These are, without a doubt, the two worst movies I'v ever seen in theaters

these are, without a doubt, the two worst movies I'v ever seen in theaters.

what about you?

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That's a fucking shoddy poster design on the right

I didn't see either in theaters.

baby driver for me

>Bla Bla Bla Every Non-Disney Movie is bad
>Bla Bla Bla Only Disney should be allowed to make movies
>Bla Bla Bla Buy a Porg doll today
Yeah yeah yeah, Shill. We’ve heard it all before.

Alien 4 was the most depressing movie I have ever seen. It was like watching a series I loved hit absolute rock bottom. Also Terminator 3...And Attack of the Clones.

I can't fathom what I was thinking at the time but I saw the legend of chun-li in theaters the week after it came out. there were 2 other people there.

sorry the truth triggers you so much DCuck

I don't get how MOS was so fucking good and then THIS is what they come up with. Is there honestly any chance of DC getting their shit together? How did things get this bad?

Yeah yeah yeah, “Go see the Black Panther in theaters! Go buy a Rey doll! Don’t forget to preorder your tickets for A Twinkle in Time!!!!!!!!” I got it the first time, Mr Mouse.

I liked BvS, the bluray fixed a lot of the editing issues with the theatrical version, but Justice League was trash

Same! it was fucking terrible


In my defense, I was really drunk and didn't want to go home.

Honestly probably Civil War . It was fucking so poorly done. You can tell no one involved gave a shit
I saw Transfotmers on a plane. I didn't watch half of it but some of it was okay. It was just too fucking long
Justice League was avengers tier (maybe slightly better because of the Snyder stuff that wasn't cut out)

Either The Hobbit 2 or the second time I had to watch Last Jedi

Why did you watch it twice !!???

Jurassic World, Last Jedi, or Transformers 2. Thankfully I got a refund on all three.

It's called pier pressure.

these are good compared to
Chun-li movie

I hate when sailboats bully me into seeing movies.

Thor,age of ultron,The force awakens,battle los angeles, Ghost Rider 2,Godzilla (the 2014 one) and deadpool

a few:
>transformers 3
>terminator 5
>the last jedi

I've done my best to avoid bad movies, because often its easy to tell, but some manage to slip through the cracks

it's A Wrinkle in Time and yes you should do those things

>legend of chun-li

>"Surely this isn't a real thing and user just made a typ-"
>It's real

wtf, I play Street Fighter and this is the first time I've ever heard of this shit.

I haven't seen these but suicide squad is the worst film I've ever sat through.

>The Last Knight was 40 minutes too long
>Justice League was 40 minutes too short
the worst timeline

fuck i forgot that even existed

Ghostbusters (female crap version) as I had free ticket.
Every other movie was much much better

Here's how it goes:
4 was worse than 3, as movies go.

But, if I had to remove one film from the franchise, (excluding the Prometheus films), it would be 4.

Is english your second language?

i dont visit theaters, i dont want to sit on a AIDS infected needle put their by some scumbag

Con Air.

Suicide squad without a doubt was hot garbage and fucking terrible.

Jack Reacher 2 & 300: Rise of an Empire come to mind.

Desert Heat
Van Damme is an idiot

i watched justice league under the influence of about half a bottle of bourbon and found it pretty enjoyable

The last airbender without question

The Swarm!!!

it wouldn't be a DC movie if it wasn't

mortal kombat annihilation.
when you openly start mocking the movie and the rest of the theater doesn't SSSHH you but instead laughs and agrees, it's a special moment

My mom said I could have been conceived after she and dad first saw this movie. For better or for worse I would have to wait about 14 more years.