What do you think of Millie in Stranger Things?

What do you think of Millie in Stranger Things?

Looks like a less wrinkled version of my grandma

She's got those creepy dead eyes

She is getting dicked by jacob sartorius

uglier than dustin to be quite honest

overrated and annoying

Try not to fall in love

I think this Stranger Things kid is cooler desu


Dropped as soon as she started dating, and you should too Sup Forums, move on to a waifu that's pure.

She is into tall girls


Why do the janitors allow pedo posting? Also, what is wrong with you people? Did your parents not love you enough as a child?

She's a teen, not a child, you don't know what p3d0 means

god what a scumbag

There's at least a 50% chance that he's the OP.

Because you’re a faggot

I wonder how uncomfortable she was

Do you think the cast ever read all the lewd fan fiction of them and their characters or what

I think some cast members, like Finn, even read Sup Forums threads about them. I don't think Millie did, she probably doesnt browse here

I think she’s qt and I wish her success in the future

Millie won't age well.

Just like your mom lol

That's just from all the statutory rape.

kill yourself pedophile faggot

even now she looks better than the skelly one

la disgustinguida...

not even in the top 3 girls in her own show

is that like c3po

>niggy noggy brown

doña florinda

Can some just "solve" the shadman problem already???
Christ almighty.

I think she doesn't have much of a career in hollywood despite her parents efforts to make her a star

Her parents are shitty managers