What is Sup Forums's thoughts on the animated show, Animated Atrocities?

What is Sup Forums's thoughts on the animated show, Animated Atrocities?

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>animated show
Nigga what.

Anyways, I like his reviews just not him, he's kind of an asshole.

I think he needs to use contrast to explain why a certain scene is bad. It's one thing to say a scene is bad and another to break it down on a technical level and show it to the audience on why and where it fails. Make your arguements look stronger

He does what Sup Forums does for critiquing except he also puts his name on his posts and narrates them.

>CN sucks dick so here's why MLP is the best show on the planet

it is an atrocity

He thinks that "Ren Seeks Help" is one of the most horrific cartoons ever created. I have a feeling that he'd turn full-on Cotton Hill racist against the Japanese if he ever saw any 80s OVAs.

Pan is better.

He gets a lot of hate because of the bandwagon.
Personally I think he's an OK reviewer and his content is quite entertaining in my opinion.

I enjoy him more than Pan.

One time, I got banned for talking about him

That episode wasn't very good but I don't get why him and his cesspool attack the animation. The art direction is brilliant, at least in the city and the walk there. It has a moody noire look to it that belongs in a better show.

Enter please don't shill yourself

He's alright, if occasionally grating

I think he's okay, but his editing skills are shit. Also, his voice is fucking grating.

This, he's still such a blatant horsefucker. Why anyone takes him seriously is beyond me.

>rants about CN for almost half an hour
>don't even mention (((Goldman)))

Yeah, he's shit

Fuck it, and honestly fuck Mr. Enter.

Autistic brony complaining about morality in childrens cartoons.

No adult person that reviews cartoons for children should be taken seriously

It's atrocious.


Youtube culture, that's why. Remember when Youtube "drama" was a big thing? Think about it.

At least here our autism is anonymous, he goes beyond and makes videos

>editing skills
The guy's been using WMM for years, you can't expect him to be on the same level as those shucks that edits blockbuster trailers

not saying much

I actually like it.

he revealed a long time ago

I guess cause he didn't wanted it.



Loses the plot sometimes but I like his vids on the whole

Holy fuckin shit kek

>Remember when Youtube "drama" was a big thing?
Please inform us as to the date when that stopped

Maybe because he doesn't want to do any personal attack to the staff members of shitty cartoons since he made people harass the writer of one of the shit Spongebob episodes in twitter

He's the star of my favorite anime, Mean-Spirited Away

I can sorta see that, Pan obviously has better editing but always sounds like hes out of breathe and randomly says ironic cringey shit as well

you're probably an autistic fuck like enter

Some of his reviews are ok, mostly for background noise when doing other stuff on the computer, the fact that he's still a brony in 2017 does unfortunately speak volumes about taking his reviews or stuff he doesn't like seriously.

he's the cartoon equivalent of DnC.
he only got popular because he said something only some parts of the internet would say (New Spongebob is shit) and released videos on a regular basis
As a result, people actually take him seriously

Mr. Enter is one of those things that isn't really good enough to watch on its own, but is perfect when you're doing some monotonous task and just need some background noise that isn't too mentally taxing, and he's not egregiously bad enough to really be deterring.

Nah, he's shit tier background noise. He says some dumbass shit at various points so I end up having to close the tab and find something else.

Monotonous and not mentally taxing? Sure. Pleasant enough to be sound to listen to while you're working? Not in the slightest.

This, he's not awful background noise.

When Doug Walker/The Nostalgia Critic can manage to directly pinpoint the problems of a movie and you cannot, then you know you're trash.

When goddamn James Rofle and Doug Walker can manage to review, analyze, criticize better than you, you know you're mentally deficient.

When Doug Walker can manage to compare the Spiderman movies in a clear manner and you cannot, that means you need to drop the critic's hat. You're not cut out for this.

For example. How many of you Sup Forumsmrades can compare the pros and cons of TAS Spiderman and Spectacular Spiderman in an orderly fashioned manner?

I hate him for a few reasons

a) He's a sensitive bitch

b) he's an autist I'm an autist too but I'm usually not as 'in your face' about it like he is.

c) Terrible editing

His editing is shit, and he complains about everything being mean spirited, it's like he never grew up on Looney Tunes or something.

>He couldn't even recognize a Hulk reference in one of his Arcane Horse reviews, specifically the superhero episode.
>He thought the show was parodying itself

Overhated but not very good, when you think about it there's not a lot of quality on cartoons reviews out there so it's not like he's quality is the bottom of the barrel, Pan is probably the best and even he barely reviews shit, he just kinda makes jokes about an animated piece of media for 15 minutes, says if it's good or bad and calls it a day.

In short, when it comes down to cartoon Youtubers the winning move is not to play. But if you really want to, either is fine because you shouldn't expect much anyway, Sup Forums gets too ironically autistic about him, I think

Pretty much that I don't watch Pan as much as I used to tho.

His admirable animation is so much better and people are really overlooking it.

Hes autistic

Cringe-Inducing Audio: 4/10
Cringe-Inducing Visuals: 1/10
Lackluster Writing: 6/10
Annoyance: 5/10
Disturbing Content (out of place): 0/10
Unnecessary Cruelty: 4/10
Rancid Morals: 2/10
Low Production Values: 8/10
Unfortunate Implications: 0/10
Character Derailment: 3/10

Final Score: 33/100

Never heard of this guy. Why the edgy, teenager on Newgrounds circa 2003 smudgecore portrait?

I disagree on some points (especially the harshness on Family Guy), but I find it educational unironically.

>Pan is probably the best and even he barely reviews shit, he just kinda makes jokes about an animated piece of media for 15 minutes, says if it's good or bad and calls it a day.
I like Pan, but this frustrates me sometimes. It makes me want to make cartoon reviews of my own, but then I realized that I know jackshit about animation, and that I'd probably just be one of those shit channels that only have double-digit subscribers.


>goes on tangents on why something isn't funny for longer than the scene he is talking about
>says the same things almost every single episode
>goes on random rants on why MLP is the best show ever

He's a faggot with horrible content

What does Sup Forums think about SaberSpark?


>you will never make your waifu canon love you

>being such a brainlet you can't come up with your own waifu

Pretty lame, repetitive shit, but not cancerous like Enter or Strider.

While we're discussing YouTube critics, thots on Anim8ball?

>called "animated atrocities"
>only harps on stories. hardly ever talks about animation
>anytime sexualization, attraction, or sex ever comes up he has to harp on him being "asexual" when in reality he's just a virgin

>OC waifus

May as well just go full tulpa

Watch MarsReviews instead.

The only thing worse than Enter are his fans

>That MrEnter TVtropes page

I only watched a few of his videos, mainly Spongebob and FOP ones, and they felt like he took the cliff notes of your usual cancerous bitching threads about these programs and made a video on it. Like in one, he seriously whines about the FOP Valentine's episode not including gay couples.

I think you just have to either be underage or a femto-brainlet to find any of his videos insightful.

>tits that large



>having a pure waifu
>being delusional
Pick one

>kinda want to watch his video on current CN because I'm pissed about the situation too
>don't want to have his videos recommended to me more than they already are because his content is shit

I don't know what to do

Clear watch/search history. Even then, you'd be lucky if YouTube's alogrithm doesn't want to piss on your eyes every day.

A lot of times, it feels like he half-asses his research.

Agent G and house of the dead was red pill as fuck

Must have been a no E-celeb promotion policy or something since you included a link

Just watched it
>now has an edgelord trenchcoat fedora avatar
>justifies his constant TTG rants with " I don't do it THAT much guys"
>talks about MLP (briefly though thank God)

Wasn't as horrible as his usual stuff but it was still meh

Watch the video.
If you get reccomendations just click the verticle dots.
Click "Not Interested"
Explain that you aren't interested in videos from That Channel.

Or you know next time just open the link in an incognito window. No one's gonna notice.

Yeah. Mods have double standards when it comes to cartoon reviewers and creators. You can post someone's tweet and say 'thought's/'what did he mean?' But you can't explicitly say let's talk about these cartoon reviewers.

Or at least that WAS the case until I saw this thread. I guess mods are asleep?

>People actually follow this autismobot with twisted nuts.

I really hate how he says "asexual." He says it as if he's saying he's "a sexual". Rubs me the wrong way

And also he's shit at everything else too

>that time he made a video ranting against Autism Speaks

>I really hate how he says "asexual." He says it as if he's saying he's "a sexual". Rubs me the wrong way
Isn't that how you pronounce it?

Good. The mods did something right for once.

E-celebs and Youtubers aren't people in the industry. They offer no meaningful insight. It's not different than making a thread about some post you saw on reddit.

He complains when people try to force their morals into childrens cartoons.

watch it while logged off them delete your youtube cookies, I don't get why people don't just remove the recommended videos if its always filled with garbage
>google services
lol no

What I mean is, he pronounces it with a short a. Almost every other time I hear it, it's with a long a. So it just kinda sounds like he's contradicting himself.

Pan is like the Sup Forums version of Vinesauce, he is a massive faggot who is stuck on this limbo in between Sup Forums and tumblr, sometimes entertaining but sometimes cringe worthy

>TFW autistic and asexual
>TFW I have to deal with this guy trying to speak for me

Asexual is another way of saying you gave up on getting any.

Don't worry, people would still make fun of you even if he didn't existed

Well good for you. It's not like most threads are talkbacks where people review the episode. It's as if some people come onto Sup Forums to hear the opinions of others.
>loud house poster
ha ha ha ha. hmm.

I find Mr. Enter's criticism juvenile, humourless and pedantic.

His ranking system still baffles the fuck outta me. Why grade specifically looking for bad things? What kind of system puts '0' as a perfect score?

He, like most developing reviewers, always goes for the lowest hanging fruit for his reviews. Like, we know the Splinter and Wishful Life suck, already. Why do we need a short, quote/unquote analysis, that's just him saying "this is gross" "this teaches bad morals" "this other show did it better"? Why is HIS opion more important than say, AlphaJay or PieGuyRulez? That said his videos are a good Time Killer or background noise.

Speaking of him, he recently announced that he'd cut back heavily and only upload "every once in a while". Kinda sucks considering he's easily one of the more likeable and serious "critics" on YouTube, but at least he's caught up with SpongeBob now and doesn't have to say "this episode was kinda mediocre" 50 more times.

That and his voice doesnt sound like hes forcing to be angry all the time

This game's voice acting is eldritch god tier.

He stopped doing MLP reviews three years ago and he barely even mentions it now. There are lots of things to criticize Enter for, but this is not one of them.

>he made people harass
No, he didn't make anyone harass anyone on purpose. He was being stupid and autistic, insulting people personally for the episode they've written, but he never actually told anyone to harass them. His fans, being either manchildren or ACTUAL children, started flooding the writer's Twitter account with harrassment.


It died down a little when the tards producing such shit ran out of material and cracked when fingers started pointing at them.