I dont wanna ear your excuses

i dont wanna ear your excuses
if you didnt like this movie your are racist

(and that's a good thing)

Yes I am racist. Now what are you niggers gonna do about it

He's basically a black Trump

lemme axe you something

laugh as we go see this movie with our white GFs while you spend another weekend alone on this board. enjoy your hand faggot

Yeah, but he learns his lesson at the end of the movie.

And that's a good thing?

t. white teen living in suburban home

The goys can't have a ethnostate only we can.

flat out wrong, sorry Timothy

I didn't like this movie because it was boring

Women are awful

t. Challa

keep larping it up hunter :)


Here's why.

whatever you say buddy


its funny because it hurts black people

This but unironically

If you want to live in Wakanda


You're racist

scifi spearchucker heaven

all the sex robots look like bimbos though. They're absolutely filthy.


Says the man who doesnt understand the exponential improvement pace of technology.

Of course I'm a racist, all people are racist.


Technological improvement =/= artistic improvement

You can not like the movie and still not be racist. But most racists will already have their mind made up before they see the movie


>madea in the licking room

>racist pretending to be a not racist in order to troll racists

Man are any of the women in this movie good looking?

what's wrong with being racist?

That korean old lady

Based Nonon

Feels bad man

That’s just the way yakub made me.

That's rite
