The goold are coming

the goold are coming

Other urls found in this thread:

blue rose

the gold Freiza?

General, do we have a go?

don't forget your wHeapon Colonel!





>Not exactly. I don't think you quite understand.

Teal'c has superior stamina, Ronon the superior fighting technique. Ronon will eventually tire of all that hopping around and shit and Teal'c will beat his ass.


reverse the polarity!

And that's a good thing

Your point being? I know the scene.

Teal'c, cuz he's a fine upstanding gentleman of color. Ronon is just some dreadhead island nigga

off world activation


isn't teal'c at the age of brata'c was at se1 thanks to unending?

teal'c would of been a lot more popular if they got rid of the jaffa symbol thingy a while after they established he's a space alien


>tfw no smart pretty carter gf

Sir it's Ba'al, He want's you in the gate room

Wait, team America did Stargate? When?



no it's the 200th ep of sg-1
they parody everything under the sun in that episode

SG1 Season 10 Episode 6


If we don't find a way out of these threads soon, I'm gonna lose it.
>user what do you mean?
Lose it... It means go crazy
no longer in possession of ones faculties
Three fries short of a Happy Meal


Who can even spell the man bad guy faction's name itt?
Hard mode: with out looking at the wiki



>It's a shower their planets with nukes episode

>tfw you will never beam nukes aboard an enemy vessel.

>tfw no bbw mother of all tok'ra to squirt eggs all over my face

Replicator fucking shits.

Fucking based Caldwell. This episode literally gave me a boner.

if dubs Rush did nothing wrong.

I watched a few random eps of Atlantis when it was airing and I always treated it as a shitty SG1 knockoff. Last year I finally sat down and marathoned the whole series and I felt terrible for maligning it. It was a great series in its own right. It's a pity they didn't get another season or two.

>blocks your path


>black master race (just kidding t. white Sup Forums)
>is a bro
>looks like a motherfucken alien
>actor is half red indian so motherfucka can start casinos everywhere for mad $$$

Anyone have a webm of the Ancient satellite destroying a hive without breaking a sweat?




go on

it's the early season 1 episode where they forget a few things

They only showed those two ships but it was implied that they did that about a dozen times before the Wraith figured out a way to block them, right? That was pretty badass.


Thanks based user.

Why have a tv show where the enemies are so fucking easy to kill and never improve on their tactics

He really didn't.

So strange because that first season was actually really strong, for a sci fi show at least.

It's the Scifi channel gave us a quarter of a million dollars to blow up a scale model of the great pyramids episode

They had fucked some up earlier and the Wraith retreated. So they were probably working on it for a good while.

I know he was just a minor character but I liked that brit guy. Noble sacrifice.

RIP Brit dude :(

>Alien technology
>Powerful forcefields
>Sarcophagus allowing you to live for hundreds of years
>Weapons less accurate than a baked potato


Imagine that satellite being powers by a ZPM instead.

>he thinks the goooooald would give their slaves weapons that could challenge them
You'll notice that the system lords all used superior tech on a persona level, they just give their fodder trash.


I was hooked in the first handful of episodes following the story in order. Would have been a fanboy right from the start had I done that instead of just treating the random ep as background noise. The marketing just didn't grab me to watch it as it aired, I blame the marketing team for not making it look as cool as it really was.


Ah man that arc with Daniel and the rogue amoral Asgard was so good

>We've had it with these motherfucking spacebug vampire locusts in this motherfucking galaxy interrupting our work - fuck you, *scrambles hyperdrive for the entire galaxy*

A Serpent guard, a Horus guard and a Setesh guard meet on a neutral planet.
It is a tense moment.
The Serpent guard’s eyes glow.
The Horus guard’s beak glistens.
The Setesh guard’s nose drips.

posting for hot tok'ra tits

I'd like to do something with Marin's ovarium if you know what I mean.




Top 10 Stargate moment right there.

wasnt she in kingpin?>


He has the strength and stamina of a world class professional athlete and learning ability similar or greater to that of a young and highly intelligent man, which all are backed up with nearly a century of combat experience and training.

Ronan, while physically powerful and cunning, is still a kid by comparison whose combat experience is mostly limited to dumb wraith drones and other low skilled combatants.

Trinity - the episode with the ghostplanet wrapped in ship scraps. Where McKay thinks he can harness vacuum energy as power source is one of my favs.

Eerie as fuck.


Ronan is a chad white/hawaiin mixx and Teal'C is just black, thus Teal'C loses.

I wonder how much Walter made per episode

>scrambles hyperdrive for the entire galaxy*
>while making every gate that gets dial to exploded

cant tell if this from the x-files or stargate, he plays kinda the same character...other than being scully's dad ghost most of the season

>Episode directed by Chris Judge
>It's all about Teal'c beating everybody up and smashing the local space thot

It's from Twin Peaks.

Oh yeah i forgot that lmao. One of their allies dialed their own homeplanet and the gate went off like TSAR BOMBA.

Carter is a female character written really well. It is an example on how they should do it.

The massive amount of paralell timelines got rather confusing. But I'd say the prime time line is a result of what all the alternate SG1s did. So when we watched those we didn't watch our prime doing it but the alternate ones. I say that to myself so the original SG1 we followed for so many years didn't die.

What made Stargate space battles to appealing? Everything from the visuals to the inside shots, to the colonels giving orders and the pilots reacting was so good.

he really just likes playing the ghost card I guess, cant blame him


Fran was cute tho

They did at the end of Moebius.

It wasn't the Vanir who created that device, It was Janus, they just reactivated it.

The SGA horror episodes were so good

>Mistplanet with the escaped experimental wraiths
>The drifting, multiverse-hopping ghostship Daedalus

is the 94 movie worth watching if i'm planning to watch SG1?

It's neat to see how they continue with the lore and establish their own stuff.

They really knew how to build up to it.

>Alkesh and gliders approach. Many. They will be in firing range in thirty seconds. More ships approach from the opposite direction.
> Sir, we're about to get our asses ki-
>They are not Goa'uld.

Likely but i say to myself they didn't to feel better. But then again the prime time line didn't continue without a SG1. They just got a new SG1. The one after Moebius is the same

Yeah. They have put the movie on YouTube up until Sunday on the official Channel