/who/ - Doctor Who General

The Human Bomb edition


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Moffat getting fucking roasted while I'm in bed masturbating

I win again


Time for a new thread.

Wouldn't you if someone strolled up at a con that's supposed to be comfy for everyone and started insulting your work, forcing you into a position where you had to verbally defend it? I'd be well rustled.

The Tumblr hate cult around Moffat is the single worst thing to happen to Doctor Who fandom, analysis and criticism during his era. God I can't believe we're in 2018, he has left the role completely, and people still think they're being fucking heroes by umm sweetie'ing him to his actual face.

Sounds like Night Of The Doctor was written and shot pretty much after the 50th, and it was mostly a spur of the moment thing. We all were lucky that McGann said okay to it.

>cue basement memes

Did Moffat kill that woman?

Oh, I totally agree with you. It was just funny as fuck.

You can't Hastle the Moff.

I want the last two and a half hours of my life back.

Okay, someone asked about the portrayal of One in TUAT - he claims that all those sexist comments are direct quotes. He also is basically saying it was funny, so that's why they did it.

that is not bad and features retarded tennant

Why is it Cass actually feels like a McGann BF companion?

have you decided on which question you're going to ask?

See? SJWs get under Moff's skin the way no one else does. He CARES what they think about him and so foolishly pandered to them at the expense of the show. They're never happy.

Direct quotes from what?

There's about 10 people in line before me, so unless someone snatches it first I'll ask about plots that needed to be cut. If not, then the Peter Jackson episode.

"Ladies made of glass" wasn't a direct quote and it was probably the worst one

t. hoodie

It was awful, dude. Could have had the understated dignity to be an odd little historical about how we can't apply modern values and absolute moralism on historic events.

But nope. They just kept adding plot point after plot point, each one more stupid and awful than the last. The villain goes off for eight minutes about how fun it is to be evil. Colin Baker sounds comatose. Retard Tennant is like having people vomit directly into your ear canal.

Fucking dreadful.

Direct quotes from episodes during the first doctor's run. Specifically the "smacked bottom" one is from Dalek Invasion.

the first doctor's era

>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

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>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

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This time, the rules will be a tad different, as in we actually have rules now. The stories must be about:

> alternate Doctors (original Doctors, fanmade Doctors, Unbound Doctors, Doctors of wild divergence from canon)

> spinoff characters from audios, books, comics, etc (Torchwood, Erimem, Faction Paradox, Vienna, Sarah Jane Adventures, Iris Wildthyme, etc)

>companion focused stories (stories with the companion facing a threat, or dealing with life, WITHOUT the Doctor)

Besides that, no limits (and your story can be in more than one category above).

>Can still be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".

>the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck

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Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s shit, just have fun! Deadline is April 2nd

Pretty sure "Aren't all women made from glass" was never said by Hartnell.

only hoodie could perform the mental gymnastics to spin "moffat gets annoyed at them" back into "moffat was pandering to them"

Masters of Luxor ep3

>unmade script
Yeah, Hartnell never said it.

It's not a stretch to say "moff is annoyed that he couldn't please them"

That was a funny line and would have been just as funny as "X made of glass"

>oh jamie likes the doctor


Listen to whatever BF monthly you draw.

O N E ( 1 ) L I N E

I disagree, it is actually sexist no matter how you look at it. Call me Sandifer or whatever, it's true. Not in character at all. That line is my only issue with TUaT, but it's a pretty big one

He laughs in the faces of older classic serirs tans, complrtely ignoring their legitimate complaints yet can be brought to the verge of tears by purple haired teenage Tumblrinas. What does that tell you?

Lucked the fuck out!

Jubilee, here I come


>79: Night Thoughts
Great fuckin land but I'm not listening cause I've got work in the morning


Ooo, Gods and Monsters.

I don't think it would be an issue if it were insinuated that it were men, zygons or daleks made of glass. It's a funny line given the context.

Yeah, one (1) shit line.

Cloister, I like you, but I highly disagree. One's characterization in TUAT was extremely ignorant of One's characterization in both the actual serials, and in the later EU period (One had a gay companion in the audios, for crying out loud!)

Did we all land on GOAT tier stories?

Could've been worse
have fun understanding nothing and skipping to the end of what is effectively part 11 of 11 stories

new drama brewing

>Could've been worse
Go on

was the gay companion cute?

forgot to link mine

It would be cool if Moff said he'd be open to writing for Big Finish.


Gally, I like you, but I don't really care. It was a joke. People really need to stop getting their panties in a twist over nothing. Did it make an old man look stupid? Yea, and that's ok. There's nothing wrong with taking the piss.


You have to, user.

You threw the dice. The fates have chosen this for you.


But it wasn't men, Zygons or Daleks - it was women, and there was a point made about the Hartnell Doctor being 'a man of the times,' which he wasn't. I'm gonna say the same as Immigrant here, I like you (and I really love Moffat) but Hartnell in TUaT was all wrong, that line in particular.

nilso review incoming, god give me strength

ew gross

t. Edge

I would ask if having Missy as companion for full seaons and having her redeeming gradually was not a missed oportunity that could never be regained?

No one has hit an Eighth Doctor story yet.

>tfw Chibnall recasts Clara and has her act like a selfish entitled smirking whore
It's just a joke bro!

just a show bro

why did Capaldi's regeneration effect look worse than even the one for the little girl at the end of Dark of the Moon 6 and a half years earlier?

Doctor Who is dead.

So, I asked about any stories or plot lines that got cut, and he said that by the time he was done with series 10, he was completely out of ideas and was frankly amazed that he had made it go on for long without exhausting all his ideas.

Also, turns out I pissed off the person behind me because they had been waiting to ask that question for years.

All in all, pretty good outcome

>selfish entitled
but that would be accurate to her onscreen character?

incrementally decreasing budget

She becomes a selfish entitled smirking whore when she sees my coc

That was far from the only thing wrong with 1's characterization. That line being probably the least offensive imo. If i had my druthers he wouldn't have been recast at all, but I don't really have a say in the matter. That's what's offensive. It's just a dumb joke.

I wouldn't lose sleep over it and i wouldnt take the man to task over it.

the face of the guy behind you?


I really don't think it being a """joke""" (and a bad one at that) suddenly invalidates it from criticism, Cloi.

yeah but you think such a simple effect and one that's arguably the most important piece of CGI in the episode would get the most money devoted to making it look good.

Nah, the girl was legit pissed off. When we lined up I had jokingly asked her what it was so i could steal it and she never told me. I turned around and she was pissed as fuck.

Well you can continue to criticize it and I'll continue to roll my eyes while you do

proud of you babe

Remember earlier when we said Cloister wasn't one of the dramatic ones? :^)

>Did it make an old man look stupid? Yea, and that's ok. There's nothing wrong with taking the piss.

I kind of agree, in that I like what Moffat was going for. (Also, I did find the scene slightly funny, as it's more supporting Bill.)

But, the ep could have been even better if they had the First Doctor as he was, rather than being twisted to become representational. Especially since might be the only representation of the First Doctor for audiences.

But the recast might not have been too ofensive, if they had respected the era.

all their money went into the glass refraction effect since the regeneration beam had to go through the time rotor

My man

holy shit that's hilarious

Oh my god, a guy wearing 11th's outfit, just took his dick out and jerked off

It's the worst regeneration effect since Time and the Rani, which is impressive.

No fucking way
Have you been having us on the whole time

Some would say it would have been better with more 'splosions too. We can't always get what we want and I suspect that most wouldn't have been happy with it despite whatever outcome it had.

What a waste of money. They could've just had him angled the same was Tennant was so it wasn't an issue.

How did they peak the regeneration effect in 2009 (or arguably 2007, the Master's looked pretty good)?

>didn't even get the username right
come on


the general's regeneration effect was pretty shite to be fair

It's a different guy.

this is the second time tonight I've fallen for a name trick


3rd best girl

>when the regeneration episode runs out of budget before the actual regeneration

remember when RTD got 2 hours and 15 minutes for his last episode lmao

Yeah, see, I'm the guy two years ago who confirmed that the pie lord's favorite kind of pie was Gooseberry pie.

RTD was better at sucking off the executives


I've really enjoyed the EDAs for the most part, but I'm midway through s4 and god they've gotten really shit. I'm mostly powering through them just to get to Dark Eyes at this point.

such achievment