jizz



what kind of piss fermented kombucha is she drinking here?

her eyes. she has the dead in the eye look like she's on opioids 24/7


>What movie are we watching?

I challenge u

i wanna live

>not gently kissing her delicate porcelain skin while she sleeps

fucking retarded


many of you need therapy.

kill me


When Emma asks you if you wanna be her say YES!

>much waifu xD
>doesn't realize that Stacy is the female version of a Chad

POst more! I NEED TO CUM

looks like an even more fucked up lohan

Wow the realization that I will never have this feel has completely broken me, why would you post this?

What did he meanby this?


shh, /ourgirl/ is sleeping

The trick is drag her legs onto your lap. Then you pull her socks off and start massaging her shins/calves until they're linguini, by the time you get to her feet she'll barely be able to keep her eyes open. When the movie is done you pick her up and carry her to bed.

Someone post the picture of Emma cuddling the Pepe I have the Taylor swift version but could never find Emma's


at least post a good pic famalay

Atleast I can still close my eyes and dream...

She really isn't that good looking. She is cute but I don't understand the obsession.

Well that was fast thanks buddy


lol she got raped right after

>those arms
She looks like she browses /fit/

ugly mutt




>tfw no addie singer gf



Another benefit of marrying emma roberts is you would have an awesome father in law

Did this pic wreck Watson even more devastatingly than JLaw's very public owning of her.

Watson has failed to respond to this.


as usual

Post both Emma's hairy arms please.

This hurts more then anything






Who can grow more arm hair?

Who are the top 5 female celebs with the hairiest arms?

Shemale Reform School 32


Panty core Emma is best Emma


>this the last thing you see before you're violently beaten to death
and it would be glorious

I 100% believe she posts these threads...

I 100% wish she made these threads...

I like Melanie Lynskey.

its evan

tfwn bestemma gf