Sup Forums suddenly hates Armond

>Sup Forums suddenly hates Armond
who are these newfags?

Other urls found in this thread:

>contrarians dont like the negro contrarian

its a mystery

Name eleven times tv has hated him.

toy story 3 was shit

only time i disagree with him is when he reviews comedies
(he was right about Norbit though)

Sup Forums is reddit now, look the new janitor deleting people posting Pepe in reylo general

redditfrogs should be banned along with the tumblrshitters

Fact: Armond Black is always right

It honestly is a reddit thing.

Armond White
>Master of Fine Arts
>interested in film critique from an early
>got a job as a film critic as soon as possible
>three time chairman of the ny film critic circle
>accomplished author

Average reviewer
>studied television/media/communications in the hopes of becoming an actor or film director or something
>failed at that so tried media production
>failed at that so reviews films for the money

He likes black movies even made a list of good ones.
He also likes Chadwick Boseman.

Chadwick was pretty good in 42 with Harrison Ford also the james brown biopic desu and I had faith in this movie because of coogler and jordan working on two solid movies before this but yh it was fucking shit

What brand names were even in Toy Story besides Barbie, Mr. Potato Head, and its own brand?

Forgot pic

Barbie, Ken, and their "accessories" were the main one.



He's a gimmick contrarian, and not even a genuine one. Completely cynical.


you contrarian faggots rallying behind your contrarian king have been a cancer for as long as reddit has mistaken contrarianism for a real thing due to their inability to understand the idea that you can't please everyone all the time, and if Sup Forums's userbase is large enough to be sample representative of "everyone," and negativity is more fun to espouse than positivity, then Sup Forums will be predominately negative.

But you were too fucking stupid to grasp this, so you pretended that every bit of negativity was pretend, and started pretending to be pretend negative, thus flooding out any sort of honest/original thought on the site.

But knowing you were all too retarded to really understand anything, you were left to continue your mindless circlejerk of pretend contrarianism because anyone pointing out the fact you were all totally fucking stupid would simply be ignored or serve as validation via imagined response.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Sup Forumsedditors that came here for blade runner 2049

I disagree with his opinions most of the time, but I still love his reviews. I am in awe of the way he is able to deconstruct his subjects even if I think some of his conclusions are completely based in his bias.
If you can't get past other peoples points of view without getting upset then you are an idiot. Constantly being bombarded with opinions contrary to my own is why I love Sup Forums and only strengths my own views that I have reached independently.

the issue with armond white is he's clearly just spewing bullshit that sounds smart to him. He doesn't really have much backing for any of his arguments and he hides this behind is thesaurus mining.

But mindless fuckwits fell for this.

>who are these newfags?

Sup Forumstards literally think black people are subhuman. They hate the fact that a black guy is /ourguy/.

Is this post post-moronic?

These are all pretty offensive.

Reylo is cancer, this obesw janitor is sad af and the others posters are redditor faggots LARPing as oldfags

He is a nigger and a faggot who needs to die. Nothing more, nothing less let's move on.

>calling pepe redditfrog

You’re allowing them to theft our memes you twat stop being such a faggot


Muh they deleted my pepe frog

t. r/t_d

It must be hard being black.

Fail at school? Not your fault.
Commit a crime? Not your fault.
Don't raise your kids? Not your fault.

>Master of Fine Arts
Utterly worthless. Only STEM degrees mean anything.

They're not based like based Armond who is based /ourguy/ and based af

Nice reddit spacing there, bro.

Armond White
>gay nigger
Not sure if he's from outer space though


Mmmm yeah

>shills going haywire over /our/mond huwhite

>They deleting my meme frog in an internet message board thread about two characters from Star Wars who aren't actually canon but we ship them. The mod is from reddit it's a fact and...

>Sir this line is for emergency calls only,

How the fuck is that Reylo general (literally tumblr) still allowed to keep going? Who the fuck did these tumblrinas suck off for that to be allowed?

You space when you use


Why is it always Sup Forums, bros?

Average reviewers are like that decently athletic kid in school who "was going to make it pro" but instead, they end up being a gym teacher.


When everyone is Reddit, no one will be Reddit.

t. reddit

they should delete that tumblr reylo shit desu

This man dedicates his life to negativity. Same reason everyone hates professional outragers.

>t. guy who got triggered by a commerical

And to buff white men in tight spandex suits

>this is what the brainwashed really think

I do love his negative reviews on normie shits, and this happens a lot of times, but it doesn't mean that I never have different opinion with his. Do I hate him personally? Well he's a conservative faggot nigger so ...

He's right. Toy Story 3 is Toy Story 2 with a few minor changes. It's a dishonest cash grab.

Shut up, I'll take a large fries with that. I only have 30 minutes before I have to get back to my STEM job that pays 300k yearly, so hurry the fuck up. I don't give a shit about your Marxist interpretations of Disney films.

It’s reddit upset that he gave Black Panther (I’m not sure if you haven’t noticed the Disney Mom Shills shilling for Black Panther in multiple threads). After all, Black Panther is LITERALLY THE GREATEST MOVIE EVAR MADE!!!!!!! So they butthurt this meme contrarian reviewer gave it a rotten review.




Not gonna take a guy who couldn't pay attention to a childrens film about toys coming to life seriously.

dead memes should be let go user

You don't have to, but this "reddit spacing" meme is dumb af, people have left spaces after quotes and between sections of their post since day one on this site.

thank you based Armond. we give you our power freely and with love \o/


There have always been people who liked him and people who didn't here. There isn't really any reason to suck his dick, he oversaturates his reviews and gets off track with a point and goes into word vomit about retarded shit, but since he likes DC films and hates Marvel movies he's cool in Sup Forums's retarded (hive)mind.

No, they're like that dumb kid who thought he was going to be an athlete but who has no talent for it at all, and ends up teaching gym class via a youtube channel.

Does he actually speak like that IRL?

Toy Story 3 was 8 fucking years ago.



Sup Forums is being invaded by leftypol discorders. You can't trust people's opinion for the next few weeks because it's probably being done by autists who spend all day thinking they can change people's opinions by shitposting and race-baiting.

Saying "This is just another superhero movie using black pride to sell tickets, that's gross and exploitative." is a perfectly reasonable opinion to have and anyone who thinks that isn't exactly what is happening hasn't seen the videos of Americans who have never left their home city LARPing as Africans."

>It's the crappy summer blockbuster Marvelites probably deserve.


Armond White is the must irrationaly contrarian person ever.

so i guess he is the most Sup Forums reviewer

jokes aside he is total shit

We run this shit.

Nice bait user! Solid 8/10

His reviews are always fair, detailed, and honest.
>bu-bu-bu he dun liek muh marvel moobies!
Yeah, he has taste.

>if you disagree with me you like capeshit
fuck off

Liking BvS is pretty far from having taste. Marvel films mostly blow dick, but you have to be a true moron to think BvS is in any way shape or form a competently made film.

BvS is a modern abstract masterpiece, people only hate it because they thought it was going to be a superhero film. It subverts your expectations.

Honest/original thought belongs on reddit.
This is memes, this is Sup Forums.

kek, robot slave

>He has taste
He loved the following movies
>Justice League
>Norm of The North
>Resident Evil: The final Chapter
>The Great Wall
>Jack and Jill

What's your point?

People used to laugh when talentless retards attempted to pass inability as style.

But apparently throw 300m at that talentless retard and suddenly other retards will fall over themselves to praise what they've been tricked into thinking is an abstract masterpiece.

All that belongs on reddit is whatever narrative is approved by our corporate masters.

> people only hate it because they thought it was going to be a superhero film

yeah, I mean BATMAN vs SUPERMAN? Why would people think such things? Most people have never even heard of them.
And hell, we all know subverting expectations makes something good inherently just because it subverted expectations, TLJ taught is that. True kino, for sure.

I don't get it either. My running theory is that The Powers At Be want even more immigrants flooding this board and website. Why do they want that to happen?

Never got the praise for Toy Story 3, mostly since it just retreads old movies almost scene by scene.

Those are all fucking awful

>Back when you could leave comments on RT

Fucking thin skinned RT staff removing the option.

You should rewatch it, don't think of it as a superhero movie but as an allegory for the human condition, see what Snyder was really going for, because its beautiful.

The first time disney marketed gazed towards Sup Forums we had a solid week of all ten pages being boyega spam. The mods attempt to stop this was quickly dumped.

It's one thing to hate Marvel and Disney.

Constantly licking "ZSnyder" 's balls though. Yuck.

I got furious when Woody accepts death going into the furnace like everyone else.
I don't even have much invested in toy story series but if you're gonna fuck up a character so badly it's gonna make me irate.

I'm not saying they were dumb to think this, just that it was a shame they did. Snyder didn't do a good job of conveying his intentions, the name obvious didn't help.

Norm of the North has a weak second act but those are all solid movies.

I can't imagine how few movies one would need to have seen in order to be impressed by the total botch that was bvs.

>conservative nigger
>christian homo

This is a joke account right? give me a proof this baboon actually exist or I won't believe it.

It's called Batman v. Superman. Are you so underage that you don't know what v. is commonly associated with?

Disney shills

Friend, it failed on every possible level it could've failed. Superhero media in general, when its good, is always a commentary on the human condition. BvS just totally botched this in every way it could've. Doesn't mean the attempt isn't still detectable beneath all the failure and inability, and digging it out doesn't mean you deciphered a hidden masterpiece. It just means you saw what they were trying (and failed) to do there. The MST3K library is filled with similar movies. As people don't pull together the people and money for the time necessary to make something no one believes in. Even the room has some good ideas behind it, buried underneath wisseu's total lack of ability and insanity.

There was some studio meddling that weakens the themes, but if you watch that movie with an open and honest mind you will see the brilliance that it contains.

see What weakened the themes was the fact the writer and directer were both totally incompetent yesmen who did whatever the studio said.

It's a deeply flawed movie, but the vision is there if you look for it, it's not a 10/10 but its not a bad movie either, just messy.