Black Panther DISCUSSION thread

Putting all memes aside, and talking about the actual movie instead of drama, what did you think about it?
Things I liked:
>the music actually surprised me, I expected just rap but there was a majority of African style vibes
>the villains, even with limited time, did great on their own
>shuri (tchallas sister) was a fun and interesting character
>ritual fight scenes were great, dialogue and choreography
>few quips, well delivered, didn't seem forced
Things I didn't like
>the overwhelming african culture behavior felt cringe at least and racist at most
>cgi at the last fight was lackluster, specially the rhinos
>everything about okoye
>no connection to other marvel movies, doesn't bridge to infinity war at all

Definitely on the better end of marvel movies, kind of like winter soldier

Other urls found in this thread:

What's the genital consensus on this film?


>The overwelming "african culture behavior" of the monarchs of a traditional ist, isolationist African tribal state?

What did you think they were going to act like?

Also I'm a-ok with this not having a forced tie into infinity. The constant MCU referencing is something that brings other films down. It is not missed.

Not gonna watch this nigger, but OP
>the overwhelming african culture behavior felt cringe at least and racist at most
That's fucking ridiculous. Stop being a faggot.

I thought it was incredible average, and even lower than your usual marvel flick. Clearly overrated by white people with a blacked fetish. I'm black btw.

Sure you are Karen.

the bit where they make fun of agent Ross's penis size when he was out cold was a bit much

I wonder what's causing the rise of the alt right. What could it possibly be? Because it's clearly not the universities and hollywood promoting racial nationalism for every other race but the white race. That couldn't possible be it. It must be russians.

>the overwhelming african culture behavior felt cringe at least and racist at most
>Why is an african country acting african????

>>the overwhelming African culture behavior felt cringe at least and racist at most
What did you fucking except retard.

If Wakanda was white it would be an alt right paradise.

-consistent serious tone
-pretty good character personality development
-subtle on its symbolism
-beautiful visuals.

-shaky combat scenes
-alittle long winded and repetitive,
-makes me re-question the serious to fun balance..
whether or not Marvel going full serious doesn't bring enough joy to the movie.. It lacked a little heart and joy that iron man 1, or Guardians bring.
because of that its a movie you can see once, enjoy, but not really care to see it again, as opposed to civil war you can watch once a month

fair scores would be 7.5 to 8.5
anything outside of that is a bit unrealistic

I'm watching the camrip of it on my iphone at the airport right now and it's pretty shit.

It's not good or bad.

Got a little weird when it tried that a giant race war was justified by black people being oppressed.

Just a little weird for a marvel movie

I actually liked this movie. It had good characters, a profanity that wasn’t overly quippy, and a good message over all. The hero is a black man who wants to solve the world’s problems civilly, and the bad guy is a huge nig that came from a bad place full of racism and decided to become a violent asshole.

Shuri best girl, good waifu 2bh

based clear-headed review and honest criticisms with a dash of positivity and appreciation for visuals and originality poster

i thought the shower scene where captain america stares at black panther's cock for a second was a little too much

the over the top fake african accents were cringey as fuck

BORING. It was so fucking boring. Low-tier capeshit only elevated by its unique African-ness if you're into that sort of thing. I wanted to walk out before the credits not because I'm racist but because I was FUCKING BORED. I don't see capeshit for ponderous scenes of slow dialogue that drag on and on, I watch it for fun action and a taut script.

3/5, worth a torrent when you aren't trapped in a movie theater. Laughable out-of-place American politics inappropriately inserted that completely broke the immersion, but fortunately those moments were few.

Also some eye-rolling "haha yt how's it feel to be micro-aggressed" moments thrown in there so racists can go "whoop whoop take that whitey!" I guess. I dunno. The movie wasn't really that racist even when it tried to be, probably because Marvel keeping them on a tight leash with a $180M budget.

Beyond that, the vibranium actually stood for something bigger, something that will probably go over most audiences. Vibranium is a metaphor for why liberals think whites are successful. Liberals think white people in the real world have metaphorical "vibranium" and aren't sharing it. The movie teaches that Western civilization actually comes from natural resources and the riches of the land and stealing it from others, and not from hard work and a society with high levels of trust.

talked my old man into watching black panther this weekend
he's 72 and racist as fuck

This. Hopefully it’ll teach black kids not to be niggers instead of brothers

t. black man who hates niggers

>civil war you can watch once a month

It was great.

CGI was outright bad in parts and the way T'Challa survived falling down the waterfall was stupid as fuck.

But action was great and exciting, cast was all around great with the sister and Michael B Jordan being the standouts, and Killmonger is Marvel's best villain. I'm shocked they killed him because if he stayed he would have been one of Marvel's most popular characters.


>as opposed to civil war you can watch once a month

Well, they are niggers so what do you expect? Be mad white boi

I feel like Coogler missed the chance to introduce to the world thicc Wakandan waifus.

His death overshadowed his whole character. "Bury me in the ocean like my ancestors who jumped from the ships." I cringed so hard. But yeah otherwise he was good, except for his "Wassup!" line when he sees Simba show up to take back the thrown.


completely ordinary and outstandingly nice?

WE #1

WE #2


Why can't niggers spell? Have we not thrown enough money at your education to spell a 3 letter word?

wtf I love Black Panther now

It was mediocre. And I didn't care for the anti-white racism (calling Biblo "white boy" and "colonizer.")

I get shivers from the cringe.

I like it but it's not much difference than any other MCU films.

Uh, you're being racist in this christian image board. I'd suggest you get your facts straight, and seek professional help.

I really liked it, and the horn theme for Black Panther was really nice
The political message was also pretty good and didn't conform to generic design
CGI was actually Justice League tier most of the time though

It's alright, but to me it misses the essential meaning and symbolism of the conflict between T'Challa and Killmonger. My view frames characters and the setting within a framework of Jungian archetypes, most prominently the archetype of the King and through it exploring and developing the psyche of Black Panther with many of his villains and supporting characters reflecting conflicts within his unconscious playing out, such as Killmonger representing the shadow aspect of the King, the Tyrant. Killmonger is the manifestation of T'Challa's propensity for cruelty and vanity and through battling him outwardly he's also overcoming these aspects of himself in the process of achieving a kind of apotheosis, the fully actualized and balanced manifestation of the King archetype

I am very glad though that they kept the most iconic piece of imagery, at least in my opnion, of the original definitive story centered around the battles of Black Panther and Killmonger,

Where was you niggas when BLAAAAADE came out.

>>no connection to other marvel movies, doesn't bridge to infinity war at all
>he thought this was an honest effort to expand the marvel universe
>he doesnt evwn realize when he's watching propaganda
damn dude do you even brush your teeth?

Really felt like a Halo movie with all the high tech bullshit.

>>shuri (tchallas sister) was a fun and interesting character
She was a anonying mary sue and the fight scence were meh capeshit

Is tchalla a siscon

>subtle on it's symbolism

You're joking right?

There’s a Pad in his suit that allows his sister to remotely massage his cock

Yeah when they went over that and the prostate stimulator it was a little weird. Cool Chekhov when they used it to mindbreak Killdonger though


step up in the spotlight



>The political message was also pretty good

What was the message?

I thought it was great and all, but I am surprised by the decision to have Stan Lee's cameo in blackface.

Easily the worst Ryan Coogler movie.

Easily the best marvel movie.

>as opposed to civil war you can watch once a month

ITT: Angry little white bois
We takin over bihhhhhh

Why the fuck would you faggots watch this

They're going to make so much fucking money from this.

Black help black = okay
Black hate white = not okay

I don’t even watch marvel movies in the theater but I’m going to go watch this one just to financially show my support just to give a big fuck you to all the alt right racist stormweenie Sup Forumstards

A jewish product designed to divide the united states and make a profit

Best part was based LITERAL APES howling whenever baggins opened his mouth

Post your box office prediction

So this kills the antifa

> as opposed to civil war you can watch once a month

I was with you until this

jesus christ dude

good goy

does anyone have the panther man tweet?

>message of the movie is that Wakanda needs to reach out to people around the world and share their knowledge and resources
>promotes nationalism

looks like hollywood found the winning cash cow formula

That had me laughing out loud. The white guy starts talking, and the blacks all start making monkey noises...


Are you sure about that? Because I remember King Dindu's sister kept referring to Martin Freeman as "white boy" and "colonizer." And that doesn't strike me as "positive towards whites." Because I don't remember Thor constantly refereeing to Heimdall as "thug" and "criminal." Do you?

Looks like more superhero shit.

Maybe I'd find superheros interesting if I were a kid and didn't know that nature does not make exceptions for human desires of being "special". The entire superhero idea pounds the idea into kids that you need to have supernatural powers or be a billionaire technologist to have any fucking impact on the world. Instead of empowering kids, it pacifies and disempowers them as they grow up and realize they never will have those supernatural powers, making it acceptable to sit on their ass and wait for some other hero to come along and do the big work.

Hi, this is the opinion of a brotha who hasn't watched any video reviews, follows the MCU and went in with high expectations: the expectations were met. Not exceeded, but certainly not missed. And that's all the film really needed to do IMO - simply being good is hopefully enough to shut the 'OH NO NO NO' Sup Forumsposters up. Things that stood out to me:
-action (keep in mind we've already been introduced to BP's powerset, so we didn't need pointless fights just to show off what he can do)
-performances (standouts were Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Letitia Wright and Andy Serkis)
-treatment of white supporting characters (no saviors, but no hamfisted caricatures either)
-ideological conflict, and tying it to real-world issues in a way that actually made sense
Things I didn't like so much:
-things I was supposed to find funny but didn't (WHAT ARE THOSE joke, a few other gags that didn't quite land for me)
-vice versa (CGI rhinos, platelip guy)
-underwhelming climax (reminded me of the Hulk: 2 people with the same powers, and one of them just wins at the end. No trick to it or clever gambit, they just win)
Overall I enjoyed it and look forward to the nitpicks and memes.

Provide help without getting lost in the anger of revolution
Sup Forums won't like that though, naturally

So basically
>Elite Wakandans > rhino fuckers > "brothers" from around the world >>>>>actual cave-dwelling monkey niggers
Damn coogler, and I thought the Jews hated themselves

I literally hated every single female character in this movie aside from Nakia.
Sister was a cocky cunt who should learn some manners and the bald nigress was an agressive and arrogant self-righteous cunt.
I was literally rooting for Killmonger to murder one of them during their fight.


If Wakanda is so advanced and civilized then why do the frontier niggers live in shitty huts?
Would it really kill the fachade so much if they had regular houses?

Maybe it's because I was drunk at the theater, but the CGI looked way better in the theater.

>no connection to other marvel movies, doesn't bridge to infinity war at all

Was it supposed to? I haven't seen it yet but i was under the impression that this takes place before civil war?

It takes place after Civil War. The whole conflict happens because the Wakandan kang was dkilled during Civil War and now Black Panther is the new ruler.
Also, Bucky shows up in the second after-credits scene.

It's after Civil War. But considering how many people watching this film know little to nothing about the MCU, it makes sense to keep the tie-ins to a minimum.

Half of the African elements were just random parts from completely unrelated cultures found nowhere near Wakanda is supposed to be, like the taureg guy, the lip disks, and the Zulu aesthetics. It would be like making a fictional country where Portugal is but have everyone dress like Russians

I was disappointed that they didn't use the train thing to get rid of the suits and have a bloody, bare-knuckled, brutal final confrontation. I feel like it would be more satisfying if T'challa returned without the suit with more traditional weapons/ armor from man-ape just to really humiliate Erik when he inevitably beat him.

>all it takes to divide america is one movie with black people in it


It's just a fucking movie, why does this happen?

How is a CIA stooge not a colonizer?

Why do you go out of your way to find this shit?

its just a mediocre black autism powerfantasy desu

Cape shit is definition soy. Fucking grow up you losers. Your dads are right about you.

Because he literally didn't do anything that would imply he is a colonizer aside from being white.
He just wanted Wakanda to share their shit with the world, which they end up doing.


Not a big fan of hip-hop and rap, it's kind of putting me off of seeing this film because the commercials were like that. Is there much of it in the film?

Yes, but it's well-done and fits the film.

holy kek

I don't really remember that many english songs, probably because the african ones stuck more do to how silly they sound to me.

This is something I have seen in a ton of movies and tv show's. Blacks always calling whites characters..white boy, white fool..white whatever..and not a blink by anyone.

But call a black character "hey black boy, look at this black fool..white character is labeled racist or it just never gets done in the movie/show...

Why is that? Why can blacks use the color of the skin as a descriptor with no consequence but whites cannot? Why?

>as opposed to civil war you can watch once a month

ryan coogler saved black people

for about a weekend