Name ONE bad Brad Pitt film

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Fight Club

The one with the Pepsi vending machine?

Thelma & Louise.

12 monkeys

12 monkeys
oceans eleven and sequels
fight club
mr and ms smith

benjamin button

The Devil's Own

is one of my favorite movies ever

slit your wrists
12 monkeys is the greatest Gilliam kino ever made

Fight Club

Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Ocean's Eleven sequels(the original is pretty meh but not bad)
World War Z

Fury. Immobilized tank wins battle with hundreds of Germans.

He was great in all of these.

Burn After Reading

Jesse James

that shitty netflix war guy movie

Who the fuck liked Benjamin Button? The fuck was Fincher thinking other than YAY NEW CGI TOY?

When he's a kid it's pretty good but I guarantee you literally don't remember anything else outside of some dodgy CGI and make-up and the ending with the wailing sirens.


Seven Years in Tibet

Troy is shit tho

Get a better retort, bucko.

Meet Joe Kek


hey! no making fun of Sup Forums approved kino allowed!!

inglorious basterds could have gone without that accent

The Mexican

I never watched this one because all the girls in grade school were freaking out about how sexy he was in it but I just looked it up and oh my gosh it has Claire Forlani in it I'm downloading this right now!

Only mr and ms smith is trash, the rest is kino

Unironically in my top 5 favorite movies

oh you should have said you had shit taste this changes everything

That one with Harrison Ford where he's an Irish terrorist trying to do a guns deal in America

Correct his worst film is Benjamin Button, and it isn't exactly 'bad' just pointless and tiresome

Devils own is great

A complete list of brad pitts worst films van be found here

Meet Joe Black is rubbish.

>Only mr and ms smith is trash
that's his favorite film

The Mexican

Me too homie. One of my main go to movies. God damnit it's so good.

She’s hot as fuck in it so enjoy yourself

Well until he broke up with Angelina anyway

Protip: YOU CAN'T

highly disagree.
Theatre scene with Waltz is absolutely amazing