What's Sup Forums's opinion on RalpTheMovieMaker?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on RalpTheMovieMaker?

Our Guy?

As far as Youtubers who put out time-wasting movie review/comedy videos go, he's one of the better ones but I can't shake the idea that he's probably a huge cunt in real life

He surpassed RLM a while ago

He's a little too full of himself, but other than that 9/10, pretty kino.

fuck off ralph

Sporadically good.

Utter faggot. Fuck off.

our kike

He's on his way to be literally everything Mike Stoklasa set himself to be, it must be depressing for him.


>Our Guy?
No. He's reddit incarnate. The redditor who thinks he isn't reddit. He trashes Man of Steel for not conforming to his pre-conceived notion of what Superman should be, like many before him he decimates the story despite not paying attention to it, tears it to shreds for being a film that doesn't fit into an easily identifiable category, laments over the supposed prioritisation of special effects over characters.... And then he turns around and gushes over the glorified music video that is Baby Driver, a film which subjugates all other aspects of film-making over the existence of sound, a film which is the product of a teenager who listens to music on his ipod and then constructs an absurd, ridiculously energetic narrative in his head to fit the soundtrack rather than conceiving the story first.

reddit the post

His channel is good, but he's pretty obviously falling into the same trap as thatguywiththeglasses. More and more of his reviews are constantly being interrupted by these little short film/sketch interludes that seem more than anything like he's trying to show off his filmmaking skills. It's pretty clear he sees his Youtube channel as a jumping-off point for greater things, like how tgwtg thought he could transition from movie/vidya reviews to a sketch comedy show. Ralph's inevitably gonna set up an indiegogo to budget a feature length movie and realize that being popular for reviewing movies doesn't automatically translate into support for other endeavors.

He seems obnoxious.

>This film sucks!
>I could do better!
And then shows some shitty clips from some crappy video he made.

>He hates subversive non conventional story telling.
>Still calling him a faggot for other time he did enjoyed subversive non conventional story telling.

I agree he's a faggerino but whar are you doing.

He's pretty good. Has some talent unlike most youtube hacks.

he's cool. watch his stuff regularly. taste in film is decent enough -- just above r/movies tier. his short films are pretty god awful though

he thinks he's such hot shit its fucking hilarious

What do you mean?

he's a pretentious art school faggot who think he has talent at reviewing and filmmaking and stars in all his shitty films when he can't act for shit. Also
>la creatura

Sounds more like you are jealous to me, he doesn't come off that way at all. Seems like it is a major case of projection from your part.

I don't agree with him and he is very annoying and also ugly. He should also stop putting skits in his videos they are shit.

A lot of shit talk from a kid who makes the typical first time filmmaker bullshit.

He's the only Youtuber that will be able to transition into the big leagues.

nigger he's already releasing an hour and a half movie

>you're just jealous bro

reddit as fvck

Look him up

Aaaaand Dropped.