No can do


see ya at dorsia

if digits I'll get a reservation at dorisa

on a Friday night? How do you swing that


lets see those digits



The force is with these digits.

Not without dubs like these bateman.

What's the genital consensus on these dubs?

not impressive

will I salvage the bread?

"no" but these dubs will

based dub salvager

thats nothing check this

Check em


script kiddie leave

It's not a script, I swear

uh oh

I claim my place in the chain that let to these quads. Checked

Marvel at my gilded digits chaps

Script scum taking all the attention from us who have to work for our dubs

checking in on this thread. Oh, and my digits...

He knows someone.



You too can have quads with work, dedication, and a bit of luck.

Doubles on a Friday night, how'd he swing that?

Yea i too can get quads being a script kiddie, we smell your scent numbers jew

Impressive. Very nice.


i can't believe bryce prefers your digits over mine

very nice

Allow me

This thread is beyond redemption.
Also, check these.

look at mine

fucking weak, check em halberstram



Where have all the good numbers gone?

I think he's lying

big if true

I want my dubs Henry!

Can someone explain to me what "dubs" means?

Call my number

repeating digits

it's a newfag way of saying dab


repeating digits indeed


i need an adult

i am an adult


wtf is happening?!?! I can't withstand RNG of this magnitude.

dubs bless me for I have sinned

Fucking checked, jesus.

>it's a dubs thread


frankie leave the kid alone he's still dubbing

Double the fun


I think he gave the matradee dubs

There are no more barriers to cross

listen, user, squash?


this fucking scriptfaggot. what a phony

dubs, back from the dead