The two best Marvel movie villains

>The two best Marvel movie villains.
>Both race supremacists named "Erik".


The one on the right wasn't a race supremacist.

>[citation needed]


Even the explosive scienceguy from ironman 3 was a better supervillain than killmonger

>hurr durr best marvel villain ever
>he said about hela
>he said about vulture
>he said about ego
>he said about whatever name daniel bruhl's character had in civil
Every fucking movie and marvel villains are praised as benig the best, and yet remains shit and forgetable.

The movie.

He was a race realist.

The fact that you can only remember one of their names says othereise.

Shit's fire son, deal with it

Zemo was pants with a Lex Luther tier plan...

Killmonger was really good, just sucked how t'challa acknowledged that his creation was the elders fault but instantly calling him a monster that needed to be finished

just like Frankenstein

You didn't watch the movie, then. All he did was cry about 'muh darkies being oppressed.' That was why he was sending the weapons out of Wakanda. To 'destroy the evil racist white nations who don't sick every nigger's cock.'

i once dated a girl with the black dude's hairstyle.

Who was more right?

Killmonger's Dad > Killmonger > Black Panther > Past Kings

Except Michael Fassbender can act. Holy shit was Michael B. Jordan’s delivery wooden and stilted. Obviously Marvel writing is hardly going to be Shakespearean, but at least Whittaker, Bozeman and Kaluuya managed to make me not cringe every 8 seconds

>best Marvel movie villains.

He was playing him as emotionally calloused you plebian.


I can remember killmongers name because I saw the movie yesterday, and I can't even remember his first name only his shitty merc name.

He never said anything about white people. He wanted to get rid of oppressors all over the world. The fact that you personally automatically associate the word "oppressor" with "white" says more about your ideas than anyone else's.

associating 'oppressor' with 'white people' are literally this posters ideas, they are DEFINITELY not idea disseminated in the universities and on tv.

come on man. we all know what a black person means specifically, when they say "oppressor".

Dated, or oppressed?


who exactly do you think the oppressors were?

>whites were the ONLY oppressors ever!!!1
So this is the power of American education.

>taking TV at face value
>not understanding that academia is usually biased and non-inclusive of the nuances of history and society
Brainlet life must be hard.

I'm not saying whites are the only oppressors, or even the worst oppressors.

But the context is blatantly obvious, don't play dumb.

So, because the oppressors in his case happen to be white, he must be a racial supremacist who wants to kill all white people ever? Really gets the noggin jogging.
Sounds more like you're oversensitive to me.

so was black panther actually good?

Sounds like you're another one of these retards that likes to pretend blacks aren't incredibly racist towards whites

Yep. Capekino.


he had contacts in europe and korea and was going to give them vibrainum


>hardly going to be Shakespearean
Sorry to burst your little alt-right racist bubble, Sup Forums

Normally i hate marvel capeshit because it's boring and has a shit villain. This was entertaining and villain actually had a decent backstory.
Better than the last few capeshit i watched, which were terrible (Justice league, thor ragnarok)


>making a blanket statement about a race, ie actually being racist, while complaining about racism
Interesting doublethink.


Its the best MCU movie imo

Are you retarded?

He's literally a psychotic racist. Basically Black Hitler

It's called a Dog Whistle, retard.

Erik. Simply Erik.


Pick 1