How do you live once you realize you will never cum inside your kinowaifu?

How do you live once you realize you will never cum inside your kinowaifu?

Other urls found in this thread:

>wanting to have intercourse with your waifu


>covered clavicles
Might as well have a burka on

You cum pretending you are cumming inside her.

I do that sometimes, to a point I may even develop a fucking tulpa, but it hurts knowing she is 3D but I'll never even actually touch her

it's been 16 years. eventually i came in many irl women. i realized it wasn't important to cum directly inside the kinowaifu.

>Typing like a nigger not even capitalizing your ''I'' after period
>Having shitter tier opinion

Go hunt some hyenas for your tribe,Jamal.

>I will never paint elle fannings neck with a stinky 3 day load

it's a stylistic choice. i'm really into the poetry of ee cummings, you illiterate philistine jackass.

I have a indie cosplayer that only get around 100 likes in her pics, she speaks english but its german and is studying somewhere in netherlands.

Sometime I think if I was a multibillionare or a very popular guy, I could somehow track her ass down and seduce her IRL. So this gives me a boost to try harder everyday. But I know deep down is impossible, by the time I even become rich she would become a shitty old hag I'm learning german for her

>not understanding the ee cummings reference
>wasting quads
back to redit, grammarfaggot

>sexualizing your waifu for your own personal gain

I don’t have a waifu, I’m rather concerned with the fact that I won’t ever cum inside my oneitis

> Ywn film a scene where you harshly spank gagged Saorise, and be ordered to do it over and over because Greta Gerwig wants to get the shot of Saorise's bum just right.

>touching a woman? so gross and vulgar! how dare you?
Hey soyboys... easy on the soy...

> Ywn make her soak her panties just by texting her a detailed description of what you intend to do to her.

Based quads poster

Just become a celibate and live a peaceful life, if heaven exists, a prime version of her eternalized in 17yo will be waiting for you there

posts her brontosaurus neck

there are a lot of grills who look like her in ireland and britain. especially ireland, wales and cornwall. keep looking

>Implying anyone can just go to another country like that to chase bitches

I see this chick on Sup Forums a lot, but have never seen her in a movie, ever. Has she been in anything good, or is she just a meme?

The way things are going, as long as suicide don't send me directly to hell...

she's great in nearly everything she's been in and she's easily one of the best actors in her age range, if not THE best early 20s female actor around right now
Lovely Bones
Grand Budapest Hotel
Lost River
all pure kino

She's probably fucked 20 sweaty, fat, jewish media moguls already, and you'll never fuck her.


She's a lesbian


Who cares if she's a dyke, she's fucked dozens of kikes to get better roles. every woman in tv and film has

>Replying to blantant shitposter underage cuck-kid, thristy for (you)s ending posts with ''lmao''

m...maybe if I kill the queen then I could get her attention?right?

If I don't give him (You)s nobody else will and he might kill himself, so I'm doing a good deed here give me a break

By queen you mean her girlfriend Greta?

>Hurr durr enabling retards is good because I have no self-control to ignore a shitpost

But none of that is kino, user. It's tryhard hipster garbage. Seriously, you just said something nice about a Wes Anderson movie. What are you, 15?

She’s Irish so she’d probably love it
Just make sure you praise the IRA when doing it

I’m slowly making steps to improve my life and meet actual women I have a chance with but it still hurts. Oh well at least I can shitpost on the internet until then, right?


yes yes, that one.

>Stalking online waifu
>Discover her bf
>No jawline, cuck, soyboy, hairlet, pasty ass nigger

No joke, I would look like a Chad in comparison to this guy. This is so unfair. I wanna die.

post her insta

who's you're waifu

>Sharing waifu

Get a load of this cuck

Not based

t. samefag soyboy

>never heard of claiming waifus
how new?




>Objectifying waifu like its something that can be shared and claimed
>Treating waifuism like it's a stupid meme

Take some reddo gold and fuck off


>Defending typing like a nigger for irony purposes
>Calling others samefag soyboys
Easy on the projection there, Jamal.

i literally fell asleep before i read your response

Reminder that your waifu has an upcoming movie called Sweetness In The Belly in which she is impregnated with the baby of her Arab immigrant husband.

Saorise was dressed in skintight red latex, on her knees before Greta, who towered over the younger actress.

"That's perfect, my little darling... now open your mouth... wide... there's a good girl." Greta patted Saorise on the head.

"This is a very important rehearsal for a deeply artistic scene", Greta told her...

>Niggers have the attention span of a ADHD monkey and can't read
More news at 7

relly makes u dink

best part is, I posted the first ee cummings post calling you an illiterate jackass, but I didn't post the comment you called out in the first place. i just smelled blood in the water and thought it would be funny to use big brain nibba words on you.

and it worked, too, you stupid faggot

>unironically using the word hipster
who's 15 again? lol

Do you live close to her tho? in the same country at least? If so you have no excuse to not meet her at least.

i've been white my entire life but... sure, midwestern teenager. you are so cool and becky said she will go to prom with you.

Is there a mental illness diagnosis that coincides with waifuism? I think I have it and I feel like it’s not good on my psyche.

>You will never beat the shit outta the soycuck and make him watch as you conquer his gf as you cum inside her

>hating every Wes Anderson movie
>not a teenage opinion

>The guy is such a beta he never even fucked her
>You take her virginity and she becomes even more attached to you
>But none of this will never happen because there is a ocean between you and your waifu

This existence must be the hell of another one.

>This is so unfair.

Do you have any self-awareness?

You make a shallow, rude, meme filled post and then are surprised you are alone?

You can find lookalikes in Ireland, even sex workers

I'm not complaining about being alone, I'm complaining about not having, specifically, her, when someone worse than me has

Also, if you wanna be a Dr.Phil ripoff, try to not judge people's entire personality over one (1) shitpost

remember when sersh was fat? what was that all about

>idolyzing actresses
You can be better than that
We need you to get better

>over one (1) shitpost

Well now I have 2.

>someone worse than me

All you mentioned were looks. That is another point against you.

Cranberries' singer was also Irish but sang against the IRA in Zombie

heavy waifuism definitely leads to a path of mental illness and self destruction, but you can reverse the effects if you're dedicated enough. but who wants to give up their waifu? it's truly a touch choice

That was peak sersh and you know it
(She’s still really cute though)

>Cuck and soyboy
>Only looks

Come on, I'm playing with you because I wanna see your career as the next Dr Phil blowing up, but if you gonna keep being this retarded you are making it hard for me

She was best here. If only she didn't shave.

im a hard worker
writing a script right now.
prob not going to lead anywhere but the more i write the better i become.
sooner or later i will sell my first script and then its just time before i meet my (kino)waifu and impregnate her since im actually a charismatic person irl.
keep making "script" threads you all.
im saving every good idea that pops up.

Idk why but I picture sersh as being a militant IRA extremist. She probably isn’t but the idea of soft spoken, cute sersh wishing for the death of the english is an entertaining thought.

by cumming inside your mum retard

Ha, let's hope she make a new version of "Duck, you Sucker", then

honest answer? I keep changing who my kinowaifu is every 2 years, hope springs eternal.

The truest answer

Mostly by crying myself to sleep. In the dreamland she's mine.

How do you feel about this troll filming a waifu dating simulator and then nutting on her face after?

But sersh is gay

According to who? Not even CDAN has suggested that, and they say everyone is gay.

So you keep saying. But according to who? There are literally no rumours about that.

I think it’s just that “who’d you rather” game she did on Ellen where she was really non committal on every guy she picked and only talked about “oh he’s a nice person” or “he’s very talented” and also said she’s never really dated.

I could believe it, im just skeptical without any actual rumours. If even CDAN isnt saying someone is gay then theres not much out there.


This thread makes me miss the good days of Sup Forums before Sup Forums and Sup Forums infested this board

Yeah there’s nothing really concrete. She’s extremely private. I don’t even think there’s been pictures of her with anyone that look remotely romantic.

Life is suffering

>she is impregnated

Not easy senpai.

It Fucking HURTS

I'm sorry you're late in the news Sup Forumsfriendo, but she's not doing that anymore.

i'll never fuck brianna wu? dang man i guess i need to rethink my life.

> You will never throw Saorise Ronan onto a bed, flip her onto her front, grab her hips and raise them, so she's head-down/ass-up, and eat her pussy from behind, then deliver the coup de Grace with a god-tier pounding of her wet honeypot.

Thanks for playing, keep trying.

I know it's too late, but Frenchbro are U here?


Looks like she's a total bro.

heyy mexifriend, long time no see, it's rather late but i'm degenerate enough for it not to be a problem
how are you? have you seen all these amazing new pictures from ANOTHER? Lady Bird was released a few days ago on Itunes, going to watch it tommorow, seen it yet?

Hey newfag... easy on the new...

>ywn cuck prince caspian